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f2033c4 · Jun 26, 2023


This branch is 140 commits behind SAP/cf-service-operator-helm:main.



Version: 0.3.0 Type: application AppVersion: v0.3.0

A Helm chart for


Key Type Default Description
fullnameOverride string "" Override full name
nameOverride string "" Override name
replicaCount int 1 Replica count
image.repository string "" Image repository
image.tag string "" Image tag (defauls to .Chart.AppVersion)
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
affinity object {} Affinity settings
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Topology spread constraints (if unspecified, default constraints for hostname and zone will be generated)
defaultHostNameSpreadPolicy string "ScheduleAnyway" Default topology spread policy for hostname
defaultZoneSpreadPolicy string "ScheduleAnyway" Default topology spread policy for zone
nodeSelector object {} Node selector
tolerations list [] Tolerations
priorityClassName string "" Priority class
podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context
podAnnotations object {} Additional pod annotations
podLabels object {} Additional pod labels
securityContext object {} Container security context
resources.limits.memory string "200Mi" Memory limit
resources.limits.cpu float 0.1 CPU limit
resources.requests.memory string "20Mi" Memory request
resources.requests.cpu float 0.01 CPU request
webhook.certManager.enabled bool false Whether to use cert-manager to manage webhook tls
webhook.certManager.issuerGroup string "" Issuer group (only relevant if enabled is true; if unset, the default cert-manager group is used)
webhook.certManager.issuerKind string "" Issuer kind (only relevant if enabled is true; if unset, the default cert-manager type 'Issuer' is used)
webhook.certManager.issuerName string "" Issuer name (only relevant if enabled is true; if unset, a self-signed issuer is used)
enableSapBindingMetadata bool false Enable SAP binding metadata (per default, can be overridden by annotation per binding object)

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0