Hi, my name is x-color
, and I'm a software engineer specializing in microservices development and infrastructure operations.
Software Engineer(Tech Lead) (2022/01 - Present)
- Developed many microservices, such as the mail delivery platform that delivers most of the emails sent by the company.
- Managed Kubernetes clusters and AWS accounts for microservices.
- Managed software development teams.
Cloud Engineer (2019/04 - 2021/12)
- Built the payment service(PCI DSS compliant) on AWS.
- Built the system to manage AWS accounts.
- Developed the chatbot system to support the system management work.
*These are the certifications that I got
- 基本情報技術者試験(Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination)
- 応用情報技術者試験(Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination)
- ネットワークスペシャリスト試験(Network Specialist Examination)
- データベーススペシャリスト試験(Database Specialist Examination)
- 情報処理安全確保支援士試験(Registered Information Security Specialist Examination)