A script to install nZEDb automagically. I built this script from these instructions.
This is aimed at a fresh AWS instance of Ubuntu Server 14.04. It will probably work with a fresh install somewhere else as well, but I haven't tested it.
It's your responsibility to sign up to AWS and to figure out how to use keys and security groups. I may write a tutorial on this later on, but for now it's assumed you know what you're doing here. If you don't and need a place to start, head over to http://aws.amazon.com/. There's probably a bunch of tutorials for this online already.
I encourage you to look through go.sh and see what it does, and ensure i'm not hacking your gibson.
This script completely disables apparmor. If you need it, you can probably figure out how to remove the mysql exception and re-enable it.
The script does NOT set your php timezone, that's up to you as I don't have a clue where you're from. (it's not 100% necessary either). You can fix this by editing /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and setting the date.timezone option. (Don't forget to restart apache).
It is HIGHLY SUGGESTED you set up an AWS BillingAlarm to ensure you don't over your free tier allowance. Upon testing this automated install I exceeded the allowance, though I can't really tell if that was due to the indexer or due to me reinstalling the same packages about 15 times. That said, my bill was a massive $1.05. ;-)
Launch a "Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS" - ami-41128a7b instance, the t2.micro tier works fine if you're just starting out and it's free for a year for new AWS accounts.
ssh to said machine
sudo su -
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xelfer/nZEDbgo/master/go.sh
bash go.sh
Browse to http://your-server-ip/
You should see:
Follow the buttons "Go to step one" and then on the next page "go to step two".
Enter the following:
"Go to step 3" then enter in your news server details. If you need one I recommend usenetbucket. Complete this by scrolling down and clicking "Test Primary Connection".
"Step four: save settings"
"Step five: setup admin user" - straight forward, create your own account.
"Step six: set file paths" - I accept defaults, "Set file paths"