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hvorragend edited this page Sep 1, 2011 · 1 revision


Since version pnForum 2.6 the module offers hooks that allow it to be used as comments module like EZComments. Whenever a new submission has been added a new forum topic will be created. For a special support a function in modules/Dizkus/pncommentsapi/ is needed. Currently such a support exists for the News module only. It reads the new submission and copies the content to the initial posting. For all other modules the postings get a default text. In order to use this feature the Dizkus hook has to be activated for the target module.

Basic configuration

Action to be performed when deletehook is called: Either closing or deleting a topic in the forum.

Configuration per Forum

Modulereference: In this list all modules where the Dizkus hook is activated appear for selection. Zikula Topic: Submission can be sorted into different forums depending on their topic.


The forum topics will be created using the name of the initial submitter. As far as News are concerned this will be done when the news get approved. In this case the user who does this needs the permission to write to the target forum. If no approval is needed the submitter needs this permission.

After a forum topic has been created a link to this topic will be displayed below the entry. This can be configured by changing the dizkus_hook_display.html template which gets an array of the complete discussion data so far as parameter, for more information the see the output of the pndebug plugin.

If a news submission gets updated the initial posting will be updated too. Upon deletion the action configured in the basic configuration will be performed.

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