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This integration collects telemetry from Databricks (including Spark on Databricks) and/or Spark telemetry from any Spark deployment. See the Features section for supported telemetry types.


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Databricks Integration

This integration collects telemetry from Databricks (including Spark on Databricks) and/or Spark telemetry from any Spark deployment. See the Features section for supported telemetry types.

Apache Spark Dashboard Screenshot

Table of Contents

Important Notes

Getting Started

To get started with the Databricks Integration, deploy the integration using a supported deployment type, configure the integration using supported configuration mechanisms, and optionally import the sample dashboards included in the examples directory.


The Databricks Integration can be run on any supported host platform. The integration will collect Databricks telemetry (including Spark on Databricks) via the Databricks ReST API using the Databricks SDK for Go and/or Spark telemetry from a non-Databricks Spark deployment via the Spark ReST API.

The Databricks Integration can also be deployed on the driver node of a Databricks cluster using the provided init script to install and configure the integration at cluster startup time.

Deploy the integration on a host

The Databricks Integration provides binaries for the following host platforms.

  • Linux amd64
  • Windows amd64

To run the Databricks integration on a host, perform the following steps.

  1. Download the appropriate archive for your platform from the latest release.
  2. Extract the archive to a new or existing directory.
  3. Create a directory named configs in the same directory.
  4. Create a file named config.yml in the configs directory and copy the contents of the file configs/config.template.yml in this repository into it.
  5. Edit the config.yml file to configure the integration appropriately for your environment.
  6. From the directory where the archive was extracted, execute the integration binary using the command ./newrelic-databricks-integration (or .\newrelic-databricks-integration.exe on Windows) with the appropriate Command Line Options.

Deploy the integration on the driver node of a Databricks cluster

The Databricks Integration can be deployed on the driver node of a Databricks cluster using a cluster-scoped init script. The init script uses custom environment variables to specify configuration parameters necessary for the integration configuration.

To install the init script, perform the following steps.

  1. Login to your Databricks account and navigate to the desired workspace.
  2. Follow the recommendations for init scripts to store the script within your workspace in the recommended manner. For example, if your workspace is enabled for Unity Catalog, you should store the init script in a Unity Catalog volume.
  3. Navigate to the Compute tab and select the desired all-purpose or job compute to open the compute details UI.
  4. Click the button labeled Edit to edit the compute's configuration.
  5. Follow the steps to use the UI to configure a cluster-scoped init script and point to the location where you stored the init script in step 2 above.
  6. If your cluster is not running, click on the button labeled Confirm to save your changes. Then, restart the cluster. If your cluster is already running, click on the button labeled Confirm and restart to save your changes and restart the cluster.

Additionally, follow the steps to set environment variables to add the following environment variables.

Note that the NEW_RELIC_API_KEY and NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID are currently unused but are required by the new-relic-client-go module used by the integration. Additionally, note that only the personal access token or OAuth credentials need to be specified but not both. If both are specified, the OAuth credentials take precedence. Finally, make sure to restart the cluster following the configuration of the environment variables.


The Databricks Integration supports the following capabilities.

  • Collect Spark telemetry

    The Databricks Integration can collect telemetry from Spark running on Databricks. By default, the integration will automatically connect to and collect telemetry from the Spark deployments in all clusters created via the UI or API in the specified workspace.

    The Databricks Integration can also collect Spark telemetry from any non-Databricks Spark deployment.

  • Collect Databricks consumption and cost data

    The Databricks Integration can collect consumption and cost related data from the Databricks system tables. This data can be used to show Databricks DBU consumption metrics and estimated Databricks costs directly within New Relic.

  • Collect Databricks job run telemetry

    The Databricks Integration can collect telemetry about Databricks Job runs, such as job run durations, task run durations, the current state of job and task runs, if a job or a task is a retry, and the number of times a task was retried.

  • Collect Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event logs

    The Databricks Integration can collect Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event logs for all Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipelines defined in a workspace. Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event log entries for every pipeline update are collected and sent to New Relic Logs.


Command Line Options

Option Description Default
--config_path path to the (#configyml) to use configs/config.yml
--dry_run flag to enable "dry run" mode false
--env_prefix prefix to use for environment variable lookup ''
--verbose flag to enable "verbose" mode false
--version display version information only N/a


The Databricks integration is configured using the config.yml and/or environment variables. For Databricks, authentication related configuration parameters may also be set in a Databricks configuration profile. In all cases, where applicable, environment variables always take precedence.


All configuration parameters for the Databricks integration can be set using a YAML file named config.yml. The default location for this file is configs/config.yml relative to the current working directory when the integration binary is executed. The supported configuration parameters are listed below. See config.template.yml for a full configuration example.

General configuration

The parameters in this section are configured at the top level of the config.yml.

Description Valid Values Required Default
New Relic license key string Y N/a

This parameter specifies the New Relic License Key (INGEST) that should be used to send generated metrics.

The license key can also be specified using the NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY environment variable.

Description Valid Values Required Default
New Relic region identifier US / EU N US

This parameter specifies which New Relic region that generated metrics should be sent to.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Polling interval (in seconds) numeric N 60

This parameter specifies the interval (in seconds) at which the integration should poll for data.

This parameter is only used when runAsService is set to true.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable running the integration as a "service" true / false N false

The integration can run either as a "service" or as a simple command line utility which runs once and exits when it is complete.

When set to true, the integration process will run continuously and poll the for data at the recurring interval specified by the interval parameter. The process will only exit if it is explicitly stopped or a fatal error or panic occurs.

When set to false, the integration will run once and exit. This is intended for use with an external scheduling mechanism like cron.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of pipeline configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

The integration retrieves, processes, and exports data to New Relic using a data pipeline consisting of one or more receivers, a processing chain, and a New Relic exporter. Various aspects of the pipeline are configurable. This element groups together the configuration parameters related to pipeline configuration.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of log configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

The integration uses the logrus package for application logging. This element groups together the configuration parameters related to log configuration.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The integration execution mode databricks N databricks

The integration execution mode. Currently, the only supported execution mode is databricks.

Deprecated: As of v2.3.0, this configuration parameter is no longer used. The presence (or not) of the databricks top-level node will be used to enable (or disable) the Databricks collector. Likewise, the presence (or not) of the spark top-level node will be used to enable (or disable) the Spark collector separate from Databricks.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector. If this element is not specified, the Databricks collector will not be run.

Note that this node is not required. It can be used with or without the spark top-level node.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Spark configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Spark collector. If this element is not specified, the Spark collector will not be run.

Note that this node is not required. It can be used with or without the databricks top-level node.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for a set of custom tags to add to all telemetry sent to New Relic YAML Mapping N N/a

This element specifies a group of custom tags that will be added to all telemetry sent to New Relic. The tags are specified as a set of key-value pairs.

Pipeline configuration
Description Valid Values Required Default
Size of the buffer that holds items before processing number N 500

This parameter specifies the size of the buffer that holds received items before being flushed through the processing chain and on to the exporters. When this size is reached, the items in the buffer will be flushed automatically.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Harvest interval (in seconds) number N 60

This parameter specifies the interval (in seconds) at which the pipeline should automatically flush received items through the processing chain and on to the exporters. Each time this interval is reached, the pipeline will flush items even if the item buffer has not reached the size specified by the receiveBufferSize parameter.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Number of concurrent pipeline instances to run number N 3

The integration retrieves, processes, and exports metrics to New Relic using a data pipeline consisting of one or more receivers, a processing chain, and a New Relic exporter. When runAsService is true, the integration can launch one or more "instances" of this pipeline to receive, process, and export data concurrently. Each "instance" will be configured with the same processing chain and exporters and the receivers will be spread across the available instances in a round-robin fashion.

This parameter specifies the number of pipeline instances to launch.

NOTE: When runAsService is false, only a single pipeline instance is used.

Log configuration
Description Valid Values Required Default
Log level panic / fatal / error / warn / info / debug / trace N warn

This parameter specifies the maximum severity of log messages to output with trace being the least severe and panic being the most severe. For example, at the default log level (warn), all log messages with severities warn, error, fatal, and panic will be output but info, debug, and trace will not.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Path to a file where log output will be written string N stderr

This parameter designates a file path where log output should be written. When no path is specified, log output will be written to the standard error stream (stderr).

Databricks configuration

The Databricks configuration parameters are used to configure the Databricks collector.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Databricks workspace instance name string conditional N/a

This parameter specifies the instance name of the target Databricks instance for which data should be collected. This is used by the integration when constructing the URLs for API calls. Note that the value of this parameter must not include the https:// prefix, e.g.

This parameter is required when the collection of Spark telemetry for Spark running on Databricks is enabled. Note that this does not apply when the integration is deployed directly on the driver node via the provided init script. This parameter is unused in that scenario.

The workspace host can also be specified using the DATABRICKS_HOST environment variable.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Databricks personal access token string N N/a

When set, the integration will use Databricks personal access token authentication to authenticate Databricks API calls with the value of this parameter as the Databricks personal access token.

The personal access token can also be specified using the DATABRICKS_TOKEN environment variable or any other SDK-supported mechanism (e.g. the token field in a Databricks configuration profile).

See the authentication section for more details.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Databricks OAuth M2M client ID string N N/a

When set, the integration will use a service principal to authenticate with Databricks (OAuth M2M) when making Databricks API calls. The value of this parameter will be used as the OAuth client ID.

The OAuth client ID can also be specified using the DATABRICKS_CLIENT_ID environment variable or any other SDK-supported mechanism (e.g. the client_id field in a Databricks configuration profile).

See the authentication section for more details.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Databricks OAuth M2M client secret string N N/a

When the oauthClientId is set, this parameter can be set to specify the OAuth secret associated with the service principal.

The OAuth client secret can also be specified using the DATABRICKS_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable or any other SDK-supported mechanism (e.g. the client_secret field in a Databricks configuration profile).

See the authentication section for more details.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of Spark metrics true / false N true

Deprecated This configuration parameter has been deprecated in favor of the configuration parameter databricks.spark.enabled. Use that parameter instead.

Description Valid Values Required Default
A prefix to prepend to Spark metric names string N N/a

Deprecated This configuration parameter has been deprecated in favor of the configuration parameter databricks.spark.metricPrefix. Use that parameter instead.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the Databricks cluster source configuration YAML Mapping N N/a

Deprecated This configuration parameter has been deprecated in favor of the configuration parameter databricks.spark.clusterSources. Use that parameter instead.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Timeout (in seconds) to use when executing SQL statements on a SQL warehouse number N 30

Certain telemetry and data collected by the Databricks collector requires the collector to run Databricks SQL statements on a SQL warehouse. This configuration parameter specifies the number of seconds to wait before timing out a pending or running SQL query.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks Spark configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector settings related to the collection of telemetry from Databricks running on Spark. The configuration parameters in this group replace the configuration parameters sparkMetrics, sparkMetricPrefix, and sparkClusterSources.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks Usage configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector settings related to the collection of consumption and cost data.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks Job configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector settings related to the collection of job data.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks Pipeline configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector settings related to the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipelines telemetry.

Databricks spark configuration
Databricks Spark enabled
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of Spark metrics true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect Spark telemetry from Spark running on Databricks.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of Spark telemetry by the Databricks collector. This may be useful to control data ingest when business requirements call for the collection of non-Spark related Databricks telemetry and Spark telemetry is not used. This flag is also used by the integration when it is deployed directly on the driver node of a Databricks cluster using the the provided init script since Spark telemetry is collected by the Spark collector in this scenario.

NOTE: This configuration parameter replaces the older sparkMetrics configuration parameter.

Databricks Spark metricPrefix
Description Valid Values Required Default
A prefix to prepend to Spark metric names string N N/a

This parameter serves the same purpose as the metricPrefix parameter of the Spark configuration except that it applies to Spark telemetry collected by the Databricks collector. See the metricPrefix parameter of the Spark configuration for more details.

