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Releases: PinkSwitch/Archipelago

Archipelago EarthBound 3.2

16 Feb 05:15
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 3.2

New Settings

  • ** EnergyLink!** EnergyLink support has been added and is togglable via a yaml option. If it is enabled, energylink will link your ATM balance on the server. Any money you earn or deposit is automatically stored, and you will withdraw energy from the server. Other games playing energylink can store or withdraw from this.


  • If Ness, Paula, Jeff, or Poo are on a Character location, they will now always appear as the correct character, regardless of if they are for yourself, and they will also show as the correct character even if Remote Items is on.
  • The Sky Runner script has been overhauled and hopefully should now be fixed, however the unique Jeff scene has been removed in favor of shorter, better performance.
  • The Sky Runner cutscene now automatically unlocks the Winters Teleport in case you get deathlinked before leaving the lab
  • The Rock Brothers have received updated scripts
  • Cultists in the Happy-Happy HQ will now move to the side instead of get deleted if their shuffled enemy's sprite is small enough for the player to walk through, rather than if Enemy Shuffle is off
  • The guard outside of Snow Wood will now hint towards the fact that he requires the Letter for Tony to open the gate
  • Added ä to font
  • There is now a hard-cap on how many pieces of progressive equipment can be generated as filler
  • Photos! You can now receive Photographs as items, which will put a photograph of the current party and location in the credits photo album!
  • The patch now appears on local webhost
  • Traps on shopsanity checks are now forced to have a price of 0 to make them more tantalizing


  • Calling Ness's Dad from the Phase Distorter now properly clears the selection out of the textbox for consistency
  • Fixed the Fourside teleport getting removed when starting the Epilogue
  • Fixed the Sky Runner sometimes not working?
  • Fixed the Sky Runner not removing the UFO Engine from your inventory
  • Fixed a bug where using the Sky Runner with Jeff in your party while Jeff was on the Threed Prisoner check and not checked would softlock the game by causing the NPC jeff to try to fix the sky runner instead of the party Jeff.
  • Fixed the Master Criminal Worm using the sprite of the Criminal Worm when shuffled onto a static enemy
  • Fixed a minor text bug when receiving Progressive Poo PSI
  • Fixed a generation crash when putting a hint for your starting character in Start Hints
  • Fixed non-remote Teleports on character locations clearing the entire textbox when you learn the teleport
  • Fixed a bug where you would always start as Ness if Remote Items was on
  • Fixed a typo where Thunder items for Jeff would fire a Lighting bolt instead of a Lightning bolt
  • Fixed the Snow Wood lockers being openable without the Key to the Locker
  • Fixed a softlock that would occur if Captain Strong was using the same sprite as the shuffled cop enemeis
  • Fixed a crash when receiving 2 progressive Poo psis
  • Fixed the Cave of the Present - Star Master check not working

Known Issues

  • None so far

Map Tracker Changelog

  • Fixed the Fourside Bakery Shop Slots being marked as requiring the Contact Lens

Archipelago EarthBound 3.1

03 Feb 17:24
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 3.1

New Settings

  • Starting Character: Sets which character you start as. Everyone will start with the ATM card, as well as their first-level weapon (except for Poo, who only starts with the ATM card) and the ability to teleport. If the starting character isn't Ness, Ness will be added to the pool like the other characters. If your starting character is Jeff, you will be able to teleport by using the Warp pad found in your inventory. You do not need Ness to activate Sanctuaries.
  • Enemy Shuffle: Shuffles non-boss enemies around
  • Cap Equipamizer Stats: Caps the stats of equipment created by the Equipamizer to help reduce the liklihood of getting multiple pieces of +100 defense
    equipment and maxing out stats.
  • Money Drop Multiplier: Multiplies the amount of money that enemies add to the ATM, ranging from 1x to 100x
  • Skip Epilogue: Removes the choice to play the Epilogue after defeating Giygas. This is mostly intended for long or no-release games where accessing the epilogue early could spoil item/check locations.
  • Scout Shop Checks has been given 2 suboptions, Only Progression and All to determine if only Progression items should be hinted or all items should be hinted


