This repository contains source code for the Zarhus documentation webpage.
Please make sure to follow below steps before publishing your changes as a merge request.
virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdocs serve
By default, it will host a local copy of documentation at:
If the following error occurs OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use
, try
using a different address by running the command mkdocs serve -a localhost:12345
(the number is random).
It is crucial at this point to verify that the pages you have changed render correctly as HTML in local preview.
Find all occurrences:
grep -E "TBD|TODO" docs/**/*.md -r
Iterate over all occurrences and check if:
- file, where TBD or TODO occurs, is displayed (included in nav section of mkdocs.yml)
- TBD or TODO is visible on the website
There should be no TBD or TODO visible on the website.
Install pre-commit, if you followed local build procedure
should be installed -
Install hooks into repo:
pre-commit install
Enjoy automatic checks on each
git commit
action! -
(Optional) Run hooks on all files (for example, when adding new hooks or configuring existing ones):
pre-commit run --all-files
In some cases, it may be needed to skip pre-commit
tests. To do that, please
git commit --no-verify
Embedding videos with in-line HTML iframe
tag does not work.
mkdocs-video plugin is used
instead. To embed an video simply type the following in markdown:
