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markdown-link-validator is a CLI tool that validates all the links in your markdown files (external or internal). There are multiple tools that validate links to external urls, but none that validate relative URLs. markdown-link-validator will verify that the file you are pointing at exists in your file system. Even more, if it links to a heading in the document it will validate it exists as well!


Install it globally npm install -g markdown-link-validator or locally as a devDependency via npm install -D markdown-link-validator.

Then execute it passing the folder to analyze as the first parameter:

markdown-link-validator ./documentation


markdown-link-validator ./path/to/mds [options]

Basic configuration:
  -i, --ignorePatterns path::[String]  Regex to ignore links - default: []
  -f, --flags path::String  Flags applied to the ignore pattern
  -h, --help                Show help

  --debug                   Output debugging information

The following will analyze all the .md files found under ./docs and ignore any links that match the regular expression /https?:\/\/test\.com\/.*/gi:

markdown-link-validator ./docs -i https?:\/\/test\.com\/.* -f gi

The regular expression is passed via the -i parameter, and its flags via -f.