Boilerplate com React, Typescript e Vite com testes Unitários, Integração e E2E. Testes dockerizados e automação para Github Actions.
✅ ReactJS
✅ Typescript
✅ ViteJS
✅ Unit tests with React Testing Library and Jest
✅ Storybook
✅ Cypress
✅ Formik
✅ Docker E2E testing
✅ React Query
✅ Material UI
✅ MirageJS
✅ GraphQL / Apollo Client
✅ Axios
✅ Redux
✅ Conventional Commits
✅ Husky
✅ Eslint/Pretiter + Lint Staged
✅ ECharts
✅ Sass
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
For support, email [email protected]
Client: React, Redux, Material UI,
Design System: Material UI, Atomic Design
Testing and Documentation: Storybook, Cypress, React Testing Library, Jest
Practices: Component First, Atomic. Design, TDD, Conventional Commits, Lint Staged, Eslint/Prettier
To run tests, run the following command
// unit tests
npm run test
// cypress headless/terminal
npm run cy:run
// cypress e2e
npm run cy:open
// run tests with docker-compose
docker-compose up --build
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