Sky Banquet Halls offers a digital booking system for banquet halls, designed to make the process of reserving a hall and selecting catering options straightforward and efficient. The platform currently allows clients to fill out a booking form and choose from a selection of menu packages and hall options.
- Frontend: React, Bootstrap
- Backend: Node.js, Express
- Database: MySQL
- Database Query Builder: Knex.js
- API Testing: Postman
- Hall Booking: Clients can complete a form to book banquet halls for specific dates and events.
- Menu Selection: Clients can choose from various predefined menu packages tailored to different event types and preferences.
- Responsive Design: The application adapts seamlessly to tablet and desktop screen sizes. The tablet screen was chosen as default considering that most people use either tablets or desktops for event planning tasks.
This project consists of two separate parts: the frontend and the backend, each housed in their own repository. Follow the instructions below to set up both components.
Clone the Backend Repository:
git clone cd banquet-halls-backend
Install dependencies
npm install
Set Up Environment Variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and populate it with the necessary environment variables:
PORT=8080 DB_HOST= DB_NAME=banquetHalls DB_USER=root DB_PASSWORD=rootroot
Run Database Migrations::
npm run migrate
Seed the Database::
npm run seed
Start the Backend Server::
nodemon server
Clone the front end repository:
git clone cd banquet-halls-frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the development server
npm start
- HTTP Method: GET
- URL:
- Description: Retrieves a list of all available banquet halls.
- Success Response:
- Code: 200 OK
- Content:
[ { "name": "Emerald Banquet Hall", "capacity": 300, "description": "Our largest hall, adorned with crystal chandeliers and a classic decor. Perfect for weddings and large corporate events.", "price": 5000, "hallImage_url": "http://localhost:8080/hall1.jpg" }, ... ]
- Error Response:
- Code: Status 400
- Content:
Error retrieving Halls: ${err}
Notes: No authentication required for this endpoint.
HTTP Method: GET
Description: Retrieves a list of all available menu packages.
Success Response:
- Code: 200 OK
- Content:
[ { "title": "Classic Elegance", "description": "A timeless selection of our most beloved dishes, perfect for any occasion.", "image_url": "http://localhost:8080/classic.jpg", "price_per_head": 75.0, "contents": { "appetizers": ["Caesar Salad", "Bruschetta"], "mains": ["Grilled Salmon with Lemon Butter", "Beef Wellington"], "desserts": ["Tiramisu", "Crème Brûlée"] } }, ... ]
Error Response:
- Code: Status 400
- Content:
Error retrieving Menu Packages: ${err.message}
Notes: No authentication required for this endpoint.
- HTTP Method: POST
- URL:
- Description: Submit a booking request for a specific date with menu package and hall preferences.
- Example Request Body
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"hall_id": 1,
"menu_package_id": 3,
"event_date": "2024-12-12"
Success Response:
- Code: 201 CREATED
- Content: "Booking request created successfully"
Error Response:
- Code: Status 400
- Content:
Error creating booking request: ${err.message}
This application employs comprehensive front-end validation to enhance the user experience and ensure data integrity before form submission. Validation occurs both on submission and as users exit (onBlur) each input field.
Field Completion: Ensures that all required fields are filled out prior to form submission. Immediate feedback is provided if a field is left empty.
Regular Expressions (Regex):
- Name: Validates that the name field contains only letters and spaces.
- Email: Confirms that the email address conforms to a standard email format.
- Event Date: Ensures that the event date follows the
format.- Additional Check: Validates that the entered date is in the future, enhancing reliability and relevance of the booking.
Selection Requirements: Validates that a hall and a menu package have been selected from the dropdown options provided.
OnBlur Validation: Provides real-time feedback by validating each input field as the user moves away from it, allowing for immediate correction of any detected errors.
Real-time feedback is provided via error messages displayed adjacent to the relevant input fields if validation fails. This allows users to correct any issues promptly.
The server-side validation ensures robust data integrity and error handling by verifying that all required fields are present and correctly formatted before processing any requests.
Field Presence: Checks that all required fields are included in the request body to prevent processing incomplete submissions.
Data Format Validation:
- Name: Verifies that the name only contains letters and spaces.
- Email: Ensures the email adheres to a valid format.
- Event Date: Confirms that the date is in the
format and is a future date, not past.