TODO: Update with recent changes + gpt4all content
Even with major updates, as new scientific research is published and new therapeutics are approved by the FDA, there become disparities between computable data sources and the true state of treatment knowledge. In order to improve data parity between computable knowledge and the published state of treatment knowledge, we aim to create tooling that is able to automate (or assist) ingestion of live data sourcing in a scalable manner. Using advanced NLP techniques, we can capture therapeutic data as it becomes available from definitive sources, regulatory approval bodies, and scientific publications.
The current strategy for creating this pipeline involves utilizing the Huggingface ecosystem to perform key NLP tasks on key pieces of data. Amazon Titan (LLM) is also being explored for potential in performing similar NLP tasks.
This project is very much still in an exploratory phase and all work is done out of ipynb currently. Data files are not included in the repo but can be provided upon request. Any files named 'explore' are almost always a reference scratchpad.
- download_json.ipynb --> Download relevant FDA label JSON
- ner_tagging.ipynb --> Perform NER tagging, pre and post processing for relevant FDA labels
- select-random.ipynb --> Select a random subset of data from FDA labels
- evaluate.ipynb --> Align model predicted NER with human labeled data, calculate F1
From 2/8/24 NLP Meeting:
- Chunk rejoining strategy for diseases ner to construct an indication description
- Create evaluation set for GENETIC and DISEASE
- Look into QA
From 1/31/24 Check-in:
- Find way to link back/hook in to DGIdb
- Make a figure
Create evaluation set for GENETIC and DISEASE -
Look into QA
From 10/24/23 Check-in:
- Look under the hood to calculate a proper PR curve
- Look under the hood for proper post-processing
Evaluate for GENETIC and DISEASE
From 10/5/23 NLP Meeting:
- Look to see if there is a 'toolbox' function that rejoins chunks
- Create a labeled dataset for evaluation purposes (32 to 100 sentences)
If no toolbox, add in post-processing
From 9/14/23 NLP Meeting:
- Upload preprocessing for label dataset
- Introduce post-processing (joining ner chunks?)
Revisit preprocessing steps (white space, TM characters, splits, etc.) -
Characterize ADE model for better understanding