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Variable List

Przemek Wiejak edited this page Feb 19, 2023 · 7 revisions

Here you can find the full list of all variables in alphabetical order with a little explanation


Variable Explanation
allways_ask_password Always ask users for a password, whether they are registered or not
autoreg_class Specify which class should be used to register a new user with auto registration feature. If you use a class bigger than 3 VerliHub will block auto registration


Variable Explanation
ban_extra_message This string will be appended to ban message and it will be displayed to banned user
bc_reply When you set to 'disable' then the !bc commands don't send you away replies as PM
botinfo_report Send a report message in OPChat if a BOT enter in the hub. Set 1 to enable reporting, 0 to disable


Variable Explanation
cc_zone1 Enter the countries for the first country code zone. The format is :XX:YY:ZZ:. It has to start and end with a colon, and all country capitalized codes are separated by colons. There can be any number of codes (example codes: ':CZ:UK:US:SE:'
cc_zone2 Enter the countries for the second country code zone. For CC format see cc_zone1
cc_zone3 Enter the countries for the third country code zone. For CC format see cc_zone1
chat_default_on Enable the chat window by default. 1=yes, 0=no. If no, users need to use !chaton to get messages
classdif_download This is the maximum class you can downloaded from that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to register. Default is set to 10 so all users can be contacted by PM. See classdif_reg for more information. Very useful to block downloads
classdif_pm This is the maximum class you can contact by PM that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to register. Default is set to 10 so all users can be contacted by PM. See classdif_reg for more information
classdif_reg This is the maximum class you can register that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to register. Default is set to 2 so this means that if you class 3 you can only register user with class 1. If your are Admin (class 5) you can register classes 1, 2, 3 and so on
classdif_kick This is the maximum class you can kick that you get from the difference between your class and the the class of the user you want to kick. Default is set to 0 so this means that if you class 3 you can kick user with class equal or lower than your
clone_detect_count The number of clone users allowed in hub. Default: 0, Disabled: 0
clone_detect_report Send notification in feed about detected clone joining hub. Default: 0, Disabled: 0
cmd_start_user The prefix for user commands. Default to '+'
cmd_start_op Prefix for OP commands. Default to '!'
core_dump Crash the hub and dump core


Variable Explanation
default_password_encryption The ecryption method which will be used (if available) to encrypt passwords that will be set. 1 = ENCRYPT (default), 0 = not encrypted (plain text), 2 = MD5. If given method is not available, another encryption method is used or at worst the plain text password is stored
delayed_search This will impose an initial delay specified by int_search on a connecting user. Useful for search bots that search spam hubs. Default to 1
desc_insert_mode Insert connection mode in user description field. One of the following value is used: 'A' (active), 'P' (passive), or '5' (socks). Allowed value: 1 = enable, 0 = disabled
dest_drop_chat Send the +drop output in main chat. 1 = main chat, 0 = OPChat
dest_regme_chat Send the +regme request message in main chat. 1 = main chat, 0 = OPChat
dest_report_chat Send the +report request message in main chat. 1 = main chat, 0 = OPChat
disable_me_cmd Set this to 1 to prevent people using the +me command
disable_regme_cmd Set this to 1 to prevent people using the +regme command
disable_report_cmd Set this to 1 to prevent people using the +report command
disable_usr_cmds Set this to 1 to temporarily disable all + commands for users below class 1
disable_zlib Disabled zlib support. Set to 1 to disabled, 0 to leave support enabled
dns_lookup Reverse DNS lookup when user joins. Needed to see hostmask of user. If you have a slow DNS server this can slow down the hub
drop_invalid_key Drop users that have a invalid key


Variable Explanation
extended_welcome_message Change the display of welcome message ("This hub is running version.."). Set to 1 to display it on more lines providing more information
extra_listen_ports Extra ports the hub listens on


Variable Explanation
hide_all_kicks Hides all kick messages from users
hide_msg_badctm Hide message to users who have incorrect CTM info
hide_msg_badtlsctm Hide message to users who join hub with old version of TLS
host_header Show hubsoft welcome message ("This hub is running version..") when user enter in the hub. (0 will hide the header, 1 will send header on login and 2 will send header on connection)
hub_category Specify what type of hub you have i.e. movie. This variable is sent to the hublist
hub_desc A description of your hub
hub_host What people will use to connect to your hub. (For example:
hub_icon_url The URL for the hub icon (used by hublist services)
hub_logo_url The URL for the hub logo (used by hublist services)
hub_name The name of your hub
hub_owner The owner that runs the hub
hub_topic The topic of the hub
hub_security This is the name of the Hub Security bot
hub_security_desc This is the description of the Hub Security bot
hub_version This is a hard value determined by the source code. This value can no longer be changed as it's a read-only value
hub_version_special You can specify an extra version string here that will be appended to the initial message of the hub
hublist_host The DNS or IP address of the hublist registering server
hublist_port The port of the hublist registering server
hublist_send_minshare When set to 1 minimum share is added automatically description sent to the hublist