Note that this parameter has no effect on Spark telemetry collected by the Spark collector. This includes the case when the integration is deployed directly on the driver node of a Databricks cluster using the the provided init script since Spark telemetry is collected by the Spark collector in this scenario.

NOTE: This configuration parameter replaces the older sparkMetricPrefix configuration parameter.

Databricks Spark clusterSources
Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the Databricks cluster source configuration YAML Mapping N N/a

The mechanism used to create a cluster is referred to as a cluster "source". The Databricks collector supports collecting Spark telemetry from all-purpose clusters created via the UI or API and from job clusters created via the Databricks Jobs Scheduler. This element groups together the flags used to individually enable or disable the cluster sources from which the Databricks collector will collect Spark telemetry.

NOTE: This configuration parameter replaces the older sparkClusterSources configuration parameter.

Databricks cluster source configuration
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of Spark telemetry from all-purpose clusters created via the UI true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect Spark telemetry from all all-purpose clusters created via the UI.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of Spark telemetry from all-purpose clusters created via the UI.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of Spark telemetry from job clusters created via the Databricks Jobs Scheduler true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect Spark telemetry from job clusters created by the Databricks Jobs Scheduler.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of Spark telemetry from job clusters created via the Databricks Jobs Scheduler.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of Spark telemetry from all-purpose clusters created via the Databricks ReST API true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect Spark telemetry from all-purpose clusters created via the Databricks ReST API.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of Spark telemetry from all-purpose clusters created via the Databricks ReST API.

Databricks Usage Configuration

The Databricks usage configuration parameters are used to configure Databricks collector settings related to the collection of Databricks consumption and cost data.

Databricks Usage enabled
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of consumption and cost data true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect consumption and cost data.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of consumption and cost data by the Databricks collector. This may be useful when running multiple instances of the Databricks Integration. In this scenario, Databricks consumption and cost data collection should only be enabled on a single instance. Otherwise, this data will be recorded more than once in New Relic, affecting consumption and cost calculations.

Description Valid Values Required Default
ID of a SQL warehouse on which to run usage-related SQL statements string Y N/a

The ID of a SQL warehouse on which to run the SQL statements used to collect Databricks consumption and cost data.

This parameter is required when the collection of Databricks consumption and cost data is enabled.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable inclusion of identity related metadata in consumption and cost data true / false N false

When the collection of Databricks consumption and cost data is enabled, the Databricks collector can include several pieces of identifying information along with the consumption and cost data.

By default, when the collection of Databricks consumption and cost data is enabled, the Databricks collector will not collect such data as it may be personally identifiable. This flag can be used to enable the inclusion of the identifying information.

When enabled, the following values are included.

  • The identity of the user a serverless billing record is attributed to. This value is included in the identity metadata returned from usage records in the billable usage system table.
  • The identity of the cluster creator for each usage record for billable usage attributed to all-purpose and job compute.
  • The single user name for each usage record for billable usage attributed to all-purpose and job compute configured for single-user access mode.
  • The identity of the warehouse creator for each usage record for billable usage attributed to SQL warehouse compute.
  • The identity of the user or service principal used to run jobs for each query result collected by job cost data queries.
Description Valid Values Required Default
Time of day (as HH:mm:ss) at which to run usage data collection string with format HH:mm:ss N 02:00:00

This parameter specifies the time of day at which the collection of consumption and cost data occur. The value must be of the form HH:mm:ss where HH is the 0-padded 24-hour clock hour (00 - 23), mm is the 0-padded minute (00 - 59) and ss is the 0-padded second (00 - 59). For example, 09:00:00 is the time 9:00 AM and 23:30:00 is the time 11:30 PM.

The time will always be interpreted according to the UTC time zone. The time zone can not be configured. For example, to specify that the integration should be run at 2:00 AM EST (-0500), the value 07:00:00 should be specified.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of flags used to selectively enable or disable optional usage queries YAML Mapping N N/a

When the collection of Databricks consumption and cost data is enabled, the Databricks collector will always collect billable usage data and list pricing data on every run. In addition, by default, the Databricks collector will also run all job cost queries on every run. However, the latter behavior can be configured using a set of flags specified with this configuration property to selectively enable or disable the job cost queries. Each flag is specified using a property with the query ID as the name of the property and true or false as the value of the property.The following flags are supported.

For example, to enable the list cost per job run query and the list cost per job query but disable the list cost of failed job runs for jobs with frequent failures query and the list cost of repaired job runs for jobs with frequent repairs query, the following configuration would be specified.

    jobs_cost_list_cost_per_job_run: true
    jobs_cost_list_cost_per_job: true
    jobs_cost_frequent_failures: false
    jobs_cost_most_retries: false
Databricks Job configuration
Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks Job Run configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector settings related to the collection of job run data.

Databricks job run configuration

The Databricks job run configuration parameters are used to configure Databricks collector settings related to the collection of Databricks job run data.

Databricks job runs enabled
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of job run data true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect job run data.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of job run data by the Databricks collector. This may be useful when running multiple instances of the Databricks Integration against the same Databricks workspace. In this scenario, Databricks job run data collection should only be enabled on a single instance of the integration. Otherwise, this data will be recorded more than once in New Relic, affecting product features that use job run metrics (e.g. dashboards and alerts).

Databricks job run metricPrefix
Description Valid Values Required Default
A prefix to prepend to Databricks job run metric names string N N/a

This parameter specifies a prefix that will be prepended to each Databricks job run metric name when the metric is exported to New Relic.

For example, if this parameter is set to databricks., then the full name of the metric representing the duration of a job run ( will be

Note that it is not recommended to leave this value empty as the metric names without a prefix may be ambiguous.

Databricks job run includeRunId
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable inclusion of the job run ID in the databricksJobRunId attribute on all job run metrics true / false N false

By default, the Databricks collector will not include job run IDs on any of the job run metrics in order to avoid possible violations of metric cardinality limits due to the fact that job run IDs have high cardinality because they are unique across all jobs and job runs.

This flag can be used to enable the inclusion of the job run ID in the databricksJobRunId attribute on all job metrics.

When enabled, use the Limits UI and/or create a dashboard in order to monitor your limit status. Additionally, set alerts on resource metrics to provide updates on limits changes.

Description Valid Values Required Default
Offset (in seconds) from the current time to use for calculating the earliest job run start time to match when listing job runs number N 86400 (1 day)

This parameter specifies an offset, in seconds that can be used to tune the collector's performance by limiting the number of job runs to return by constraining the start time of job runs to match to be greather than a particular time in the past calculated as an offset from the current time.

See the section startOffset Configuration for more details.

Databricks Pipeline configuration
Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks Pipeline Update Metrics configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector settings related to the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline update metrics.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The root node for the set of Databricks Pipeline Event Logs configuration parameters YAML Mapping N N/a

This element groups together the configuration parameters to configure the Databricks collector settings related to the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event logs.

Databricks pipeline event logs configuration

The Databricks pipeline event logs configuration parameters are used to configure Databricks collector settings related to the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event logs.

Databricks pipeline event logs enabled
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event logs true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event logs.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event logs by the Databricks collector. This may be useful when running multiple instances of the Databricks Integration against the same Databricks workspace. In this scenario, the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event logs should only be enabled on a single instance of the integration. Otherwise, duplicate New Relic log entries will be created for each Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event log entry, making troubleshooting challenging and affecting product features that rely on signal integrity such as anomaly detection.

Databricks pipeline update metrics configuration

The Databricks pipeline update metrics configuration parameters are used to configure Databricks collector settings related to the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline update metrics.

Databricks pipeline update metrics enabled
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable automatic collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline update metrics true / false N true

By default, when the Databricks collector is enabled, it will automatically collect Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline update metrics.

This flag can be used to disable the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline update metrics by the Databricks collector. This may be useful when running multiple instances of the Databricks Integration against the same Databricks workspace. In this scenario, the collection of Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline update metrics should only be enabled on a single instance of the integration. Otherwise, Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline update metrics will be recorded more than once, making troubleshooting challenging and affecting product features that use these metrics (e.g. dashboards and alerts).

Databricks pipeline update metrics metricPrefix
Description Valid Values Required Default
A prefix to prepend to Databricks pipeline update metric names string N N/a

This parameter specifies a prefix that will be prepended to each Databricks pipeline update metric name when the metric is exported to New Relic.

For example, if this parameter is set to databricks., then the full name of the metric representing the duration of a pipeline update (pipeline.update.duration) will be databricks.pipeline.update.duration.

Note that it is not recommended to leave this value empty as the metric names without a prefix may be ambiguous.

Databricks pipeline update metrics includeUpdateId
Description Valid Values Required Default
Flag to enable inclusion of the pipeline update ID in the databricksPipelineUpdateId attribute on all pipeline update metrics true / false N false

By default, the Databricks collector will not include pipeline update IDs on any of the pipeline update metrics in order to avoid possible violations of metric cardinality limits due to the fact that update IDs have high cardinality because they are unique across all pipeline updates.

This flag can be used to enable the inclusion of the pipeline update ID in the databricksPipelineUpdateId attribute on all pipeline update metrics.

When enabled, use the Limits UI and/or create a dashboard in order to monitor your limit status. Additionally, set alerts on resource metrics to provide updates on limits changes.

Databricks pipeline update metrics startOffset
Description Valid Values Required Default
Offset (in seconds) from the current time to use for calculating the earliest pipeline event timestamp to match when listing pipeline events number N 86400 (1 day)

This parameter specifies an offset, in seconds, that can be used to tune the collector's performance by limiting the number of pipeline events to return by constraining the timestamp of pipeline events to match to be greather than a particular time in the past calculated as an offset from the current time.

See the section startOffset Configuration for more details.

Databricks pipeline update metrics intervalOffset
Description Valid Values Required Default
Offset (in seconds) to use for delaying the collection of pipeline events to account for lag in the list pipeline events API number N 5

This parameter specifies an offset, in seconds, that the collector will use to delay collection of pipeline events in order to account for potential lag in the list pipeline events endpoint of the Databricks ReST API

See the section intervalOffset Configuration for more details.

Spark configuration

The Spark configuration parameters are used to configure the Spark collector.

Description Valid Values Required Default
The Web UI URL of an application on the Spark deployment to monitor string N N/a

This parameter can be used to monitor a non-Databricks Spark deployment. It specifes the URL of the Web UI of an application running on the Spark deployment to monitor. The value should be of the form http[s]://<hostname>:<port> where <hostname> is the hostname of the Spark deployment to monitor and <port> is the port number of the Spark application's Web UI (typically 4040 or 4041, 4042, etc if more than one application is running on the same host).

Note that the value must not contain a path. The path of the Spark ReST API endpoints (mounted at /api/v1) will automatically be prepended.

Description Valid Values Required Default
A prefix to prepend to Spark metric names string N N/a

This parameter specifies a prefix that will be prepended to each Spark metric name when the metric is exported to New Relic.

For example, if this parameter is set to spark., then the full name of the metric representing the value of the memory used on application executors (app.executor.memoryUsed) will be

Note that it is not recommended to leave this value empty as the metric names without a prefix may be ambiguous. Additionally, note that this parameter has no effect on Spark telemetry collected by the Databricks collector. In that case, use the sparkMetricPrefix instead.


The Databricks integration uses the Databricks SDK for Go to access the Databricks and Spark ReST APIs. The SDK performs authentication on behalf of the integration and provides many options for configuring the authentication type and credentials to be used. See the SDK documentation and the Databricks client unified authentication documentation for details.

For convenience purposes, the following parameters can be used in the Databricks configuration section of the `config.yml file.

Apache Spark Data

The Databricks Integration can collect Apache Spark application metrics for all running applications in a given Spark cluster. Metrics are collected by accessing the monitoring ReST API through the Web UI of a given SparkContext.

This feature can be used for any Spark cluster, not just for Spark running on Databricks. The following logic is used to determine when application metrics are collected and from what sources.

