User: admin Pass: group2
Please download github from "" or ""
After you have downloaded the program. Make sure you are logged into the program before continuing go to "" and at the bottom right click clone to desktop. Now the program should open and start coping all the files to ~/My Documents/GitHub/Group2_Intergrated_Project/ When its done click the little arrow beside the project name "Group2_Intergrated_Project".
On the left side it shows all of the history to what everyone has done in the project. On the top right where it says "No Uncommitted Changes" checks if there are any changes made and if so then shows a menu to send all the files so we can use them.
Click the settings on the top right. Now click Open in explorer. This will show all the project files. DO NOT DELETE ".gitignore" or ".gitattributes" if you see these files. Now create a temperary text file "temp_zeeshan" Open the file and write any content in it. After your done go to github's program and you now should see "Uncommitted changes" on the top right. Next to it there is a button called "Show" click it. On the right you'll see all the changes you made. Now on the left under "Uncommitted changes" Write a summary, NOTE: description is not needed after you write a quick summary of what you added to the project click "commit to master" When you click it GitHub will package it all up so its ready to send to the server so everyone can have access to the changes you made. After its done you will see up arrow with +1 on the top right next to sync. Click Sync and it might take a while depending on your internet connection and the changes you made. After that your done all of the changes are now submitted you can view them here ""
When someone submittes changes you won't automaticly get them becouse they might be working on the same file you were. So to check if someone made changes you will see down arrow with +1 next to sync on the top right. click it so git hub adds everyones commited changes.
If you made changes that you want to cancel before you committed them. Just click show next to "Uncommitted changes" click show and on the right side. Right click any file and discard it. NOTE: THE FILE WON'T BE DELETED UNLESS YOU JUST CREATED IT. IT WILL GO BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS BEFORE YOU EDITED IT. If you want to discard all changes right click above all files and click discard changes.
Try not to use this. This is for safty if you accidently synced your changes and messed up the project. In the history click where you want to go and then on the top right click revert. Now github will make a your files identical to that. Make sure its working fine and now commit the changes. After that just sync and your done.