154 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
Besides some libraries upgrades, this version allows cached requests to be logged.
Fetch execution 🕛 0,08 seconds
[Round 1] 🕛 0,02 seconds
[Batch] From `Users` with ids List(1, 2) cached false 🕛 0,02 seconds
[Round 2] 🕛 0,00 seconds
[Fetch one] From `Users` with id 2 cached true 🕛 0,00 seconds
[Round 3] 🕛 0,01 seconds
[Fetch one] From `Users` with id 4 cached false 🕛 0,01 seconds
[Round 4] 🕛 0,01 seconds
[Batch] From `Posts` with ids List(1, 2, 3) cached false 🕛 0,01 seconds
[Batch] From `Users` with ids List(3) cached false 🕛 0,01 seconds
[Batch] From `Users` with ids List(1, 2) cached true 🕛 0,00 seconds
Thanks @a-khakimov
What's changed
- Logging cached requests (#706) @a-khakimov
- Caching GitHub responses (#710) @fedefernandez
- Fixes organization for GitHubExample test (#709) @fedefernandez
- Update sbt-github, sbt-github-header, ... to 0.11.8 (#707) @47erbot
- Update jedis to 4.3.2 (#708) @47erbot
- Update http4s-blaze-client to 0.23.14 (#705) @47erbot
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.2 (#703) @47erbot
- Update circe-generic to 0.14.5 (#704) @47erbot
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.8 (#702) @47erbot
- Update cats-effect to 3.4.7 (#701) @47erbot