  • When the Databricks collector is enabled (the top-level databricks node is specified) and the Databricks Spark enabled flag is not specified or is set to true, Spark application metrics are collected from the following sources.

  • When the Spark collector is enabled (the top-level spark node is specified), Spark application metrics are collected from the Web UI URL specified in the webUiUrl or from the Web UI URL https://localhost:4040 by default.

Spark Application Metric Data

Spark application telemetry is sent to New Relic as dimensional metrics. The provided metrics and attributes (dimensions) are listed in the sections below.

NOTE: Many of the descriptions below are sourced from the Apache Spark monitoring ReST API documentation.

Spark application metric types

The Apache Spark monitoring ReST API returns two types of metrics: monotonically increasing counters (referred to below simply as "counters") and gauges, with the majority of metrics being counters.

While all gauge metrics returned from the ReST API are created as gauge metrics within New Relic, note that all counter metrics returned from the ReST API are also created as gauge metrics. While the latest(), min(), max(), sum(), count(), and average() NRQL aggregator functions are all therefore available for use with these metrics, only latest() will provide meaningful results (e.g. taking the average of a set of data points that represent a monotonically increasing counter makes no sense).

Therefore, in general, only the latest() aggregator function should be used when visualizing or alerting on metrics listed in the sections below with the metric type counter.

Further to this, even when using the latest() aggregator function, the metrics have no meaning without an identifying FACET.

As an example, to show the total number of completed tasks by executor ID, use the query SELECT latest(app.executor.completedTasks) FROM Metric FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppExecutorId and not SELECT count(app.executor.completedTasks) FROM Metric FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppExecutorId. Using count() on a gauge metric accesses the count field of the metric which in this case is always 1 even though the metric being represented is a counter. The counter value is actually in the latest field of the metric. Further, using the metric without faceting by the executor ID will only return the latest app.executor.completedTasks metric in the selected time window and ignore any other instances of that metric in the same time window.

Common Spark application metric attributes

The following attributes are included on all Spark application metrics.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
sparkAppId string Spark application ID
sparkAppName string Spark application name
databricksClusterId string Databricks only Databricks cluster ID
databricksClusterName string Databricks only Databricks cluster name
Spark application metrics

The following metrics are included for each Spark application.

Attribute Name Data Type Description string Spark job counts by job status
app.stages string Spark stage counts by stage status
Spark application executor metrics

The following metrics are included for each Spark application executor. Metrics are scoped to a given executor using the sparkAppExecutorId attribute.

Metric Name Metric Type Description
app.executor.rddBlocks gauge RDD blocks in the block manager of this executor
app.executor.memoryUsed gauge Storage memory used by this executor
app.executor.diskUsed gauge Disk space used for RDD storage by this executor
app.executor.totalCores counter Number of cores available in this executor
app.executor.maxTasks counter Maximum number of tasks that can run concurrently in this executor
app.executor.activeTasks gauge Number of tasks currently executing
app.executor.failedTasks counter Number of tasks that have failed in this executor
app.executor.completedTasks counter Number of tasks that have completed in this executor
app.executor.totalTasks counter Total number of tasks (running, failed and completed) in this executor
app.executor.totalDuration counter Elapsed time the JVM spent executing tasks in this executor. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.executor.totalGCTime counter Elapsed time the JVM spent in garbage collection summed in this executor. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.executor.totalInputBytes counter Total input bytes summed in this executor
app.executor.totalShuffleRead counter Total shuffle read bytes summed in this executor
app.executor.totalShuffleWrite counter Total shuffle write bytes summed in this executor
app.executor.maxMemory gauge Total amount of memory available for storage, in bytes
app.executor.memory.usedOnHeapStorage gauge Used on heap memory currently for storage, in bytes
app.executor.memory.usedOffHeapStorage gauge Used off heap memory currently for storage, in bytes
app.executor.memory.totalOnHeapStorage gauge Total available on heap memory for storage, in bytes. This amount can vary over time, on the MemoryManager implementation.
app.executor.memory.totalOffHeapStorage gauge Total available off heap memory for storage, in bytes. This amount can vary over time, depending on the MemoryManager implementation.
app.executor.memory.peak.jvmHeap counter Peak memory usage of the heap that is used for object allocation by the Java virtual machine
app.executor.memory.peak.jvmOffHeap counter Peak memory usage of non-heap memory that is used by the Java virtual machine
app.executor.memory.peak.onHeapExecution counter Peak on heap execution memory usage, in bytes
app.executor.memory.peak.offHeapExecution counter Peak off heap execution memory usage, in bytes
app.executor.memory.peak.onHeapStorage counter Peak on heap storage memory usage, in bytes
app.executor.memory.peak.offHeapStorage counter Peak off heap storage memory usage, in bytes
app.executor.memory.peak.onHeapUnified counter Peak on heap memory usage (execution and storage)
app.executor.memory.peak.offHeapUnified counter Peak off heap memory usage (execution and storage)
app.executor.memory.peak.directPool counter Peak JVM memory usage for direct buffer pool (
app.executor.memory.peak.mappedPool counter Peak JVM memory usage for mapped buffer pool (
app.executor.memory.peak.nettyDirect counter Databricks only
app.executor.memory.peak.jvmDirect counter Databricks only
app.executor.memory.peak.sparkDirectMemoryOverLimit counter Databricks only
app.executor.memory.peak.totalOffHeap counter Databricks only
app.executor.memory.peak.processTreeJvmVirtual counter Peak virtual memory size, in bytes
app.executor.memory.peak.processTreeJvmRSS counter Peak Resident Set Size (number of pages the process has in real memory)
app.executor.memory.peak.processTreePythonVirtual counter Peak virtual memory size for Python, in bytes
app.executor.memory.peak.processTreePythonRSS counter Peak resident Set Size for Python
app.executor.memory.peak.processTreeOtherVirtual counter Peak virtual memory size for other kinds of processes, in bytes
app.executor.memory.peak.processTreeOtherRSS counter Peak resident Set Size for other kinds of processes
app.executor.memory.peak.minorGCCount counter Total number of minor GCs that have occurred
app.executor.memory.peak.minorGCTime counter Total elapsed time spent doing minor GCs. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.executor.memory.peak.majorGCCount counter Total number of major GCs that have occurred
app.executor.memory.peak.majorGCTime counter Total elapsed time spent doing major GCs. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.executor.memory.peak.totalGCTime counter Total elapsed time spent doing GC (major + minor). The value is expressed in milliseconds.
Spark application executor attributes

The following attributes are included on all Spark application executor metrics.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
sparkAppExecutorId string Spark executor ID
Spark application job metrics

The following metrics are included for each Spark job in an application. Metrics are scoped to a given job and status using the sparkAppJobId and sparkAppJobStatus attributes.

Metric Name Metric Type Description
app.job.duration counter Duration of the job. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.job.stages gauge (for active and complete status) / counter (for skipped and failed status) Spark stage counts by stage status
app.job.tasks gauge (for active status) / counter (for complete, skipped, failed, and killed status) Spark task counts by task status
app.job.indices.completed counter This metric is not documented in the Apache Spark monitoring ReST API documentation
Spark application job attributes

The following attributes are included on all Spark application job metrics.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
sparkAppJobId number Spark job ID
sparkAppJobStatus string Spark job status
sparkAppStageStatus string Spark stage status. Only on app.job.stages metric.
sparkAppTaskStatus string Spark task status. Only on app.job.tasks metric.
Spark application stage metrics

The following metrics are included for each Spark stage in an application. Metrics are scoped to a given stage and status using the sparkAppStageId, sparkAppStageAttemptId, sparkAppStageName, and sparkAppStageStatus attributes.

NOTE: The metrics in this section are not documented in the Apache Spark monitoring ReST API documentation. The descriptions provided below were deduced via source code analysis and are not determinate.

Metric Name Metric Type Description
app.stage.tasks gauge (for active, pending, and complete status) / counter (for skipped and failed status) Spark task counts by task status counter Total number of tasks for the named stage
app.stage.duration counter Duration of the stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.indices.completed counter This metric is not documented in the Apache Spark monitoring ReST API documentation
app.stage.peakNettyDirectMemory counter Databricks only
app.stage.peakJvmDirectMemory counter Databricks only
app.stage.peakSparkDirectMemoryOverLimit counter Databricks only
app.stage.peakTotalOffHeapMemory counter Databricks only
app.stage.executor.deserializeTime counter Total elapsed time spent by executors deserializing tasks for the named stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.executor.deserializeCpuTime counter Total CPU time spent by executors to deserialize tasks for the named stage. The value is expressed in nanoseconds.
app.stage.executor.runTime counter Total elapsed time spent running tasks on executors for the named stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.executor.cpuTime counter Total CPU time spent running tasks on executors for the named stage. This includes time fetching shuffle data. The value is expressed in nanoseconds.
app.stage.resultSize counter The total number of bytes transmitted back to the driver by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.jvmGcTime counter Total elapsed time the JVM spent in garbage collection while executing tasks for the named stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.resultSerializationTime gauge Total elapsed time spent serializing task results for the named stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.memoryBytesSpilled counter Sum of the in-memory bytes spilled by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.diskBytesSpilled counter Sum of the number of on-disk bytes spilled by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.peakExecutionMemory counter Sum of the peak memory used by internal data structures created during shuffles, aggregations and joins by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.inputBytes counter Sum of the number of bytes read from org.apache.spark.rdd.HadoopRDD or from persisted data by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.inputRecords counter Sum of the number of records read from org.apache.spark.rdd.HadoopRDD or from persisted data by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.outputBytes counter Sum of the number of bytes written externally (e.g. to a distributed filesystem) by all tasks with output for the named stage
app.stage.outputRecords counter Sum of the number of records written externally (e.g. to a distributed filesystem) by all tasks with output for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.remoteBlocksFetched counter Sum of the number of remote blocks fetched in shuffle operations by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.localBlocksFetched counter Sum of the number of local (as opposed to read from a remote executor) blocks fetched in shuffle operations by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.fetchWaitTime counter Total time tasks spent waiting for remote shuffle blocks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.remoteBytesRead counter Sum of the number of remote bytes read in shuffle operations by all task for the named stages
app.stage.shuffle.remoteBytesReadToDisk counter Sum of the number of remote bytes read to disk in shuffle operations by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.localBytesRead counter Sum of the number of bytes read in shuffle operations from local disk (as opposed to read from a remote executor) by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.readBytes counter This metric is not documented in the Apache Spark monitoring ReST API documentation
app.stage.shuffle.readRecords counter Sum of the number of records read in shuffle operations by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.corruptMergedClockChunks counter Sum of the number of corrupt merged shuffle block chunks encountered by all tasks (remote or local) for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedFetchFallbackCount counter Sum of the number of times tasks had to fallback to fetch original shuffle blocks for a merged shuffle block chunk (remote or local) for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedRemoteBlocksFetched counter Sum of the number of remote merged blocks fetched by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedLocalBlocksFetched counter Sum of the number of local merged blocks fetched by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedRemoteChunksFetched counter Sum of the number of remote merged chunks fetched by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedLocalChunksFetched counter Sum of the number of local merged chunks fetched by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedRemoteBytesRead counter Sum of the number of remote merged bytes read by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedLocalBytesRead counter Sum of the number of local merged bytes read by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.remoteReqsDuration counter Total time tasks took executing remote requests for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.mergedRemoteReqsDuration counter Total time tasks took executing remote merged requests for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.writeBytes counter Sum of the number of bytes written in shuffle operations by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.shuffle.writeTime counter Total time tasks spent blocking on writes to disk or buffer cache for the named stage. The value is expressed in nanoseconds.
app.stage.shuffle.writeRecords counter Sum of the number of records written in shuffle operations by all tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.jvmHeap counter Peak memory usage of the heap that is used for object allocation by the Java virtual machine while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.jvmOffHeap counter Peak memory usage of non-heap memory by the Java virtual machine while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.onHeapExecution counter Peak on heap execution memory usage while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.offHeapExecution counter Peak off heap execution memory usage while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.onHeapStorage counter Peak on heap storage memory usage while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.offHeapStorage counter Peak off heap storage memory usage while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.onHeapUnified counter Peak on heap memory usage (execution and storage) while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.offHeapUnified counter Peak off heap memory usage (execution and storage) while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.directPool counter Peak JVM memory usage for the direct buffer pool ( while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.mappedPool counter Peak JVM memory usage for the mapped buffer pool ( while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.processTreeJvmVirtual counter Peak virtual memory size while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.processTreeJvmRSS counter Peak Resident Set Size (number of pages the process has in real memory) while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.processTreePythonVirtual counter Peak virtual memory size for Python while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.processTreePythonRSS counter Peak Resident Set Size for Python while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.processTreeOtherVirtual counter Peak virtual memory size for other kinds of processes while executing tasks for the named stage, in bytes
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.processTreeOtherRSS counter Peak resident Set Size for other kinds of processes while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.minorGCCount counter Total number of minor GCs that occurred while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.minorGCTime counter Total elapsed time spent doing minor GCs while executing tasks for the named stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.majorGCCount counter Total number of major GCs that occurred while executing tasks for the named stage
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.majorGCTime counter Total elapsed time spent doing major GCs while executing tasks for the named stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.executor.memory.peak.totalGCTime counter Total elapsed time spent doing GC while executing tasks for the named stage. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
Spark application stage attributes

