Computer vision has played an important role in medical imaging.
The current application was designed to perform image processing techniques to segment out the tumor from 2D MRI images. It would help the doctor to learn the details about tumors in the preoperative surgery phase.
The following application is a python-based GUI-interface. The GUI is designed using Pyqt5, while on the backend OpenCV was used to perform image processing functionalities.
Following application is a python-based GUI-interface.The GUI is designed using Pyqt5,while on the backend OpenCV was used to perform image processing functionalites.
The image processing techniques performed in a sequence as followed
1.Select the image desired to perform segmentation
2.Apply bilateral filter
3.Apply median filter
4.Apply gaussian filter
5.Peform thresholding
7.Perform morphological operations.
8.Add color map
9.Save the segmented image
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