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Darty is a data dependency manager for data science projects. It helps to share data across projects and control data versions.

Getting Started



  • Python 3
  • Installed and configured AWS CLI
  • Bucket on S3 to publish your packages

Use pip to install or upgrade Darty:

$ pip install -U darty

Dependency File

To manage data dependencies the project should contain a configuration file. By default Darty is looking for a darty.yaml file.

Example of a dependency file:

    type: s3_zip
    root: sapphire-data-packages
  - group: entity_detection.lexicons
    artifact: lexicons-en
    version: 1.1.0
    workingDir: data/lexicons/en

  - group: entity_detection.lexicons
    artifact: lexicons-de
    version: 1.0.0
    workingDir: data/lexicons/de

The file contains a list of repositories and a list of dependencies. Each dependency belongs to particular repository. By default all dependencies belong to the "default" repository.

“repositories” section is a dictionary of repositories where keys are names of repositories and values are configurations.

Repository configuration:

  • “type”: name of the repository driver (see "Darty Drivers" section)
  • “root”: unique identificator inside the repository. Meaning of this value is different for different types of repositories. For Amazon S3 it’s a bucket name.
  • “parameters”: custom parameters for the repository driver.

“dependencies” section is a list of elements where each element contains dependency configuration.

Dependency configuration:

  • “group”: the id of the data group.
  • “artifact”: the name of the package under the specified group.
  • “version”: the version of the package under the specified group.
  • “workingDir” (optional): this directory is being used to work with package files directly from the project and to publish the new version of the package.
  • “files” (optional): list of files which belong to the package. It can be used to specify particular files which should be copied to the working directory ignoring other ones. Or it can be used to scope the list of files which you want to publish inside new version of the package.
  • “repository” (optional): the name of the repository where the package is located (by default it has value "default", then the "default" repository must be specified)
Shared Working Directory

You can use the same working directory for several dependencies, but in this case you must use “files” setting. You must specify the list of files for each dependency which you are going to use. The files across dependencies which are sharing the same working directory cannot have the same filenames.

Publishing Data Package

  1. Create a working directory for the data you want to publish. For example, data/my_word_vectors/.

  2. Create the darty.yaml file in the project's root folder:

        type: s3_zip                       # name of the driver for S3
        root: my-data-packages             # bucket name
      - group: datasets.word_vectors       # package group name
        artifact: my-word-vectors          # package artifact name
        version: 1.0.0                     # package version
        workingDir: data/my_word_vectors   # package working directory
  3. Make sure you've configured AWS CLI and have an access to the bucket.

  4. Go to the project’s directory in the terminal and run the following command:

    $ darty publish

    If everything was configured correctly you will see the message that the package was successfully published and the list of published files.

Local Publishing

Package can be published locally. Then it will be available for all your local projects. Use the publish-local command. To rewrite existing version of local package, use "-r" flag.

$ darty publish-local

Downloading Dependencies

Tu get all the dependencies specified in the configuration file, use the following command:

$ darty update

Note: if the working directory for the dependency is not empty, it will not be updated. To rewrite working directories for the dependencies, use "-r" flag.

By default Darty is looking for a darty.yaml file in the current directory, but you can specify the path to your dependency file using "-c" flag:

$ darty update -c path/to/project/config.yaml

Also you can get only particular dependency from the list by specifying a group and an artifact name or just an artifact name:

$ darty update --group {{package_group}} --artifact {{package_artifact}}
$ darty update --artifact {{package_artifact}}

Integration with a Python Project

Integration of Darty with your project would be helpful if:

  • you want to distribute your Python package, and the data should be outside of this package
  • you have a heavy dataset and you don't want to have the second copy in the dependency working directory (the first copy Darty always caches in the ~/.darty directory and it's for a read-only access)

Integration steps:

  1. Move the darty.yaml file from the project root directory inside your Python package. Don’t forget to rewrite all relative paths for working directories inside the file.

  2. Create an instance of DependencyManager in the {{package_name}}/ file:

    from darty.dependency_manager import DependencyManager
    DM = DependencyManager.from_py_package(__package__)
  3. Use get_path() method to get path to your data package:

    from {{package_name}} import DM
    lexicons_path = DM.get_path('entity_detection.lexicons', 'lexicons-en', file_path='en-curated-color')

Note: the get_path() method is trying to find the files in the working directory if the directory exists. If it doesn't exist or it's empty, the method will return the absolute path to the data package.

Python package distribution:

  1. Add the path to the darty.yaml file to the script:

          package_data={'{{package_name}}': [
  2. Now if user installed your Python package with pip, he can get the data dependencies using the following command:

    $ darty download --py-package {{package_name}}

    Because you are using "download" command and not "update", the working directories for data dependencies will not be created, and the application will access files using absolute paths.

Darty Configuration

Darty keeps its configuration in the ~/.darty/config file.

To change default settings use the following command:

$ darty [-p <PROFILE_NAME>] configure

If you didn't specify a configuration profile name, name "default" will be used by default.

At the moment the command allows you to configure only the directory where data packages will be saved locally. By default, it's the directory ~/.darty/packages/.

Darty Drivers

At the moment Darty supports only AWS S3 buckets, but you can always develop your custom driver as a plugin to Darty and use it in your dependency files.

This repository contains 2 S3 drivers:

  • s3_files: stores packages on S3 as a bunch of files, without packing them to a single archive,
  • s3_zip: stores packages on S3 as zip archives.


1. Where all my downloaded and locally published packages are stored?

By default, all packages are stored in the ~/.darty/packages/ directory, but you can change it using the configure command.

2. What is "working directory"?

You can specify a working directory for any dependency in your dependency file. Once a package is downloaded to the local central directory, the data from that package will be copied to the specified working directory. You should use working directories in 2 cases:

  • if you want to work with the data using relative to your project's root paths
  • if you are going to modify and publish a new version of the package

3. How to work with package data if I didn't specify a working directory?

You can do it only if you're working with a Python project. See "Integration with a Python Project" section.

4. Can I specify the same working directory for several dependencies?

Yes, you can share a working directory across several packages. See "Shared Working Directory" section.

5. If I have changes in a dependency working directory and I call the update command, will I loose my changes?

No, you won't. All the files in the working directory will remain unchanged. Only if you called the command with the -r flag, they will be overwritten.

If you have a list of files for the dependency specified and you call update command, the existing files in the working directory will remain unchanged, but those ones which didn't exist in the directory before will be appended.

6. How can I resolve the conflict if I've made some changes to the package, but another person just published newer version of this package?

Follow the steps:

  1. Rename the current working directory for the package to something temporary.
  2. Change the version of the package in the darty.yaml file to the latest one.
  3. Perform darty update command. It will download the latest package and create a new working directory with the latest data.
  4. Move your changes to newly created directory and remove the temporary one.
  5. Now you can publish a new version of the package.


  • add "author" (dict: "name", "email") field for dependency configuration
  • wildcards for files in the dependency configuration
  • "show" command similar to pip show
  • command to get package versions from repository (show -i 1 -f (to show also files), -v (to show also available versions in repository). Returns information about installed package (env flag, without files by default; or print "Not installed")
  • "clean" command to remove locally published package
  • "compare" command to compare current working directory with particular version of the package
  • add "message" parameter for the "publish" command and save it to package metadata


Darty welcomes contributions from the open source community. To get started, take a look at our contributing guidelines, then check the Issues Tracker for ideas.


Feel free to contact one the maintainers.


See the LICENSE file.


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