  • Pokey now identifies the correct number of people during the Giygas fight
  • The post-Giygas robot scene now reflects which characters were present during the fight properly
  • Orange Kid now has a new script and tells you what his item is before you donate the money to him
  • Poo's starting item can no longer be progressive equipment because there's no way to make it reflect what it is
  • The Slimy Little Pile inside Belch's Base (the first one you encounter, not the fly honey guard) will now request a random edible item instead of the Tendakraut. Just a fun thing.
  • Enemy HP now increases by 25% for each party member you're logically expected to have when you fight them
  • PSI Blast and PSI Missile can now be scaled below Alpha (currently only applicable if it's rolled as the favorite slot)
  • Players in the gift menu now print instantly (after the name has been loaded) instead of being written out, allowing for faster gift selection scrolling
  • Bombs and Bottle rockets used by enemies are now scaled by level. However, this came at the cost of them always being bomb/bottle rocket attacks, as they can't be scaled AND reflect PSI Shuffle. This is probably for the best.
  • Updated Gifting to Protocol 3. Should be backwards-compatible with non-updated games.


  • Fixed X import item hints appearing for shops if shops were set to local filler
  • Fixed a bug where Magicant Teleport would display some garbage text if it was a local item that an NPC talked about.
  • Fixed characters in Start inventory not scaling correctly
  • Fixed a minor visual bug if you received a non-remote character yourself on a check that required you to use an item on an NPC (e.g. the fourside bakery 2F)
  • Fixed local characters on the Boogey Tent Trashcan not sending the check out(?)
  • Fixed some garbage text when giving the Police Badge to Captain Strong
  • Fixed local Equipment that was bought on a shopsanity check not flagging the check as completed
  • Fixed Tenda camp shop not logically expecting Tendakraut
  • Saturn Valley Teleport found in shopsanity shops as a non-remote item truncated to Saturn Teleport to not cut off the price
  • For the same reason, the in-game names of Progressive fry pan and Progressive bracelet have been respectively renamed to Progressive pan and Progres. bracelet
  • Fixed a bug where getting an item for another player on the Magnet Hill chest and then wiggling into the sanctuary cutscene immediately afterwards would use the other player's name in the scene instead of Ness.
  • Fixed the Big League Bats found in the item pool not being affected by Weaponizer

Known Issues

  • None so far

Map Tracker Changelog

  • Fixed the Common Condiment Shop not being in logic from Scaraba
  • Tracker updated for APworld 3.1

Archipelago EarthBound 3.0.2B

30 Jan 06:24
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 3.0.2B

New Settings



  • Fixed Characters/teleports given by NPCS being temporarily broken
  • Fixed Snow Wood - Upper Left Locker not sending

Known Issues

  • None so far

Archipelago EarthBound 3.0.2

27 Jan 00:20
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 3.0.2

New Settings


  • Broken Toaster (fire broken bazooka) renamed to Broken Grill
  • Broken Microwave (broken brainshock alpha item) renamed to Broken Toaster


  • Fixed a bug where if the Hint Man had a server hint for an item on a shop slot, it wouldn't hint the shop slot location. Also probably fixed a display issue when trying to gift to a player > 255
  • Fixed Weaponizer weapons for Poo listing the incorrect amount of offense in the Help text
  • Fixed a bug where selecting Poo to carry a key item that you bought for yourself in Shopsanity would cause the item to be given to Jeff (or disappear if his inventory was full)
  • Fixed Progressive Armor being listed as Progressive Weapons in the spoiler log
  • Fixed local non-remote important items on shopsanity checks not checking their price correctly
  • Fixed Poo not being able to get Starstorm Omega if he got Starstorm Alpha from an NPC

Known Issues

  • None so far

Archipelago Zelda II 1.0

25 Jan 05:18
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Zelda II Archipelago Version 1.0

Initial Release

  • Bugs found during the beta test have been patched
  • Receiving some items in certain circumstances can display an odd-looking or incorrect item (namely spells/abilities and the water/trophy/child), this is NOT a bug, but just a limitation of the NES graphical hardware not allowing it to show all items at all times. Perhaps this may change in the future

