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Nuxt starter project

  1. Use WebStorm 2020.2.1+.
  2. Install dependencies: npm i.
  3. Start developing: npm run dev.

Prettier, Eslint, Stylelint, EditorConfig

  1. Turn on "Run on save for files:" under Settings > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Prettier. Make sure that .ts and .vue are included.
  2. Turn on "Automatic ESLint configuration" under Settings > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Code Quality Tools > ESLint.
  3. Turn on "Enable" and "Process JS files" under Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Style Sheets > Stylelint.
  4. EditorConfig is enabled by default.

TypeScript and Vue

  1. SFC should be annotated with <script lang="ts">, default export should be wrapped in defineComponent.

    <script lang="ts">
      import { defineComponent } from '@nuxtjs/composition-api';
      export default defineComponent({
        // ...
  2. Non-primitive props should be annotated with PropType<T>.

    props: {
      // Primitive
      count: { type: Number },
      value: { type: [Number, String] },
      wtf: { type: null }, // Will become "any" type
      // Non-primitive
      item: { type: Object as PropType<Item> },
      ids: { type: Array as PropType<number[]> },
      content: { type: [Array, Object] as PropType<Item | Item[]> },
      formatter: { type: Function as PropType<(item: Item) => string> },
  3. Methods and computed properties should have explicit type annotations.

  4. Nuxt asyncData requires special treatment, see withCustomFields from lib/utils.ts


  1. Starter project comes with Bootstrap 4. You can remove it if you don't need it, or use as an example of how to add another framework.
  2. Project-wide styles go to ~/assets/main.scss.
  3. Inside SCSS files and style sections, refer to other files as:
    • ~@/assets/... for project files.
    • ~bootstrap/... for files from node_modules.
  4. Inside SFC, prefer @use with namespaces instead of @import.
    <style lang="scss" scoped>
      @use "~@/assets/vars" as vars;
      @use "~@/assets/plugins/bootstrap/vars" as bvars;
      .text {
        color: vars.$primary;
        background-color: bvars.$gray-100;

Rest API

  1. API typings are generated based on Swagger/OpenAPI provided by backend. See generate:api script inside package.json.
  2. Use $taxios instead of $axios. WebStorm provides auto-completion and type checking for url, body, params and query. See taxios docs for details.
  3. If you encounter an issue with generated types, you should:
    • Report about Swagger/OpenAPI issue.
    • Temporary use $taxios.unsafe.<method> instead of $taxios.<method> until Swagger/OpenAPI is fixed.

Environment variables

  1. Nuxt automatically supports .env file.
    • In development, you can copy .env.example to .env and modify it.
    • In continuous integration, .env can be created programmatically.
  2. To access environmental variables, you have to whitelist them in nuxt.config.ts. There are two options for this:
    1. (public|private)RuntimeConfig (docs) maps to this.$config and ctx.$config. It only supports start-time variables.
      // nuxt.config.ts
      publicRuntimeConfig: {
        SERVICE_URL: process.env.SERVICE_URL || 'http://localhost:4000',
      // some-component.vue
      asyncData(ctx) {
      mounted() {
    2. env (docs) maps to process.env.<NAME> and can be used to eliminate code. It only supports build-time variables.
      // nuxt.config.ts
      env: {
        NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV,
      // some-component.vue
      mounted() {
        if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
          console.log('You are in development mode');

Error handling

  1. Hard error renders the stack trace page in development and views/error.html page in production. It is triggered by uncaught exception during SSR.

    asyncData() {
      throw new Error('Hard error');
  2. Soft error renders layouts/error.vue page. It is triggered by this.$nuxt.error, ctx.error and by uncaught exception after SSR.

    asyncData(ctx) {
      // Option 1:
      ctx.error({ message: 'Soft error', statusCode: 500 }); // Code can be different
      // Option 2:
      ctx.error({ message: 'Soft error' }); // Default status code is 500
      // Option 3:
      ctx.error(new Error('Soft error')); // Same as above
  3. @TODO: Notification error.



  • TypeScript support everywhere, including Nuxt config and server middleware. Source code lives inside ./src.
  • Production does not depend on TypeScript and other build-time dependencies. TypeScript files that are not bundled by Nuxt are compiled into ./build. During start, srcDir is chosen based on location of Nuxt config.

With Docker:

  1. Produce .env file (optional).
  2. Build with docker build (docs).
  3. Deliver docker image to production.
  4. Start with docker-compose (docs) or docker run (docs).

Without Docker:

  1. Produce .env file (optional).
  2. Build with npm ci && npm run build.
  3. Deliver files to production:
    • build/**
    • .nuxt/**
    • .env
    • package.json
    • package-lock.json
  4. Start with npm ci --production && npm run start.

Developing inside Docker (optional)

  1. On Windows 10:
    1. Install Docker for Windows:
    2. Turn on "Expose daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS" in Docker Desktop under Settings > General.
    3. Add .exe extension to the end of "Docker executable" and "Docker Compose executable" in WebStorm under Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Docker > Tools.
    4. Start services from
  2. On GNU/Linux:
    1. @TODO.

Known issues

  1. Named exports from SFC are not supported, so interface types should be defined in separate .ts files.
  2. Type checking and auto-completion is not supported inside template section, neither in IDE nor during compilation.
  3. Vue 2 composition API has some limitations:
  4. Vuelidate does not have Composition API + TypeScript support yet, see vuelidate/vuelidate#684.