Hello, my name is Weslley, get to know a little about my story.
Experience in back-end development using Node.js, Nest.js, relational database and NoSQL databases, Cron, PrismaORM, design patterns, studying the application of robust architectures such as DDD, Clean Architecture , microservices using Java and creating a background in cloud architecture. Take contact with PHP, using Laravel. Development of mobile applications with React Native, using Expo.
Working on the front-end with Next.js, React.js, Vue 3, HTML, CSS3, Javascript / TypeScript, web sockets, API consume (Rest and GraphQL), Angular , frameworks CSS like Tailwind, Chakra UI, Styled-Components, use of auxiliary tools like Figma, AdobeXD, Webpack, Vite, Rollup, Parcel, Plop.js
Use of testing tools: Jest, Cypress, Vitest, React Testing Library.
Currently specializing in backend development with Java 8+