Known Issues

  • None so far

Archipelago EarthBound 3.0.1

19 Jan 17:50
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 3.0.1

New Settings



  • Fixed a bug where the Twoson Department Store Top Floor Right Counter's shop slot was assigned to the left counter, and created a "hole" in the shop that offset items
  • Fixed a bug where generation would crash if an item with a character not in the font was rolled onto a Shop Slot location
  • Fixed a bug where some items were occasionally not treated as Key Items if you received them while your inventory was full
  • Dusty Dunes Drugstore now sells Wet Towels in shopsanity if monkey caves is in hunt or chests mode
  • Fixed a generation crash if more than 255 players were in a multiworld
  • Fixed a bug where the Bike Shop guy would offer to take back the item you rented from him, but not actually remove it

Known Issues

  • None so far

Archipelago EarthBound 3.0

10 Jan 15:06
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 3.0

New Settings

  • Resistance Chance- Percentage for a given piece of equipment generated with the Armorizer to have elemental protection
  • No Free Sanctuaries: Adds 2 new items locking Lilliput Steps and Fire Spring (the only 2 sanctuaries to not directly have any items locking them by default). These items are the Tiny Key and Tenda Lavapants
  • Music Randomizer
    • Randomize Overworld Music: Randomizes music on the overworld. can be randomized categorically or any overworld song
    • Randomize Battle Music: Randomizes songs heard in battle
    • Randomize Fanfares: Shuffles various fanfares
      Not every song is randomized and there is no chaos cross-setting randomization (yet?)
  • Randomize PSI Palettes
    • Shuffled: Shuffles PSI palettes together. Also includes palettes for Blast/Missile even if PSI shuffle is disabled.
    • Randomized: Generates completely new palettes for PSI.
      Does not randomize shield color or the colors of PSI directed towards you, since those are handled separately.
  • Shop Randomization
    • Local Filler: Randomizes all existing shop slots to have random filler EarthBound items
    • Shopsanity: Randomizes all existing shops to have checks! (Not including the Tenda shop or the free shop in Happy-Happy)
      This adds ~270 checks! Enable only if you know what you are doing!
    • Option to automatically hint-scout Shop checks when reading a shop menu


  • Gifting support! You can now send Gifts to other players by calling Escargo Express at any phone. Gift inbox is limited to 69 items at a time. You can receive gifts from other players from them in the same way.
  • Reorganized how Progressive Other scales in the Armorizer
  • Cave Boys are now scaled properly
  • Added Poncho as a Body equipment type for armorizer
  • The melody text after clearing a Sanctuary will now say Ness remembered the melody instead of Ness's Sound Stone recorded the melody
  • Storage has been split into regular items and Key items.
  • Sanctuary guardians will now specify the sanctuary number in logic/scaling progression order number, instead of the vanilla order number
  • ñ added to font
  • You can no longer drop or sell the Suporma; you have to use it to get rid of it >:)
  • Flash on enemies now scales up later
  • Brain Stone and Monkey's Love restored to the item pool, as unique items
  • The slower walking speed when a party member is paralyzed has been restored. In addition to this, Ness's animation speed now updates properly in Magicant
  • New flavor: Peppermint
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where items bought at the HHV self-serve stand would vanish into the ether if Ness's inventory was full but other party members had space


  • Fixed a bug where Heavily Armed Pokey would be replaced with a Bionic Kraken instead of a Kraken
  • Fixed a bug with character auto scaling where a character would be scaled to the level of the location they were found in your game, if they were found in another player's scaled EarthBound area
  • Fixed the Soul Consuming Flame's fire breath being scaled into arctic cold breath
  • Fixed the credits looping again
  • Invalid hints for regions/locations not present will no longer be written
  • Fixed a bug where using the Broken Antenna while not in the battle would cast PSI Fire on Paula
  • Fixed a bug where one of the Scaraba Bazaar salesmen's dialogue was broken
  • The lockers at Snow Wood got a complete script overhaul. They should now behave like any other check given by an NPC.
  • Hint shops will no longer re-print hints in the client after they have been sent to the server once
  • Guardian General is no longer referred to as ankystein
  • Fixed the Sky Runner not removing the UFO Engine + activating without it if Jeff was not present.
  • Fixed a bug where Saturn Valley - Post Belch Gift # 2 would display text from Mr. Poochyfud if the item was a non-space taking item and the player's inventory was full instead of ignoring the space check properly

