- api-platform/demo - Demo app for the API Platform framework (4 days ago)
- coopTilleuls/CoopTilleulsForgotPasswordBundle - Provides a "forgot password" complete feature for your API through a Symfony bundle (1 month ago)
- api-platform/jsonld - [READ ONLY] API Platform JSON-LD component (5 months ago)
- api-platform/core - The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes (5 months ago)
- api-platform/validator - [READ ONLY] API Platform Validator component (5 months ago)
- api-platform/symfony - [READ ONLY] API Platform for Symfony (5 months ago)
- api-platform/serializer - [READ ONLY] API Platform Serializer component (5 months ago)
- api-platform/json-hal - [READ ONLY] API Platform HAL component (5 months ago)
- api-platform/json-api - [READ ONLY] API Platform JSON:API component (5 months ago)
- api-platform/hydra - [READ ONLY] API Platform Hydra component (5 months ago)
- infection/infection (0.29.14, 2 days ago) - PHP Mutation Testing library
- api-platform/core (v4.0.19, 4 days ago) - The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
- api-platform/demo (v4.1.0, 4 days ago) - Demo app for the API Platform framework
- symfony/symfony (v7.2.4, 6 days ago) - The Symfony PHP framework
- zenstruck/foundry (v2.3.6, 1 week ago) - A model factory library for creating expressive, auto-completable, on-demand dev/test fixtures with Symfony and Doctrine.
- coopTilleuls/CoopTilleulsForgotPasswordBundle (v2.0.0, 1 month ago) - Provides a "forgot password" complete feature for your API through a Symfony bundle
- api-platform/api-platform (v4.0.11, 2 months ago) - ๐ธ๏ธ Create REST and GraphQL APIs, scaffold Jamstack webapps, stream changes in real-time.
- api-platform/admin (v4.0.2, 3 months ago) - A beautiful and fully-featured administration interface builder for hypermedia APIs