Script is written to try and take advantage of your pre-existing logs but will create entires for itself in wan-event or create wan-event in /jffs/scripts/ to trigger new save points that are stored in RAM.
- Calculates the difference from last wan-event connected, WAN up event to now
- Script only searches disconnects, it cannot find service outage where you remain connected to your ISP
- Relies on in order wan-event message, wan up message, link up message or NTP sync message to calc uptime
- Only has resolution to 364d23h59m59s as years are not recorded in logs
- Thanks to ColinTaylor and Martinski for their ideas
- Results are saved in /tmp/ (msg epoch,msg,date found,uptime)
- HIGHLY recommended to let script create wan-event entries for best accuracy
- run with argument 'enable' 'disable' to enable(default) or disable/remove wan-event entries for this script
- run with argument 'log' to send uptimes to log with cron (ie. 'sh /jffs/scripts/ log')
- run with argument 'unlock' should you be locked out by a NTP lock file
- run with argument 'uninstall' to remove wan-event entires and delete script
- run with argument '-f X' to force search method, X can be event, routes, restored, ntp, saved
- Using -f if a successful result is found it will reset saved file, use with caution
To download, copy/paste in an SSH terminal
curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/" && chmod a+rx "/jffs/scripts/"
To extract uptime for use in your own script, run script (redirect output to temp file if necessary) and pull saved uptime from /tmp/
sh /jffs/scripts/ > /tmp/wanuptime.temp
wanuptime="$(sed -n '4p' /tmp/ 2> /dev/null