To render the PDFs from LaTeX source, do make clean; make
I've committed a PDF of version 0.1 of this handout, so people can get a feel for the formatting. However! See the LaTeX file for the main and updated content! The PDF won't necessarily be updated with each edit I make to the LaTeX source, because I don't like committing binaries or generated files in Git repositories unless there's a good reason.
This Readme is mainly for supplementary content for the presenters, not for the main handout.
- diceware: english, spanish, portuguese
- dice
Some tips adapted from: "10 Incredibly Simple Things You Should Be Doing To Protect Your Privacy." Kashmir Hill. Forbes Magazine, 2012-08-23.
Example of the type of thing that gets fixed in updates (from the OpenSSL toolkit, January 2017): "BN_mod_exp may produce incorrect results on x86_64. There is a carry propagating bug in the x86_64 Montgomery squaring procedure. No EC algorithms are affected. Analysis suggests that attacks against RSA and DSA as a result of this defect would be very difficult to perform and are not believed likely...."
I have no idea what Montgomery squaring is, although I sort of know what some of the other stuff is (mod_exp, EC, RSA, DSA). I do know that little things like this get fixed very often, and lots of little improvements add up to a big improvement.
Private mode avoids cookies and avoids storing history, but ISP can see what sites just fine. Tor stops that.
ISP can see you're using Tor. VPN would be a next step on top of Tor.
GPG (email self defense)
Protonmail, Mailvelope
Password manager
Resources mentioned on cryptoparty mailing list. I haven't tried many of these.
Surveillance Self-Defence, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Tactical Tech's Data Detox Kit
Hack Blossom's DIY feminist security
How to Protect Yourself From Government Surveillance and Criminal Hackers, ACLU
Easy-ish privacy/security actions to protect against doxxing, Jason Reich, BuzzFeed
Encryption Works, Freedom of the Press Foundation (out of date by over a year, update pending)
Securing Your Digital Life Like a Normal Person, Martin Shelton, Open News
How to encrypt your entire life in less than an hour, Quincy Larson, Free Code Camp
Decent Security, Starter guide for better online security
A 70-Day Web Security Action Plan for Artists and Activists Under Siege, Candace Williams
Surveillance Self-Defense Against the Trump Administration, The Intercept
Encryption Works: How to Protect Your Privacy (And Your Sources) in the Age of NSA Surveillance, Freedom of the Press Foundation
The Smart Girl’s Guide to Privacy (book/ebook; available at the Chicago Public Library)
Security-in-a-box, a guide for activists
DIY guide to feminist cybersecurity
Digial Privacy Cheet Sheet, Karl Blumenthal