The following attributes are included on all Spark application stage metrics.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
sparkAppStageId string Spark stage ID
sparkAppStageAttemptId number Spark stage attempt ID
sparkAppStageName string Spark stage name
sparkAppStageStatus string Spark stage status
sparkAppTaskStatus string Spark task status. Only on app.stage.tasks metric.
Spark application stage task metrics

The following metrics are included for each Spark task in an application. Metrics are scoped to a given stage and status using the sparkAppStageId, sparkAppStageAttemptId, sparkAppStageName, and sparkAppStageStatus attributes. They are also scoped to a given task and status using the sparkAppTaskId, sparkAppTaskAttempt, and sparkAppTaskStatus attributes and scoped to the executor of the task using the sparkAppTaskExecutorId attribute.

NOTE: Some of the shuffl read metric descriptions below are sourced from the file ShuffleReadMetrics.scala.

Metric Name Metric Type Description
app.stage.task.duration counter Duration of the task. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.task.executorDeserializeTime counter Elapsed time spent to deserialize this task. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.task.executorDeserializeCpuTime counter CPU time taken on the executor to deserialize this task. The value is expressed in nanoseconds.
app.stage.task.executorRunTime counter Elapsed time the executor spent running this task. This includes time fetching shuffle data. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.task.executorCpuTime counter CPU time the executor spent running this task. This includes time fetching shuffle data. The value is expressed in nanoseconds.
app.stage.task.resultSize counter The number of bytes this task transmitted back to the driver as the TaskResult
app.stage.task.jvmGcTime counter Elapsed time the JVM spent in garbage collection while executing this task. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.task.resultSerializationTime counter Elapsed time spent serializing the task result. The value is expressed in milliseconds.
app.stage.task.memoryBytesSpilled counter The number of in-memory bytes spilled by this task
app.stage.task.diskBytesSpilled counter The number of on-disk bytes spilled by this task
app.stage.task.peakExecutionMemory counter Peak memory used by internal data structures created during shuffles, aggregations and joins. The value of this accumulator should be approximately the sum of the peak sizes across all such data structures created in this task. For SQL jobs, this only tracks all unsafe operators and ExternalSort.
app.stage.task.input.bytesRead counter Total number of bytes read from org.apache.spark.rdd.HadoopRDD or from persisted data
app.stage.task.input.recordsRead counter Total number of records read from org.apache.spark.rdd.HadoopRDD or from persisted data
app.stage.task.output.bytesWritten counter Total number of bytes written externally (e.g. to a distributed filesystem). Defined only in tasks with output.
app.stage.task.output.recordsWritten counter Total number of records written externally (e.g. to a distributed filesystem). Defined only in tasks with output. counter Number of remote blocks fetched in shuffle operations counter Number of local (as opposed to read from a remote executor) blocks fetched in shuffle operations gauge TODO: Not yet implemented counter Time the task spent waiting for remote shuffle blocks. This only includes the time blocking on shuffle input data. For instance if block B is being fetched while the task is still not finished processing block A, it is not considered to be blocking on block B. The value is expressed in milliseconds. counter Number of remote bytes read in shuffle operations counter Number of remote bytes read to disk in shuffle operations. Large blocks are fetched to disk in shuffle read operations, as opposed to being read into memory, which is the default behavior counter Number of bytes read in shuffle operations from local disk (as opposed to read from a remote executor) gauge TODO: Not yet implemented counter Number of records read in shuffle operations counter Total time taken for remote requests to complete by this task. This doesn't include duration of remote merged requests. counter Number of corrupt merged shuffle block chunks encountered by this task (remote or local) counter Number of times the task had to fallback to fetch original shuffle blocks for a merged shuffle block chunk (remote or local) counter Number of remote merged blocks fetched counter Number of local merged blocks fetched counter Number of remote merged chunks fetched counter Number of local merged chunks fetched counter Total number of remote merged bytes read counter Total number of local merged bytes read counter Total time taken for remote merged requests
app.stage.task.shuffle.write.bytesWritten counter Number of bytes written in shuffle operations
app.stage.task.shuffle.write.writeTime counter Time spent blocking on writes to disk or buffer cache. The value is expressed in nanoseconds.
app.stage.task.shuffle.write.recordsWritten counter Number of records written in shuffle operations
app.stage.task.photon.offHeapMinMemorySize Databricks only
app.stage.task.photon.offHeapMaxMemorySize Databricks only
app.stage.task.photon.photonBufferPoolMinMemorySize Databricks only
app.stage.task.photon.photonBufferPoolMaxMemorySize Databricks only
app.stage.task.photon.photonizedTaskTimeNs Databricks only
Spark application stage task attributes

The following attributes are included on all Spark application stage task metrics.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
sparkAppStageId string Spark stage ID
sparkAppStageAttemptId number Spark stage attempt ID
sparkAppStageName string Spark stage name
sparkAppStageStatus string Spark stage status
sparkAppTaskId string Spark task ID
sparkAppTaskAttempt number Spark task attempt number
sparkAppTaskStatus string Spark task status
sparkAppTaskLocality string Locality of the data this task operates on
sparkAppTaskSpeculative boolean true if this is a speculative task execution, otherwise false
sparkAppTaskExecutorId string Spark executor ID
Spark application RDD metrics

The following metrics are included for each Spark RDD in an application. Metrics are scoped to a given RDD using the sparkAppRDDId and sparkAppRDDName attributes.

NOTE: The metrics in this section are not documented in the Apache Spark monitoring ReST API documentation. The descriptions provided below were deduced via source code analysis and are not determinate.

Metric Name Metric Type Description gauge The total number of partitions for this RDD gauge The total number of partitions that have been persisted (cached) in memory and/or on disk gauge The total amount of memory used by this RDD across all partitions gauge The total amount of disk space used by this RDD across all partitions gauge Unknown gauge Unknown gauge Unknown gauge Unknown gauge Unknown gauge Unknown gauge Unknown gauge The total amount of memory used by this RDD partition gauge The total amount of disk space used by this RDD partition
Spark application RDD attributes

The following attributes are included on all Spark application RDD metrics.

Attribute Name Data Type Description
sparkAppRDDId number Spark RDD ID
sparkAppRDDName string Spark RDD name
sparkAppRddDistributionIndex number Numerical index of the RDD distribution in the list of distributions returned for this RDD by the Spark application RDD endpoint of the ReST API. Only on* metrics.
sparkAppRddPartitionBlockName string Name of the block where the RDD partition is stored. Only on* metrics.
Spark job, stage, and task status

Most of the Spark metrics recorded include at least one of the following attributes that indicate the status of the job, stage, or task for the metric.

  • sparkAppJobStatus

    Spark job status. One of the following.

    • running - job is executing
    • lost - job status is unknown
    • succeeded - job completed successfully
    • failed - job failed
  • sparkAppStageStatus

    Spark stage status. One of the following.

    • active - stage is executing
    • complete - stage completed successfully
    • skipped - stage was skipped because it did not need to be recomputed
    • failed - stage failed
    • pending- stage is waiting to be executed
  • sparkAppTaskStatus

    Spark task status. One of the following.

    • active - task is executing
    • complete - task completed successfully
    • skipped - task was skipped because the stage was skipped
    • failed - task failed
    • killed - task was explicitly killed
Spark job, stage, and task counts

On each run, for each Spark application, the integration records the following counter metrics.


    The number of Spark jobs for an application by job status. This metric will always include the sparkAppJobStatus attribute, which indicates which job status the metric applies to (for instance, if the metric value is 5 and the sparkAppJobStatus attribute is running, it means that there are 5 running jobs).

    Use the sparkAppId or sparkAppName to target a specific application or to group the values by application.

  • app.stages

    The number of Spark stages for an application by stage status. This metric will always include the sparkAppStageStatus attribute, which indicates which stage status the metric applies to (for instance, if the metric value is 5 and the sparkAppStageStatus attribute is complete, it means that there are 5 completed stages).

    Use the sparkAppId or sparkAppName attributes to target a specific application or to group the values by application.

  • app.job.stages

    The number of Spark stages for a Spark job by stage status. This metric will always include the sparkAppStageStatus and sparkAppJobStatus attributes, which indicate which stage status and job status the metric applies to, respectively (for instance, if the metric value is 2 and the sparkAppStageStatus attribute is complete and the sparkAppJobStatus is running, it means that the job is running and 2 stages have completed).

    Use the sparkAppId or sparkAppName attributes to target a specific application or to group the values by application and the sparkAppJobId attribute to target a specific job or to group the values by job.

  • app.job.tasks

    The number of Spark tasks for a Spark job by task status. This metric will always include the sparkAppTaskStatus and sparkAppJobStatus attributes, which indicate which task status and job status the metric applies to, respectively (for instance, if the metric value is 4 and the sparkAppTaskStatus attribute is complete and the sparkAppJobStatus is running, it means that the job is running and 4 tasks have completed).

    Use the sparkAppId or sparkAppName attributes to target a specific application or to group the values by application and the sparkAppJobId attribute to target a specific job or to group the values by job.

  • app.stage.tasks

    The number of Spark tasks for a Spark stage by task status. This metric will always include the sparkAppTaskStatus and sparkAppStageStatus attributes, which indicate which task status and stage status the metric applies to, respectively (for instance, if the metric value is 4 and the sparkAppTaskStatus attribute is complete and the sparkAppStageStatus is active, it means that the stage is running and 4 tasks have completed).

    Use the sparkAppId or sparkAppName attributes to target a specific application or to group the values by application and the sparkAppStageId or sparkAppStageName attribute to target a specific stage or to group the values by stage.

In general, only the latest() aggregator function should be used when visualizing or alerting using these counters.

Example Queries

All examples below assume the spark metricPrefix is spark..

Current number of jobs by application name and job status

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppJobStatus

Current number of stages by application name and stage status

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppStageStatus

Current number of stages by application name, job ID, and stage status

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppJobId, sparkAppStageStatus

Current number of tasks by application name, stage ID, and task status

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppStageId, sparkAppTaskStatus

Current number of running jobs by application name

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
WHERE sparkAppJobStatus = 'running'
FACET sparkAppName

Number of completed tasks by application name and job ID

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
WHERE sparkAppTaskStatus = 'complete'
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppJobId

Number of failed tasks by application name and job ID

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
WHERE sparkAppTaskStatus = 'failed'
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppJobId

Job duration by application name, job ID, and job status

FROM Metric
SELECT latest( / 1000 AS Duration
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppJobId, sparkAppJobStatus

Stage duration by application name, stage ID, and stage name

FROM Metric
SELECT latest( / 1000 AS Duration
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppStageId, sparkAppStageName

Task duration by application name, stage ID, stage name, and task ID

FROM Metric
SELECT latest( / 1000 AS Duration
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppStageId, sparkAppStageName, sparkAppTaskId

Total elapsed stage executor run time (in seconds) by application name, stage ID, and stage name

FROM Metric
SELECT latest( / 1000 AS Duration
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppStageId, sparkAppStageName

Total elapsed stage JVM GC time (in seconds) by application name, stage ID, and stage name

FROM Metric
SELECT latest( / 1000 AS Duration
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppStageId, sparkAppStageName

Average memory used by application name and executor ID over time

FROM Metric
SELECT average(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppExecutorId

Number of executors (active and dead) by application name

FROM Metric
SELECT uniqueCount(sparkAppExecutorId)
WHERE metricName = ''
FACET sparkAppName

Total number of partitions by application name and RDD name

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppRDDName

Average RDD memory used by application name and RDD name

FROM Metric
SELECT average(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppRDDId

Average RDD partition memory used by application name, RDD ID, and RDD block name

FROM Metric
SELECT average(
FACET sparkAppName, sparkAppRDDId, sparkAppRddPartitionBlockName

Example Apache Spark Dashboard

A sample dashboard is included that shows examples of the types of Apache Spark information that can be displayed and the NRQL statements to use to visualize the data.

Sample Spark jobs dashboard image Sample Spark executors dashboard image Sample Spark storage dashboard image

Consumption & Cost Data

The Databricks Integration can collect Databricks consumption and cost related data from the Databricks system tables. This data can be used to show Databricks DBU consumption metrics and estimated Databricks costs directly within New Relic.

This feature is enabled by setting the Databricks usage enabled flag to true in the integration configuration. When enabled, the Databricks collector will collect consumption and cost related data once a day at the time specified in the runTime configuration parameter. The following information is collected on each run.

  • Billable usage records from the system.billing.usage table
  • List pricing records from the system.billing.list_prices table
  • List cost per job run of jobs run on jobs compute and serverless compute
  • List cost per job of jobs run on jobs compute and serverless compute
  • List cost of failed job runs for jobs with frequent failures run on jobs compute and serverless compute
  • List cost of repair job runs for jobs with frequent repairs run on jobs compute and serverless compute

NOTE: Job cost data from jobs run on workspaces outside the region of the workspace containing the SQL Warehouse used to collect the consumption data (specified in the workspaceHost configuration parameter) will not be returned by the queries used by the Databricks integration to collect Job cost data.

Consumption and Cost Collection Requirements

In order for the Databricks Integration to collect consumption and cost related data from Databricks, there are several requirements.

  1. The SQL warehouse ID of a SQL warehouse within the workspace associated with the configured workspace host must be specified. The Databricks SQL queries used to collect consumption and cost related data from the Databricks system tables. will be run against the specified SQL warehouse.
  2. As of v2.6.0, the Databricks integration leverages data that is stored in the table. As of 10/24/2024, this table is in public preview. To access this table, the lakeflow schema must be enabled in your system catalog. To enable the lakeflow schema, follow the instructions in the Databricks documentation to enable a system schema using the metastore ID of the Unity Catalog metastore attached to the workspace associated with the configured workspace host and the schema name lakeflow.

Billable Usage Data

On each run, billable usage data is collected from the system.billing.usage table for the previous day. For each billable usage record, a corresponding record is created within New Relic as a New Relic event with the event type DatabricksUsage and the following attributes.

NOTE: Not every attribute is included in every event. For example, the cluster_* attributes are only included in events for usage records relevant to all-purpose or job related compute. Similarly, the warehouse_* attributes are only included in events for usage records relevant to SQL warehouse related compute.

NOTE: Descriptions below are sourced from the billable usage system table reference.

Name Description
account_id ID of the account this usage record was generated for
workspace_id ID of the Workspace this usage record was associated with
workspace_url URL of the Workspace this usage record was associated with
workspace_instance_name Instance name of the Workspace this usage record was associated with
record_id Unique ID for this usage record
sku_name Name of the SKU associated with this usage record
cloud Name of the Cloud this usage record is relevant for
usage_start_time The start time relevant to this usage record
usage_end_time The end time relevant to this usage record
usage_date Date of this usage record
usage_unit Unit this usage record is measured in
usage_quantity Number of units consumed for this usage record
record_type Whether the usage record is original, a retraction, or a restatement. See the section "Analyze Correction Records" in the Databricks documentation for more details.
ingestion_date Date the usage record was ingested into the usage table
billing_origin_product The product that originated this usage reocrd
usage_type The type of usage attributed to the product or workload for billing purposes
cluster_id ID of the cluster associated with this usage record
cluster_creator Creator of the cluster associated with this usage record (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
cluster_single_user_name Single user name of the cluster associated with this usage record if the access mode of the cluster is single-user access mode (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
cluster_source Cluster source of the cluster associated with this usage record
cluster_instance_pool_id Instance pool ID of the cluster associated with this usage record
warehouse_id ID of the SQL warehouse associated with this usage record
warehouse_name Name of the SQL warehouse associated with this usage record
warehouse_creator Creator of the SQL warehouse associated with this usage record (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
instance_pool_id ID of the instance pool associated with this usage record
node_type The instance type of the compute resource associated with this usage record
job_id ID of the job associated with this usage record for serverless compute or jobs compute usage
job_run_id ID of the job run associated with this usage record for serverless compute or jobs compute usage
job_name Name of the job associated with this usage record for serverless compute or jobs compute usage. NOTE: This field will only contain a value for jobs run within a workspace in the same cloud region as the workspace containing the SQL warehouse used to collect the consumption and cost data (specified in workspaceHost).
serverless_job_name User-given name of the job associated with this usage record for jobs run on serverless compute only
notebook_id ID of the notebook associated with this usage record for serverless compute for notebook usage
notebook_path Workspace storage path of the notebook associated with this usage for serverless compute for notebook usage
dlt_pipeline_id ID of the Delta Live Tables pipeline associated with this usage record
dlt_update_id ID of the Delta Live Tables pipeline update associated with this usage record
dlt_maintenance_id ID of the Delta Live Tables pipeline maintenance tasks associated with this usage record
run_name Unique user-facing identifier of the Mosaic AI Model Training fine-tuning run associated with this usage record
endpoint_name Name of the model serving endpoint or vector search endpoint associated with this usage record
endpoint_id ID of the model serving endpoint or vector search endpoint associated with this usage record
central_clean_room_id ID of the central clean room associated with this usage record
run_as See the section "Analyze Identity Metadata" in the Databricks documentation for more details (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
jobs_tier Jobs tier product features for this usage record: values include LIGHT, CLASSIC, or null
sql_tier SQL tier product features for this usage record: values include CLASSIC, PRO, or null
dlt_tier DLT tier product features for this usage record: values include CORE, PRO, ADVANCED, or null
is_serverless Flag indicating if this usage record is associated with serverless usage: values include true or false, or null
is_photon Flag indicating if this usage record is associated with Photon usage: values include true or false, or null
serving_type Serving type associated with this usage record: values include MODEL, GPU_MODEL, FOUNDATION_MODEL, FEATURE, or null

In addition, all compute resource tags, jobs tags, and budget policy tags applied to this usage are added as event attributes. For jobs referenced in the job_id attribute of JOBS usage records, custom job tags are also included if the job was run within a workspace in the same cloud region as the workspace containing the SQL warehouse used to collect the consumption data (specified in the workspaceHost configuration parameter).

List Pricing Data

On each run, list pricing data is collected from the system.billing.list_prices table and used to populate a New Relic lookup table named DatabricksListPrices. The entire lookup table is updated on each run. For each pricing record, this table will contain a corresponding row with the following columns.

NOTE: Descriptions below are sourced from the pricing system table reference.

Name Description
account_id ID of the account this pricing record was generated for
price_start_time The time the price in this pricing record became effective in UTC
price_end_time The time the price in this pricing record stopped being effective in UTC
sku_name Name of the SKU associated with this pricing record
cloud Name of the Cloud this pricing record is relevant for
currency_code The currency the price in this pricing record is expressed in
usage_unit The unit of measurement that is monetized in this pricing record
list_price A single price that can be used for simple long-term estimates

Note that the list_price field contains a single price suitable for simple long-term estimates. It does not reflect any promotional pricing or custom price plans.

Job Costs

On each run, the Databricks collector runs a set of queries that leverage data in the system.billing.usage table, the system.billing.list_prices table, and the table to collect job cost related data for the previous day. The set of queries that are run collect the following data.

By default, the Databricks integration runs each query on every run. This behavior can be configured using the optionalQueries configuration parameter to selectively enable or disable queries by query ID.

For each query that is run, a New Relic event with the event type DatabricksJobCost is created for each result row with one attribute for each column of data. In addition, each event includes a query_id attribute that contains the unique ID of the query that produced the data stored in the event. This ID can be used in NRQL queries to scope the query to the appropriate data set.

See the following sub-sections for more details on the data sets collected by each query.

NOTE: Please see the note at the end of the Consumption & Cost Data section regarding job cost data and the last requirement in the Consumption and Cost Requirements section for important considerations for collecting job cost data.

List cost per job run

Job cost data on the list cost per job run is collected using the query with the query id jobs_cost_list_cost_per_job_run. This query produces DatabricksJobCost events with the following attributes.

Name Description
workspace_id ID of the Workspace where the job run referenced in the run_id attribute occurred
workspace_name Name of the Workspace where the job run referenced in the run_id attribute occurred
job_id The unique job ID of the job associated with this job run
job_name The user-given name of the job referenced in the job_id attribute
run_id The unique run ID of this job run
run_as The ID of the user or service principal used for the job run (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
list_cost The estimated list cost of this job run
last_seen_date The last time a billable usage record was seen referencing the job ID referenced in the job_id attribute and the run ID referenced in the run_id attribute, in UTC
List cost per job

Job cost data on the list cost per job is collected using the query with the query id jobs_cost_list_cost_per_job. This query produces DatabricksJobCost events with the following attributes.

Name Description
workspace_id ID of the Workspace containing the job referenced in the job_id attribute
workspace_name Name of the Workspace containing the job referenced in the job_id attribute
job_id The unique job ID of the job
job_name The user-given name of the job referenced in the job_id attribute
runs The number of job runs seen for the day this result was collected for the job referenced in the job_id attribute
run_as The ID of the user or service principal used to run the job (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
list_cost The estimated list cost of all runs for the job referenced in the job_id attribute for the day this result was collected
last_seen_date The last time a billable usage record was seen referencing the job ID referenced in the job_id attribute, in UTC
List cost of failed job runs for jobs with frequent failures

Job cost data on the list cost of failed job runs for jobs with frequent failures is collected using the query with the query id jobs_cost_frequent_failures. This query produces DatabricksJobCost events with the following attributes.

Name Description
workspace_id ID of the Workspace containing the job referenced in the job_id attribute
workspace_name Name of the Workspace containing the job referenced in the job_id attribute
job_id The unique job ID of the job
job_name The user-given name of the job referenced in the job_id attribute
runs The number of job runs seen for the day this result was collected for the job referenced in the job_id attribute
run_as The ID of the user or service principal used to run the job (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
failures The number of job runs seen with the result state ERROR, FAILED, or TIMED_OUT for the day this result was collected for the job referenced in the job_id attribute
list_cost The estimated list cost of all failed job runs seen for the day this result was collected for the job referenced in the job_id attribute
last_seen_date The last time a billable usage record was seen referencing the job ID referenced in the job_id attribute, in UTC
List cost of repaired job runs for jobs with frequent repairs

Job cost data on the list cost of repaired job runs for jobs with frequent repairs is collected using the query with the query id jobs_cost_most_retries. This query produces DatabricksJobCost events with the following attributes.

Name Description
workspace_id ID of the Workspace where the job run referenced in the run_id attribute occurred
workspace_name Name of the Workspace where the job run referenced in the run_id attribute occurred
job_id The unique job ID of the job associated with this job run
job_name The user-given name of the job referenced in the job_id attribute
run_id The unique run ID of this job run
run_as The ID of the user or service principal used to run the job (only included if includeIdentityMetadata is true)
repairs The number of repair runs seen for the day this result was collected for the job run referenced in the run_id attribute where the result of the final repair run was SUCCEEDED
list_cost The estimated list cost of the repair runs seen for the day this result was collected for the job run referenced in the run_id attribute
repair_time_seconds The cumulative duration of the repair runs seen for the day this result was collected for the job run referenced in the run_id attribute

Job Run Data

The Databricks Integration can collect telemetry about Databricks Job runs, such as job run durations, task run durations, the current state of job and task runs, if a job or a task is a retry, and the number of times a task was retried. This feature is enabled by default and can be enabled or disabled using the Databricks jobs enabled flag in the integration configuration.

NOTE: Some of the text below is sourced from the Databricks SDK Go module documentation.

startOffset Configuration

On each run, the integration uses the Databricks ReST API to retrieve job run data. By default, the Databricks ReST API endpoint for listing job runs returns a paginated list of all historical job runs sorted in descending order by start time. On systems with many jobs, there may be a large number of job runs to retrieve and process, impacting the performance of the collector. To account for this, the integration provides the startOffset configuration parameter. This parameter is used to tune the performance of the integration by constraining the start time of job runs to match to be greater than a particular time in the past calculated as an offset from the current time and thus, limiting the number of job runs to return.

The effect of this behavior is that only job runs which have a start time at or after the calculated start time will be returned on the API call. For example, using the default startOffset (86400 seconds or 24 hours), only job runs which started within the last 24 hours will be returned. This means that jobs that started more than 24 hours ago will not be returned even if some of those jobs are not yet in a TERMINATED state. Therefore, it is important to carefully select a value for the startOffset parameter that will account for long-running job runs without degrading the performance of the integration.

Job Run Metric Data

Job run data is sent to New Relic as dimensional metrics. The following metrics and attributes (dimensions) are provided.

Job run metrics
Metric Name Metric Type Description
job.runs gauge Job run counts per state
job.tasks gauge Task run counts per state gauge Duration (in milliseconds) of the job run gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the job run spent in the queue gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the job run was actually executing commands (only available for single-task job runs) gauge Duration (in milliseconds) it took to setup the cluster (only available for single-task job runs) gauge Duration (in milliseconds) it took to terminate the cluster and cleanup associated artifacts (only available for single-task job runs) gauge Duration (in milliseconds) of the task run gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the task run spent in the queue gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the task run was actually executing commands gauge Duration (in milliseconds) it took to setup the cluster gauge Duration (in milliseconds) it took to terminate the cluster and cleanup associated artifacts
Job run attributes
Attribute Name Data Type Description
databricksJobId number The unique numeric ID of the job being run
databricksJobRunId number The unique numeric ID of the job run (only included if includeRunId is set to true)
databricksJobRunName string The optional name of the job run
databricksJobRunAttemptNumber number The sequence number of the run attempt for this job run (0 for the original attempt or if the job has no retry policy, greater than 0 for subsequent attempts for jobs with a retry policy)
databricksJobRunState string The state of the job run
databricksJobRunIsRetry boolean true if the job run is a retry of an earlier failed attempt, otherwise false
databricksJobRunTerminationCode string For terminated jobs, the job run termination code
databricksJobRunTerminationType string For terminated jobs, the job run termination type
databricksJobRunTaskName string The unique name of the task within it's parent job
databricksJobRunTaskState string The state of the task run
databricksJobRunTaskAttemptNumber number The sequence number of the run attempt for this task run (0 for the original attempt or if the task has no retry policy, greater than 0 for subsequent attempts for tasks with a retry policy)
databricksJobRunTaskIsRetry boolean true if the task run is a retry of an earlier failed attempt, otherwise false
databricksJobRunTaskTerminationCode string For terminated tasks, the task run termination code
databricksJobRunTaskTerminationType string For terminated tasks, the task run termination type
Job and task run states

Databricks job and task runs can be in one of 6 states.

  • BLOCKED - run is blocked on an upstream dependency
  • PENDING - run is waiting to be executed while the cluster and execution context are being prepared
  • QUEUED - run is queued due to concurrency limits
  • RUNNING - run is executing
  • TERMINATING - run has completed, and the cluster and execution context are being cleaned up
  • TERMINATED - run has completed

The job and run task states are recorded in the databricksJobRunState and databricksJobRunTaskState, respectively. The databricksJobRunState is on every job run metric including the task related metrics. The databricksJobRunTaskState is only on job run metrics related to tasks, e.g.

Job and task run counts

On each run, the integration records the number of job and task runs in each state (with the exception of runs in the TERMINATED state (see below)), in the metrics job.runs and job.tasks, respectively, using the attributes databricksJobRunState and databricksJobRunTaskState, to indicate the state. In general, only the latest() aggregator function should be used when visualizing or alerting on counts including these states. For example, to display the number of jobs by state, use the following NRQL statement.

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(databricks.job.runs)
FACET databricksJobRunState

The count of job and task runs in the TERMINATED state are also recorded but only include job and task runs that have terminated since the last run of the integration. This is done to avoid counting terminated job and task runs more than once, making it straightforward to use aggregator functions to visualize or alert on values such as "number of job runs completed per time period", "average duration of job runs", and "average duration job runs spent in the queue". For example, to show the average time job runs spend in the queue, grouped by job name, use the following NRQL statement.

FROM Metric
SELECT average( / 1000)
WHERE databricksJobRunState = 'TERMINATED'
FACET databricksJobRunName

NOTE: Make sure to use the condition databricksJobRunState = 'TERMINATED' or databricksJobRunTaskState = 'TERMINATED' when visualizing or alerting on values using these aggregator functions.

Job and task run durations

The Databricks integration stores job and task run durations in the metrics and, respectively. The values stored in these metrics are calculated differently, depending on the state of the job or task, as follows.

  • While a job or task run is running (not BLOCKED or TERMINATED), the run duration stored in the respective metrics is the "wall clock" time of the job or task run, calculated as the current time when the metric is collected by the integration minus the start_time of the job or task run as returned from the Databricks ReST API. This duration is inclusive of any time spent in the queue and any setup time, execution time, and cleanup time that has been spent up to the time the duration is calculated but does not include any time the job or task run was blocked.

    This duration is also cumulative, meaning that while the job run is running, the value calculated each time the integration runs will include the entire "wall clock" time since the reported start_time. It is essentially a cumulativeCount metric but stored as a gauge. Within NRQL statements, the latest() function can be used to get the most recent duration. For example, to show the most recent duration of job runs that are running grouped by job name, use the following NRQL (assuming the job run metricPrefix is databricks.).

    FROM Metric
    SELECT latest(
    WHERE databricksJobRunState != 'TERMINATED'
    FACET databricksJobRunName
  • Once a job or task run has been terminated, the run duration stored in the respective metrics are not calculated but instead come directly from the values returned in the listruns API (also see the SDK documentation for BaseRun and RunTask). For both job and task runs, the run durations are determined as follows.

    • For job runs of multi-task jobs, the for a job run is set to the run_duration field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field returned from the listruns API.
    • For job runs of single-task jobs, the for a job run is set to the sum of the setup_duration, the execution_duration and the cleanup_duration fields of the corresponding job run item in the runs field returned from the listruns API.
    • For task runs, the for a task run is set to the sum of the setup_duration, the execution_duration and the cleanup_duration fields of the corresponding task run item in the tasks field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field returned from the listruns API.

In addition to the and metrics, once a job or task has terminated, the and metrics are set to the queue_duration field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field returned from the listruns API for job runs, and the queue_duration field of the corresponding task run item in the tasks field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field from the listruns API for task runs.

Finally, for job runs and task runs of single-task jobs, the following metrics are set.

  • The and metrics are set to the setup_duration field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field returned from the listruns API for job runs, and the setup_duration field of the corresponding task run item in the tasks field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field from the listruns API for task runs.
  • The and are set to the execution_duration field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field returned from the listruns API for job runs, and the execution_duration field of the corresponding task run item in the tasks field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field from the listruns API for task runs.
  • The and are set to the cleanup_duration field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field returned from the listruns API for job runs, and the cleanup_duration field of the corresponding task run item in the tasks field of the corresponding job run item in the runs field from the listruns API for task runs.

Example Queries

All examples below assume the job run metricPrefix is databricks..

Current job run counts by state

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(databricks.job.runs)
FACET databricksJobRunState

Current task run counts by state

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(databricks.job.tasks)
FACET databricksJobRunTaskState

Job run durations by job name over time

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(
FACET databricksJobRunName

Average job run duration by job name

FROM Metric
SELECT average(
WHERE databricksJobRunState = 'TERMINATED'
FACET databricksJobRunName

NOTE: Make sure to use the condition databricksJobRunState = 'TERMINATED' or databricksJobRunTaskState = 'TERMINATED' when visualizing or alerting on values using aggregator functions other than latest.

Average task run queued duration by task name over time

FROM Metric
SELECT average(
WHERE databricksJobRunTaskState = 'TERMINATED'
FACET databricksJobRunTaskName

NOTE: Make sure to use the condition databricksJobRunState = 'TERMINATED' or databricksJobRunTaskState = 'TERMINATED' when visualizing or alerting on values using aggregator functions other than latest.

Example Job Runs Dashboard

A sample dashboard is included that shows examples of the types of job run information that can be displayed and the NRQL statements to use to visualize the data.

Sample job runs dashboard image

Pipeline Update Metrics

The Databricks Integration can collect telemetry about Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline updates, such as flow durations, flow data quality metrics, and update durations. This feature is enabled by default and can be enabled or disabled using the Databricks pipeline update metrics enabled flag in the integration configuration.

NOTE: Some of the text below is sourced from the Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event log schema documentation and the Databricks SDK Go module documentation.

Pipeline startOffset Configuration

On each run, the integration uses the Databricks ReST API to retrieve pipeline events for all Delta Live Tables Pipelines. By default, the Databricks ReST API endpoint for listing pipeline events returns a paginated list of all historical pipeline events sorted in descending order by timestamp. On systems with many pipelines or complex pipelines with many flows, there may be a large number of pipeline events to retrieve and process, impacting the performance of the collector. To account for this, the integration provides the startOffset configuration parameter. This parameter is used to tune the performance of the integration by constraining the timestamp of pipeline events to match to be greater than a particular time in the past calculated as an offset from the current time and thus, limiting the number of pipeline events to return.

The effect of this behavior is that only pipeline events which have a timestamp at or after the calculated start time will be returned on the API call. For example, using the default startOffset (86400 seconds or 24 hours), only pipeline events which occurred within the last 24 hours will be returned. This means that pipeline events that occurred more than 24 hours ago will not be returned even if the associated pipeline update is not yet complete. This can lead to missing flow or update metrics. Therefore, it is important to carefully select a value for the startOffset parameter that will account for long-running pipeline updates without degrading the performance of the integration.

Pipeline intervalOffset Configuration

The integration uses the list pipeline events endpoint of the Databricks ReST API to retrieve pipeline log events. There can be a slight lag time between when a pipeline log event is emitted and when it is available in the API. The intervalOffset configuration parameter can be used to delay the processing of pipeline log events in order to account for this lag. The default value for the intervalOffset configuration parameter is 5 seconds.

