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Releases: xaxys/bubbler


29 Dec 16:29
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29 Dec 16:03
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Command Option Added: -rmpath

-rmpath <path[,path...]>: Remove Path Prefix (Remove the path prefix of the output file path when generating files)
This option is usually used when generating Go target. For example, if a .bb file has go_package option set to, the generated file will be generated in the output/ directory. If you want to remove the path prefix, you can set this option to Then the generated file will be generated in the output/rpc directory.

It can be use like this:

bubbler -t go -rmpath -o output



29 Dec 14:48
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  • 5f0ade0 Fix compile unit commit order
  • a3301fd Fix encoder/decoder dynamic size gen
  • 66242d5 Fix big constant gen in commonjs
  • bfdce9e Add Related Repositories
  • ba9b9b8 Fix grammar in README
  • cd47660 Update Logo & Banner


04 Dec 05:19
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  • 0f94325 Update example proto
  • 19a03fb Fix type parse of value expr and bool literal
  • 532e3ee Update README


03 Dec 17:50
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Go Language Target is Supported!

Now you can use go as language target, like this:

bubbler -t go -o /path/to/mydir/ ./
  • go: Go language, output one .bb.go file for each .bb file. The folder structure will be affected by the go_package option. (i.e., will generate in the directory)
    • With -single: Output one file that includes all definitions for all .bb files. The output file name (including the extension) is determined by the -o option. The package name is determined by the package statement of the input .bb file.
    • With -memcpy: make a copy of the bytes field when decoding. The string field will always be copied.
    • Without -memcpy: a slice of the original buffer will be assigned to the bytes field. The string field will always be copied.



03 Dec 09:10
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  • 6726a0d Fix generation of pow expr in C#
  • 242f35f Fix format of name style in encode_size()


02 Dec 14:09
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C++ Language Target is Supported!

Now you can use c++ as language target, like this:

bubbler -t cpp -o /path/to/mydir/ ./
  • cpp: C++ language, output one .bb.hpp file and one .bb.cpp file for each .bb file.
    • With -single: Output one file that includes all definitions for all .bb files. The output file name (including the extension) is determined by the -o option.
    • With -minimal: No generation of getter/setter methods for fields.
    • With -memcpy: Use std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]> to heap-allocate memory for bytes fields, and copy the content from the original buffer. string fields will always use std::string and copied every time.
    • Without -memcpy: Use std::shared_ptr<uint8_t[]> with null deleter to reference the original buffer for bytes fields. string fields will always use std::string and copied every time.


Snapshot v1.0.0-5c730fd-dev

01 Dec 17:14
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Fix format of C target

Signed-off-by: xaxys <[email protected]>


29 Nov 17:07
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Var-sized Type string & bytes are Supported!

Use the string and bytes to send variable-sized data. For example:

struct Frame {
  int32 code;
  string msg;
  bytes data;


String type is used for send string message. In binary form, the text encoding of a string field is UTF8. Since a string shouldn't contain any EOF character, the end of a string is defined by \0 in data stream. So the size of a string field is str.utf8_length + 1. String type is not supposed to store too long message, because in programming language there is usually no zero-copy feature for string and encoding/decoding cost could be high.


Bytes type is used for store binary data in any form. In binary form, bytes data is store in length + data two part.

Length part denotes the num of bytes contained in the bytes field. It is composed by several size unit, each unit occupied 1 byte as below:

  0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
| C |       7-bit Size          |
  C = Continue Flag

Continue Flag indicates if there is another size unit after this unit. If Continue Flag is 0, it is the last size unit.

7-bit spaces stores the length in little-endian.

Therefore, 1 size unit can represent 0-127 bytes data; 2 size units can represent 128-16383 bytes data; 3 size units can represent 16384-2,097,151 bytes data; 4 size units can represent 2,097,152-268,435,455 bytes data; ... (Please notice that some programming languages do not support array with more than Int32.Max elements)

Data part contains the raw binary data in continues form.

Data type is supposed to store long data, and zero-copy feature is provided in some programming language targets.

Memory Copy Option

-memcpy: Enable memory copy for fields (Duplicate content of string and bytes fields when decoding, instead of directly referencing the original buffer)

For different language target, -memcpy option functions as below:

  • C language

    • With -memcpy: Use malloc to heap-allocate memory for string and bytes fields, and copy the content from the original buffer.
    • Without -memcpy: Pointer reference to the original buffer for string and bytes fields. Zero-copy and zero-heap-allocate.
  • C# language

    • With -memcpy: Use byte[] as the type for bytes fields. Encode and decode methods will only be compatible with byte[] parameters. Old .NET Framework versions should use this option.
    • Without -memcpy: Use Memory<byte> as the type for bytes fields. Encode and decode methods will be compatible with byte[], Memory<byte> and Span<byte>(encode only) parameters. System.Memory package is required for this case.
  • CommonJS module

    • Force enabled: -memcpy.
  • Java language

    • Force enabled: -memcpy.
  • Python language

    • Force enabled: -memcpy.

Enum Value as Constant!

You can now use enum value defined in previous enum type as constant value:

enum FrameType[1] {
    FRAME_DATA = 0x01,
    FRAME_CONTROL = 0x02,

struct DataFrame {
    FrameType opcode = FRAME_DATA;
    bytes data;

struct ControlFrame {
    FrameType opcode = FRAME_CONTROL;
    string msg;

In that case, you can define different frame with different header value, and try to decode them one by one.

frame = DataFrame()
if (frame.decode(buffer) > 0) handle_data_frame(frame)
frame = ControlFrame()
if (frame.decode(buffer) > 0) handle_control_frame(frame)

You can also use enum value defined in previous enum type in new enum definition:

enum FrameType[1] {
    FRAME_DATA = 0x01,
    FRAME_CONTROL = 0x02,

enum FrameTypeExt[1] {

Breaking Change of API

Since variable-sized type is introduced, all decode method returning bool are now returning an integer indicates the num of bytes decoded (-1 for failure), all encoding method returning void are now returning an interger indicates the num of bytes encoded.

dynamic field or method is added to indicate if a struct has dynamic size. (i.e. with string or bytes field in it)

encode_size() method is added to calculate the num of bytes encoded without doing real encoding.

Generated field type change of C# language target without -memcpy option. Refer to section #Memory Copy Option.


  • ae13c78 Update README
  • 570322a Support var-size array & string. Add -memcpy option


17 Oct 13:15
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Ban different method (return / param) type of same method

From 0.7.1 on, getter and setter methods with the same name must return and accept the same type.
Because we are using property feature in C# to generate code like this:

// CustomGetterSetter: TemperaturePercent
public double TemperaturePercent
    get => ((this.temperature / 10) - 40);
    set => this.temperature = (ushort)((value == 0) ? 0 : ((value + 40) * 10));

If we allow users define method like this, then we are not able to use property any more.

struct RovSensorCabTempHumidPressData2 {
    uint16 temperature[2] {
        get temperature_percent(float64): value / 10 - 40;
        set temperature_percent(int32): (uint16)(value == 0 ? 0 : (value + 40) * 10);


  • Fix getter & setter format, remove redundant empty line for C# target.
  • Fix wrong order in the error info while method name conflicting with field name.


  • f3ef12b Ban different method type of same method. Fix C# getter setter format. Fix error info