Module for making equally random selections of items that are arranged in a tree structure. It contains two classes described blow.
Abstract class that contains logic for uniformly random selection
Here is a stupid but simple example. Suppose that we are storing the names of students separately in categories. We want a data structure that would allow us to select any one student at random.
import { SelectionNode } from "uniform-probability-selector";
class StudentSelector extends SelectionNode<string, Array<string>> {
* Define your recusive selection logic here.
* Arguments:
* snippet: Data returned from a child node (or null if this is a leaf node)
* childIndexUsed: Index of the child node from which the snippet was returned. (null if this is a leaf node)
* Returns whatever value that you want this node to return
recursiveSelection(snippet: string, _childIndexUsed: number): string {
* Case n=1
* If snippet is null, then this is a leaf node.
* So just return the value of that you want a leaf to generate.
* In this example, we want to return a randomly selected students' name.
if (snippet === null) {
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() *!.length);
* Case n>1: snippet is output from n-1th step.
* If this is not a leaf node, do whatever function you want the intermediary
* nodes to do with the given snippet.
* In this example, the intermediary node simply returns the snippet as is.
return snippet;
* Set how you want the weights of your nodes to be computed.
* To achieve a uniform distribution, you should make the weight of a node to be the number
* unique values that can be generated from it (and its descendants).
* Returns a number.
computeWeight(): number {
// If this is a leaf, just return the number of names.
if (this.isLeaf()) {
// Otherwise, just add up the weights of all the child nodes.
return this.getSumOfChildWeights();
const artStudents = new StudentSelector(["joe", "jill"]);
const musicStudents = new StudentSelector(["albert", "alice", "alex"]);
const allStudents = new StudentSelector();
// Get any one of the art students at random
console.log(`${artStudents.makeRandomSelection()} does art`);
// Get any one of the music students at random
console.log(`${musicStudents.makeRandomSelection()} does music`);
// Make a uniformly random selection from all students
console.log(`${allStudents.makeRandomSelection()} is a student`);
// Print number of students under any node
console.log("Number of music students", musicStudents.getWeight()); // 3
console.log("Total number of students", allStudents.getWeight()); // 5
Implementation of SelectionNode for constructing texts out of substrings.
Here is a simple example that generates a dialogue.
import { TextBuilderNode } from "uniform-probability-selector";
const personA = new TextBuilderNode([
"Do you... do you love me?\n",
"I love you. Do you feel the same?\n",
"You love me, right?\n",
"Please, tell me you love me.\n",
const personB = new TextBuilderNode([
"No, I don't love you.",
"Hell no.",
"In year dreams, maybe.",
"Of course I like you.",
"I don't see you that way.",
"You're... you're a good friend.",
// Print a randomly selected dialogue
// "Do you... do you love me?"
// "Of course I like you."