Introduction : This project sole goal is to process a image containing Students collegeID(In Numbers) to send it to specific excel where they get stored . In the fronted the user can provide -> class date , time , year , subject and most importantly a file(png/jpg) which have student collegeIDs , after submit the form , in backened the code will execute some programms and the image data will be stored in a intended Excel file .
Requirements :
- The image file which have been inserted must be in the same directory as the code of the project. Otherwise . it will throw an FileNotFound error .
- The picture should be clear and every Number should be written in clean and Bold way or otherwise the code won't consider it and it will be left off . Keep in Mind that in picture there must be only and only Numbers.
- I have already given few Excel files like A.xlsx , B.xlsx etc . if you choose A section than the records will be stored in A.xlsx and so on . Remember that the excel also must be in same directory or it will not find it . Tech stack : Django framework Html Css Javascript
Contact : My email -> [email protected] My linkedin profile link -> Project Link: