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CameraPlus v2.0.1

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@xyonico xyonico released this 20 Aug 17:59

Download at ModSaber
Download has been moved to ModSaber.
The mod installer downloads from ModSaber, so you can get the newest version of CameraPlus from there as well.

CameraPlus v2.0.1

Video Comparison
Third Person Preview


  1. Use the mod installer:
    It is the easiest method, it will do all these steps below in 1 click.

To install manually:

1b. Make sure that Beat Saber is not running.
2b. Extract the contents of the zip into Beat Saber's installation folder.
	For Oculus Home: \Oculus Apps\Software\hyperbolic-magnetism-beat-saber\
	For Steam: \steamapps\common\Beat Saber\
	(The folder that contains Beat Saber.exe)
3b. Done! You've installed CameraPlus.


Press F1 to toggle between first and third person.

After you run the game once, a cameraplus.cfg file is created within the Beat Saber folder.
Edit that file to configure CameraPlus:

fov=90.0 Horizontal field of view of the camera
antiAliasing=2 Anti-aliasing setting for the camera (1, 2, 4 or 8 only)
renderScale The resolution scale of the camera relative to game window (similar to supersampling for VR)
positionSmooth=10.0 How much position should smooth (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
rotationSmooth=5.0 How much rotation should smooth (SMALLER NUMBER = SMOOTHER)
thirdPerson=false Whether third person camera is enabled

posx=0 X position of third person camera
posy=0 Y position of third person camera
posz=0 Z position of third person camera
angx=0 X rotation of third person camera
angy=0 Y rotation of third person camera
angz=0 Z rotation of third person camera

Changelog v2.0.1

  • Fixed for Beat Saber 0.11.2.
  • Removed FPS option (it was messing with custom avatars with minimal performance boost).


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If you need help, ask us at the Beat Saber Mod Group Discord Server: