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Creating heatmap for synergistic effect prediction

cadiachan edited this page Nov 16, 2017 · 1 revision


Note: R is in ver 3.4.0 or higher is needed to run script (package dependencies)

Recommended: Run through RStudio and change the input file name directly in R script.

Takes output file from "synthetic lethal" analysis and creates a heatmap for each output node of interest. In addition, takes a second file with list of the mutated gene names.

By default, this script works with two specific nodes:

  • 419195 p-T19,S20-MRLC-smooth muscle/non-muscle myosin II
  • 5668934 p-T19-MRLC-smooth muscle/non-muscle myosin II

but other output nodes can also be changed in the R script.