Known Issues

  • None so far

Map Tracker Changelog

  • Added broadcast view
  • Melodies will no longer to be forced off if you don't have them
  • Updated for APworld 3.0
  • Cemetary corrected to Cemetery
  • Moonside/Monotoli Building Present renamed to West Island Present
  • Fixed autotracking enabling Shopsanity checks if shop randomization was local filler
  • Fixed autotracking setting Monkey cave logic to shop/solved if it was set to hunt
  • Fourside North/Junk Shop location moved to where the shop actually is

Archipelago EarthBound v2.4.1

05 Dec 05:33
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 2.4.1


  • Fixed a bug where enemy scaling just didn't work and was scaled in vanilla order
  • Fixed Armorizer/Weaponizer using incorrect stats in the item description if Progressive (weapon/armor) was enabled
  • Fixed a bug where generation would crash if it attempted to hint an item in start inventory from pool

Known Issues

  • None so far

Archipelago EarthBound v2.4

24 Nov 23:21
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 2.4

New Settings

  • Equipamizer
    • Armorizer and Weaponizer
    • Generates new attributes for armor/weapons, including stat boosts and resistances if applicable
    • Options to either keep original slot/character or generate chaotically
    • Keeping the original type will try to sort Progressive equipment by the base stat gain, but Chaos likely will not


  • The world version is now displayed on the file select screen
  • Hint shops will be marked on your town map if you have not yet bought their hint
  • Cleaned up some hint text, also hints will now not say an item is near Menu
  • Platinum and Diamond bands will now be the cheaper copy instead of the more expensive Summers copy
  • Random Battle Backgrounds will now randomize the file select background as well
  • Progressive equipment generation has been significantly tweaked and rarity decreased across the board.
  • Character shuffle and shuffle teleports being off will now override non_local_items
  • You can now return the item you got from the Bike Shop to the bike shop (assuming it was an item in your inventory, anyways...)
  • Scaled characters will now start with the appropriate amount of EXP. Due to this, Poo can now be scaled under level 15 properly.
  • Region and character scaling has been significantly tweaked
  • Poo Starting Item renamed to Poo - Starting Item for consistency


  • Fixed the credits name using the wrong name still oops
  • Fixed some end-battle events (namely Giygas and Barf related) breaking if the main boss slot was Carbon Dog
  • Fixed some bugs related to checking the Boogey Tent trashcan with a full inventory (not getting the item + the trashcan disappearing)
  • Fixed the Summers teleport rarely being deleted if Magicant was Optional Boost and teleport shuffle was off
  • Fixed hints breaking if there were multiple earthbound players
  • Fixed the Magicant stat boost not actually increasing any stats
  • Fixed a bug where winning or fleeing battle after receiving a Mortal deathlink would not properly reset the ability to heal
  • Fixed a rare generation crash where generation would crash if you enabled Random Start Location, rolled Dalaam and Winters as your two starting areas, and character shuffle and PSI shuffle were both off, and Poo wasn't accessible
  • Fixed police spawning in the back room of the onett police station if you turned the badge in at Twoson
  • Fixed a bug where if you talked to Captain Strong after clearing the road to Twoson, while holding another Police Badge, you would walk into the void forever
  • Fixed a vanilla bug where winning and losing a battle at the same time would cause nobody to gain 4 billion exp. This fix caps the fake exp number to 9999999 to prevent it from corrupting memory and causing crashes. Also, it now says "Nobody gained the exp"
  • Fixed start inventory from pool generating filler that didn't respect settings
  • Fixed a bug where Tony's phone call in summers would set the flag that the player turned in the Police Badge.

Known Issues

  • None so far

Archipelago EarthBound v2.3.1

05 Nov 05:49
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EarthBound Archipelago Version 2.3.1


  • Fixed melodies not working correctly (Forgot to fix this after changing event flag code)
  • Fixed Rainy Circle and Milky Well being swapped on the status screen
  • Fixed Mayor Pirkle saying the wrong item For Real This Time:tm:
  • Fixed a generator crash when trying to hint for the scaraba teleport

Known Issues

  • None so far

see previous version for major changelog