A Helm chart for https://github.com/sap/cf-service-operator
Key | Type | Default | Description |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
Override full name |
nameOverride | string | "" |
Override name |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
Replica count |
image.repository | string | "ghcr.io/sap/cf-service-operator" |
Image repository |
image.tag | string | "" |
Image tag (defauls to .Chart.AppVersion) |
image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
Image pull policy |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
Image pull secrets |
affinity | object | {} |
Affinity settings |
topologySpreadConstraints | list | [] |
Topology spread constraints (if unspecified, default constraints for hostname and zone will be generated) |
defaultHostNameSpreadPolicy | string | "ScheduleAnyway" |
Default topology spread policy for hostname |
defaultZoneSpreadPolicy | string | "ScheduleAnyway" |
Default topology spread policy for zone |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node selector |
tolerations | list | [] |
Tolerations |
priorityClassName | string | "" |
Priority class |
podSecurityContext | object | {} |
Pod security context |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
Additional pod annotations |
podLabels | object | {} |
Additional pod labels |
securityContext | object | {} |
Container security context |
resources.limits.memory | string | "200Mi" |
Memory limit |
resources.limits.cpu | float | 0.1 |
CPU limit |
resources.requests.memory | string | "20Mi" |
Memory request |
resources.requests.cpu | float | 0.01 |
CPU request |
webhook.certManager.enabled | bool | false |
Whether to use cert-manager to manage webhook tls |
webhook.certManager.issuerGroup | string | "" |
Issuer group (only relevant if enabled is true; if unset, the default cert-manager group is used) |
webhook.certManager.issuerKind | string | "" |
Issuer kind (only relevant if enabled is true; if unset, the default cert-manager type 'Issuer' is used) |
webhook.certManager.issuerName | string | "" |
Issuer name (only relevant if enabled is true; if unset, a self-signed issuer is used) |
enableSapBindingMetadata | bool | false |
Enable SAP binding metadata (per default, can be overridden by annotation per binding object) |
Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0