To help illustrate, here is the processing behavior for the default settings (60 second collection interval and 5 second interval offset):

  • on the first minute, the integration will process all pipeline log events from 60 seconds ago until 55 seconds ago
  • on the second interval, the integration will process all pipeline log events from 55 seconds ago until 1:55
  • on the third interval, the integration will process all pipeline log events from 1:55 until 2:55
  • and so on

Pipeline Update Metric Data

Pipeline update metric data is sent to New Relic as dimensional metrics. The following metrics and attributes (dimensions) are provided.

Pipeline update metrics
Metric Name Metric Type Description
pipeline.pipelines gauge Pipeline counts per state
pipeline.updates gauge Pipeline update counts per status
pipeline.flows gauge Pipeline flow counts per status
pipeline.update.duration gauge Total duration (in milliseconds) of the pipeline update identified by the id in the databricksPipelineUpdateId attribute
pipeline.update.duration.wait gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the pipeline update identified by the id in the databricksPipelineUpdateId attribute spent in the WAITING_FOR_RESOURCES state
pipeline.update.duration.runTime gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the pipeline update identified by the id in the databricksPipelineUpdateId attribute spent actually running
pipeline.flow.duration gauge Total duration (in milliseconds) of the pipeline flow named in the databricksPipelineFlowName attribute
pipeline.flow.duration.queue gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the pipeline flow named in the databricksPipelineFlowName attribute spent in the QUEUED state
pipeline.flow.duration.plan gauge Duration (in milliseconds) the pipeline flow named in the databricksPipelineFlowName attribute spent in the PLANNING state
pipeline.flow.backlogBytes gauge Number of bytes present in the backlog of the flow named in the databricksPipelineFlowName attribute
pipeline.flow.backlogFiles gauge Number of files that exist in the backlog of the flow named in the databricksPipelineFlowName attribute
pipeline.flow.rowsWritten gauge Number of rows output by the flow named in the databricksPipelineFlowName attribute
pipeline.flow.recordsDropped gauge Number of records dropped by the flow named in the databricksPipelineFlowName attribute
pipeline.flow.expectation.recordsPassed gauge Number of records that passed the expectation named in the databricksPipelineFlowExpectationName attribute for the dataset named in the databricksPipelineDatasetName attribute
pipeline.flow.expectation.recordsFailed gauge Number of records that failed the expectation named in the databricksPipelineFlowExpectationName attribute for the dataset named in the databricksPipelineDatasetName attribute
Pipeline update attributes
Attribute Name Data Type Description
databricksPipelineId string The unique UUID of the pipeline associated with the update. Included on all pipeline update metrics.
databricksPipelineName string The name of the pipeline associated with the update. Included on all pipeline update metrics.
databricksPipelineState string The state of the pipeline associated with the update. Only included on the pipeline.pipelines metric.
databricksClusterId string The ID of the cluster where the event associated with the metric originated. Included on all pipeline update metrics, when available.
databricksPipelineUpdateId string The unique UUID of the pipeline update. Included on all pipeline update metrics if includeUpdateId is set to true
databricksPipelineUpdateStatus string The status of the pipeline update. Included on the pipeline.updates and pipeline.update.duration metrics.
databricksPipelineFlowId string The unique UUID of the pipeline flow associated with the metric. Included on all pipeline flow metrics, when available.
databricksPipelineFlowName string The unique name of the pipeline flow associated with the metric. Included on all pipeline flow metrics.
databricksPipelineFlowStatus string The status of the pipeline flow. Included on all pipeline flow metrics.
databricksPipelineFlowExpectationName string The name of the data quality expectation associated with the metric. Included on all pipeline flow expectation metrics.
databricksPipelineDatasetName string The name of the dataset associated with the metric. Included on all pipeline flow expectation metrics.
Pipeline states

Databricks pipelines can be in one of nine states.

  • IDLE

The pipeline state is recorded in the databricksPipelineState attribute on the pipeline.pipelines metric only.

Pipeline update status

Databricks pipeline updates can have one of eleven statuses.


The pipeline update status is recorded in the databricksPipelineUpdateStatus attribute on the pipeline.updates metric and the pipeline.update.* metrics.

The statuses CANCELED, COMPLETED, and FAILED are considered update termination statuses.

Pipeline flow status

Databricks pipeline flows can have one of ten statuses.

  • IDLE

The pipeline flow status is recorded in the databricksPipelineFlowStatus attribute on the pipeline.flows metric and the pipeline.flow.* metrics.

The statuses COMPLETED, EXCLUDED, FAILED, SKIPPED, and STOPPED are considered flow termination statuses.

Pipeline, update, and flow counts

On each run, the integration records the following counts.

  • The count of all pipelines by pipeline state is recorded in the metric pipeline.pipelines using the attribute databricksPipelineState to indicate the pipeline state.

  • The count of all pipeline updates by update status is recorded in the metric pipeline.updates using the attribute databricksPipelineUpdateStatus to indicate the update status.

    Pipeline updates with a termination update status (CANCELED, COMPLETED, FAILED) are only counted if the corresponding event occurred since the last run of the integration. Otherwise, these updates are ignored. This is done to avoid counting terminated updates more than once.

    Pipeline updates with a non-termination update status are always counted.

  • The count of all pipeline flows by flow status is recorded in the metric pipeline.flows using the attribute databricksPipelineFlowStatus to indicate the flow status.

    Pipeline flows with a termination flow status (COMPLETED, EXCLUDED, FAILED, SKIPPED, STOPPED) are only counted if the corresponding event occurred since the last run of the integration. Otherwise, these flows are ignored. This is done to avoid counting terminated flows more than once.

    Pipeline flows with a non-termination flow status are always counted.

Pipeline update and flow durations

The Databricks integration records several update and flow durations. The different durations and the ways in which they are calculated are as follows.

  • pipeline.update.duration

    The pipeline.update.duration metric represents the total duration of the update from the time it is created until the time it terminates. After the update is created but before it terminates, the duration recorded in this metric is the "wall clock" time, calculated as the current time when the metric is recorded by the integration minus the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update was created. Once the update terminates, the duration recorded in this metric is calculated by subtracting the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update was created from the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update reached the termination status.

  • pipeline.update.duration.wait

    The pipeline.update.duration.wait metric represents the amount of time the update spent waiting for resources (that is, while it has the WAITING_FOR_RESOURCES update status). While the update is waiting for resources, the duration recorded in this metric is the "wall clock" time, calculated as the current time when the metric is recorded by the integration minus the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update reached the WAITING_FOR_RESOURCES status. Once the update reaches the INITIALIZING status or terminates, the duration recorded in this metric is calculated by subtracting the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update reached the WAITING_FOR_RESOURCES status from the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update reached the INITIALIZING status or terminated.

  • pipeline.update.duration.runTime

    The pipeline.update.duration.runTime metric represents the amount of time the update spent actually running, defined as the time the update reached the INITIALIZING update status until the time the update terminates. After the update has reached the INITIALIZING status but before it terminates, the duration recorded in this metric is the "wall clock" time, calculated as the current time when the metric is recorded by the integration minus the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update reached the INITIALIZING status. Once the update terminates, the duration recorded in this metric is calculated by subtracting the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update reached the INITIALIZING status from the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the update terminated.

  • pipeline.flow.duration

    The pipeline.flow.duration metric represents the total duration of the flow from the time it starts until the time it terminates. After the flow starts but before it terminates, the duration recorded in this metric is the "wall clock" time, calculated as the current time when the metric is recorded by the integration minus the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the flow terminated. Once the flow terminates, the duration recorded in this metric is calculated by subtracting the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the flow started from the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the flow terminated.

  • pipeline.flow.duration.queue

    The pipeline.flow.duration.queue metric represents the time the flow spent in the queue (that is, while it has the QUEUED flow status). While the update in the queue and before it terminates or reaches the PLANNING or STARTING status, the duration recorded in this metric is the "wall clock" time, calculated as the current time when the metric is recorded by the integration minus the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the flow reached the QUEUED status. Once the flow terminates or reaches either the PLANNING status or the STARTING status, the duration recorded in this metric is calculated by subtracting the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the flow reached the QUEUED status from the timestamp of the log event where the flow terminated or reached either the PLANNING status or the STARTING status.

  • pipeline.flow.duration.plan

    The pipeline.flow.duration.plan metric represents the time spent to plan the flow (that is, while it has the PLANNING flow status). While the update has the PLANNING status and before it terminates or reaches the STARTING status, the duration recorded in this metric is the "wall clock" time, calculated as the current time when the metric is recorded by the integration minus the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the flow terminated or reached the PLANNING status. Once the terminates or reaches the STARTING status, the duration recorded in this metric is calculated by subtracting the timestamp of the pipeline log event where the flow reached the PLANNING status from the timestamp of the log event where the flow terminated or reached the STARTING status.

NOTE: Wall clock durations are cumulative, meaning that until the update or flow reaches the status at which the true duration is calculated, the value of each successive metric increases monotonically. It is essentially a cumulativeCount metric but stored as a gauge. Within NRQL statements, the latest() function can be used to get the most recent duration. For example, to show the most recent duration of flows that are running grouped by flow name, use the following NRQL (assuming the pipeline update metricPrefix is databricks.).

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(databricks.pipeline.flow.duration)
WHERE databricksPipelineFlowStatus = `RUNNING`
FACET databricksPipelineFlowName

Example Pipeline Update Queries

All examples below assume the pipeline update metricPrefix is databricks..

Current update counts by state

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(databricks.pipeline.pipelines) AS 'Pipelines'
FACET databricksPipelineState

Current update counts by status

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(databricks.pipeline.updates) AS 'Updates'
FACET databricksPipelineUpdateStatus

Update durations by pipeline name and update ID over time

FROM Metric
SELECT latest(databricks.pipeline.update.duration)
FACET databricksPipelineName, substring(databricksPipelineUpdateId, 0, 6)

Recent updates

FROM Metric
SELECT databricksPipelineName AS Pipeline, substring(databricksPipelineUpdateId, 0, 6) AS Update, databricksPipelineUpdateStatus as Status, getField(databricks.pipeline.update.duration, latest) / 1000 AS Duration
WHERE databricks.pipeline.update.duration IS NOT NULL
 AND databricksPipelineUpdateStatus IN ('COMPLETED', 'CANCELED', 'FAILED')

Average update duration by pipeline name and update status

FROM Metric
SELECT average(databricks.pipeline.update.duration) / 1000 AS 'seconds'
WHERE databricksPipelineUpdateStatus IN ('COMPLETED', 'CANCELED', 'FAILED')
FACET databricksPipelineName, databricksPipelineUpdateStatus

NOTE: Make sure to use the condition databricksPipelineUpdateStatus IN ('COMPLETED', 'CANCELED', 'FAILED') when visualizing or alerting on update duration using aggregator functions other than latest.

Recent flows

FROM Metric
SELECT databricksPipelineName AS Pipeline, substring(databricksPipelineUpdateId, 0, 6) AS Update, databricksPipelineFlowName AS Flow, databricksPipelineFlowStatus AS Status, getField(databricks.pipeline.flow.duration, latest) / 1000 AS Duration
WHERE databricks.pipeline.flow.duration IS NOT NULL
 AND databricksPipelineFlowStatus IN ('COMPLETED', 'STOPPED', 'SKIPPED', 'FAILED', 'EXCLUDED')

Average flow backlog bytes

FROM Metric
SELECT average(databricks.pipeline.flow.backlogBytes)
FACET databricksPipelineName, databricksPipelineFlowName

Flow expectation records passed

FROM Metric
SELECT databricksPipelineName AS Pipeline, substring(databricksPipelineUpdateId, 0, 6) AS Update, databricksPipelineFlowName AS Flow, databricksPipelineFlowExpectationName AS Expectation, getField(databricks.pipeline.flow.expectation.recordsPassed, latest) AS Records
WHERE databricks.pipeline.flow.expectation.recordsPassed IS NOT NULL

Example Pipeline Updates Dashboard

A sample dashboard is included that shows examples of the types of pipeline update information that can be displayed and the NRQL statements to use to visualize the data.

Sample pipeline updates dashboard image

Pipeline Event Logs

The Databricks Integration can collect Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event logs for all Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipelines defined in a workspace. Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event log entries for every pipeline update are collected and sent to New Relic Logs.

NOTE: Some of the text below is sourced from the Databricks Delta Live Tables pipeline event log schema documentation and the Databricks SDK Go module documentation.

Pipeline Event Log Data

Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event logs are sent to New Relic as New Relic Log data. For each Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event log entry, the fields from the event log entry are mapped to attributes on the corresponding New Relic log entry as follows.

NOTE: Due to the way in which the Databricks ReST API returns Databricks Delta Live Tables Pipeline event log entries (in descending order by timestamp), later event log entries may sometimes be visible in the New Relic Logs UI before older event log entries are visible. This does not affect the temporal ordering of the log entries. Once older log entries become visible (usually 30-60s longer than the value of the interval configuration parameter), they are properly ordered by timestamp in the New Relic Logs UI.

Pipeline event log attributes
Pipeline Event Log Field Name New Relic Log Entry Attribute Name Data Type in New Relic Log Entry Description
message message string A human-readable message describing the event
timestamp timestamp integer The time (in milliseconds since the epoch) the event was recorded
id databricksPipelineEventId string A unique identifier for the event log record
event_type databricksPipelineEventType string The event type
level level, databricksPipelineEventLevel string The severity level of the event, for example, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or METRICS
maturity_level databricksPipelineEventMaturityLevel string The stability of the event schema, one of STABLE, NULL, EVOLVING, or DEPRECATED
n/a databricksPipelineEventError boolean true if an error was captured by the event (see below for additional details), otherwise false
origin.batch_id databricksPipelineFlowBatchId integer The id of a batch. Unique within a flow. databricksCloud string The cloud provider, e.g., AWS or Azure
origin.cluster_id databricksClusterId string The id of the cluster where an execution happens. Unique within a region.
origin.dataset_name databricksPipelineDatasetName string The name of a dataset. Unique within a pipeline.
origin.flow_id databricksPipelineFlowId string The id of the flow. Globally unique.
origin.flow_name databricksPipelineFlowName string The name of the flow. Not unique. databricksPipelineEventHost string The optional host name where the event was triggered
origin.maintenance_id databricksPipelineMaintenanceId string The id of a maintenance run. Globally unique.
origin.materialization_name databricksPipelineMaterializationName string Materialization name
origin.org_id databricksOrgId integer The org id of the user. Unique within a cloud.
origin.pipeline_id databricksPipelineId string The id of the pipeline. Globally unique.
origin.pipeline_name databricksPipelineName string The name of the pipeline. Not unique.
origin.region databricksCloudRegion string The cloud region
origin.request_id databricksPipelineRequestId string The id of the request that caused an update
origin.table_id databricksDeltaTableId string The id of a (delta) table. Globally unique.
origin.uc_resource_id databricksUcResourceId string The Unity Catalog id of the MV or ST being updated
origin.update_id databricksPipelineUpdateId string The id of an execution. Globally unique.

Additionally, if the error field is set on the pipeline event log entry, indicating an error was captured by the event, the following attributes are added to the New Relic log entry.

Pipeline Event Log Field Name New Relic Log Entry Attribute Name Data Type in New Relic Log Entry Description
error.fatal databricksPipelineEventErrorFatal boolean Whether the error is considered fatal, that is, unrecoverable
error.exceptions[N].class_name databricksPipelineEventErrorExceptionNClassName string Runtime class of the Nth exception
error.exceptions[N].message databricksPipelineEventErrorExceptionNMessage string Exception message of the Nth exception


Coding Conventions

Style Guidelines

While not strictly enforced, the basic preferred editor settings are set in the .editorconfig. Other than this, no style guidelines are currently imposed.

Static Analysis

This project uses both go vet and staticcheck to perform static code analysis. These checks are run via precommit on all commits. Though this can be bypassed on local commit, both tasks are also run during the validate workflow and must have no errors in order to be merged.

Commit Messages

Commit messages must follow the conventional commit format. Again, while this can be bypassed on local commit, it is strictly enforced in the validate workflow.

The basic commit message structure is as follows.

<type>[optional scope][!]: <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer(s)]

In addition to providing consistency, the commit message is used by svu during the release workflow. The presence and values of certain elements within the commit message affect auto-versioning. For example, the feat type will bump the minor version. Therefore, it is important to use the guidelines below and carefully consider the content of the commit message.

Please use one of the types below.

  • feat (bumps minor version)
  • fix (bumps patch version)
  • chore
  • build
  • docs
  • test

Any type can be followed by the ! character to indicate a breaking change. Additionally, any commit that has the text BREAKING CHANGE: in the footer will indicate a breaking change.

Local Development

For local development, simply use go build and go run. For example,

go build cmd/databricks/databricks.go


go run cmd/databricks/databricks.go

If you prefer, you can also use goreleaser with the --single-target option to build the binary for the local GOOS and GOARCH only.

goreleaser build --single-target


Releases are built and packaged using goreleaser. By default, a new release will be built automatically on any push to the main branch. For more details, review the .goreleaser.yaml and the goreleaser documentation.

The svu utility is used to generate the next tag value based on commit messages.

GitHub Workflows

This project utilizes GitHub workflows to perform actions in response to certain GitHub events.

Workflow Events Description
validate push, pull_request to main branch Runs precommit to perform static analysis and runs commitlint to validate the last commit message
build push, pull_request Builds and tests code
release push to main branch Generates a new tag using svu and runs goreleaser
repolinter pull_request Enforces repository content guidelines


The sections below cover topics that are related to Databricks telemetry but that are not specifically part of this integration. In particular, any assets referenced in these sections must be installed and/or managed separately from the integration. For example, the init scripts provided to monitor cluster health are not automatically installed or used by the integration.

Monitoring Cluster Health

New Relic Infrastructure can be used to collect system metrics like CPU and memory usage from the nodes in a Databricks cluster. Additionally, New Relic APM can be used to collect application metrics like JVM heap size and GC cycle count from the Apache Spark driver and executor JVMs. Both are achieved using cluster-scoped init scripts. The sections below cover the installation of these init scripts.

NOTE: Use of one or both init scripts will have a slight impact on cluster startup time. Therefore, consideration should be given when using the init scripts with a job cluster, particularly when using a job cluster scoped to a single task.

Configure the New Relic license key

Both the New Relic Infrastructure Agent init script and the New Relic APM Java Agent init script require a New Relic license key to be specified in a custom environment variable named NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY. While the license key can be specified by hard-coding it in plain text in the compute configuration, this is not recommended. Instead, it is recommended to create a secret. using the Databricks CLI and reference the secret in the environment variable.

To create the secret and set the environment variable, perform the following steps.

  1. Follow the steps to install or update the Databricks CLI.

  2. Use the Databricks CLI to create a Databricks-backed secret scope with the name newrelic. For example,

    databricks secrets create-scope newrelic

    NOTE: Be sure to take note of the information in the referenced URL about the MANAGE scope permission and use the correct version of the command.

  3. Use the Databricks CLI to create a secret for the license key in the new scope with the name licenseKey. For example,

    databricks secrets put-secret --json '{
       "scope": "newrelic",
       "key": "licenseKey",
       "string_value": "[YOUR_LICENSE_KEY]"

To set the custom environment variable named NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY and reference the value from the secret, follow the steps to configure custom environment variables and add the following line after the last entry in the Environment variables field.


Install the New Relic Infrastructure Agent init script

The script automatically installs the latest version of the New Relic Infrastructure Agent on each node of the cluster.

To install the init script, perform the following steps.

  1. Login to your Databricks account and navigate to the desired workspace.
  2. Follow the recommendations for init scripts to store the script within your workspace in the recommended manner. For example, if your workspace is enabled for Unity Catalog, you should store the init script in a Unity Catalog volume.
  3. Navigate to the Compute tab and select the desired all-purpose or job compute to open the compute details UI.
  4. Click the button labeled Edit to edit the compute's configuration.
  5. Follow the steps to use the UI to configure a cluster to run an init script and point to the location where you stored the init script in step 2.
  6. If your cluster is not running, click on the button labeled Confirm to save your changes. Then, restart the cluster. If your cluster is already running, click on the button labeled Confirm and restart to save your changes and restart the cluster.

Install the New Relic APM Java Agent init script

The script automatically installs the latest version of the New Relic APM Java Agent on each node of the cluster.

To install the init script, perform the same steps as outlined in the Install the New Relic Infrastructure Agent init script section using the script instead of the script.

Additionally, perform the following steps.

  1. Login to your Databricks account and navigate to the desired workspace.

  2. Navigate to the Compute tab and select the desired all-purpose or job compute to open the compute details UI.

  3. Click the button labeled Edit to edit the compute's configuration.

  4. Follow the steps to configure custom Spark configuration properties and add the following lines after the last entry in the Spark Config field.

    spark.driver.extraJavaOptions -javaagent:/databricks/jars/newrelic-agent.jar
    spark.executor.extraJavaOptions -javaagent:/databricks/jars/newrelic-agent.jar -Dnewrelic.tempdir=/tmp
  5. If your cluster is not running, click on the button labeled Confirm to save your changes. Then, restart the cluster. If your cluster is already running, click on the button labeled Confirm and restart to save your changes and restart the cluster.

Viewing your cluster data

With the New Relic Infrastructure Agent init script installed, a host entity will show up for each node in the cluster.

With the New Relic APM Java Agent init script installed, an APM application entity named Databricks Driver will show up for the Spark driver JVM and an APM application entity named Databricks Executor will show up for the executor JVMs. Note that all executor JVMs will report to a single APM application entity. Metrics for a specific executor can be viewed on many pages of the APM UI by selecting the instance from the Instances menu located below the time range selector. On the JVM Metrics page, the JVM metrics for a specific executor can be viewed by selecting an instance from the JVM instances table.

Additionally, both the host entities and the APM entities are tagged with the tags listed below to make it easy to filter down to the entities that make up your cluster using the entity filter bar that is available in many places in the UI.

  • databricksClusterId - The ID of the Databricks cluster
  • databricksClusterName - The name of the Databricks cluster
  • databricksIsDriverNode - true if the entity is on the driver node, otherwise false
  • databricksIsJobCluster - true if the entity is part of a job cluster, otherwise false

Below is an example of using the databricksClusterName to filter down to the host and APM entities for a single cluster using the entity filter bar on the All entities view.

infra and apm cluster filter example


New Relic has open-sourced this project. This project is provided AS-IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OR DEDICATED SUPPORT. Issues and contributions should be reported to the project here on GitHub.

We encourage you to bring your experiences and questions to the Explorers Hub where our community members collaborate on solutions and new ideas.


At New Relic we take your privacy and the security of your information seriously, and are committed to protecting your information. We must emphasize the importance of not sharing personal data in public forums, and ask all users to scrub logs and diagnostic information for sensitive information, whether personal, proprietary, or otherwise.

We define “Personal Data” as any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, including, for example, your name, phone number, post code or zip code, Device ID, IP address, and email address.

For more information, review New Relic’s General Data Privacy Notice.


We encourage your contributions to improve this project! Keep in mind that when you submit your pull request, you'll need to sign the CLA via the click-through using CLA-Assistant. You only have to sign the CLA one time per project.

If you have any questions, or to execute our corporate CLA (which is required if your contribution is on behalf of a company), drop us an email at [email protected].

A note about vulnerabilities

As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through HackerOne.

If you would like to contribute to this project, review these guidelines.

To all contributors, we thank you! Without your contribution, this project would not be what it is today.


The Databricks Integration project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


This integration collects telemetry from Databricks (including Spark on Databricks) and/or Spark telemetry from any Spark deployment. See the Features section for supported telemetry types.







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  • Go 96.8%
  • Shell 2.1%
  • Makefile 1.1%