Variable Explanation
int_chat_ms This is the time period between each message a user can send to main chat. A value of 1000 would make a user wait 1 second at least before he can send another message to mainchat. Can be used for flood control
int_flood_pm_period A flood control only applied to private messages. This is a time setting in seconds and will measure how many private messages you are trying to send to a user over the specified time period
int_login Number of seconds user has to wait after disconnection before being allowed to reconnect
int_nicklist User can only request the nicklist update every given number of seconds; useful for lag and bandwidth control
int_search Minimum number of seconds that user has to wait before being allowed to search again
int_search_op int_search for OPs
int_search_pas int_search for passive users
int_search_reg int_search for registered users
int_search_reg_pass int_search for registered passive users
int_search_vip int_search for VIPs
ip_zone4_max If you want to restrict users by IP address, enter the maximum IP address for the first IP zone here
ip_zone4_min If you want to restrict users by IP address, enter the minimum IP address for the first IP zone here
ip_zone5_max If you want to restrict users by IP address, enter the maximum IP address for the second IP zone here
ip_zone5_min If you want to restrict users by IP address, enter the minimum IP address for the second IP zone here
ip_zone6_max If you want to restrict users by IP address, enter the maximum IP address for the third IP zone here
ip_zone6_min If you want to restrict users by IP address, enter the minimum IP address for the third IP zone here


Variable Explanation
listen_port The port the hub listens on. Other hubs use port 411, but you need to run verlihub as root to do that. Default: 4111.
listen_ip If you have more than one network card in your PC, enter the IP address to listen on. If you don't have more than one network card, no change is necessary. Default to empty
log_level This will create a log file, useful for debug. It can be a number from 0 (disable) to 5 (logs everything) depending of level of debugging you want. Use with caution since this feature can significantly impact on resources


Variable Explanation
mainchat_class The minimum class that can use the main chat
max_chat_lines Maximum number of lines that can be sent to mainchat (default is 5)
max_chat_msg Maximum length of characters allowed in a message sent to mainchat (default is 256)
max_class_int_login Maximum class that use int_login
max_extra_admins If the hub is full, allow specified extra number of admins to join
max_extra_cheefs If the hub is full, allow specified extra number of Cheefs to join
max_extra_ops If the hub is full, allow specified extra number of OPs to join
max_extra_regs If the hub is full, allow specified extra number of registered users to join
max_extra_vips If the hub is full, allow specified extra number of VIPs to join
max_message_size Maximum number of bytes allowed in a single protocol message (for advanced use)
max_nick Maximum characters allowed for nickname
max_passive_sr Maximum number of search responses a passive user is allowed to recieve. This is useful for lag and bandwidth control since passive users totally rely on the hub to return search results
max_share Maximum amount that people must share in your hub in MiB. People that share more will not be allowed to join
max_share_ops If you want your OPs to have a different maximum share level, use this
max_share_vip If you want your VIPs to have a different maximum share level, use this
max_upload_kbps Maximum upload speed that hub is allowed to use. This is very useful for protecting the hub against lag in larger hubs. Setting the right limit will prevent the hub from being to accept more then it can handle at any given time
max_users The maximum number of users in the hub
max_users0 The maximum number of users that have a Country Code different from cc_zone* or that doesn't have IP range belongs to ip_zone*
max_users1 The maximum number of users in the hub for the country zone 1 (cc_zone1)
max_users2 The maximum number of users in the hub for the country zone 2 (cc_zone2)
max_users3 The maximum number of users in the hub for the country zone 3 (cc_zone3)
max_users4 The maximum number of users in the hub for ip_zone4_*
max_users5 The maximum number of users in the hub for ip_zone5_*
max_users6 The maximum number of users in the hub for ip_zone6_*
max_users_from_ip The maximum number of users (below class 2) that can enters in the hub with the same IP
max_users_passive The maximum number of passive users in the hub
min_class_bc Minimum class that user should has to send broadcasting message. A setting of 5 means only admins can send messages to users
min_class_bc_guests Minimum class that user should has to send broadcasting message to registered users. This overrides min_class_bc
min_class_bc_regs Minimum class that user should has to send broadcasting message to registered users. This overrides min_class_bc
min_class_bc_vips Minimum class that user should has to send broadcasting message to registered users. This overrides min_class_bc
min_class_redir Minimum class that user should has to manually redirect other users
min_class_register Minimum class that user should has to register other users. If you set this to 3 then it will override any other settings and only OPs or higher will be able to register a new user
min_class_use_hub Minimum class that is able to download; all users that have a class below the given value can't use the hub to download. This will override the min_class_use_hub_passive variable if value is different from 0
min_class_use_hub_passive The same of min_class_use_hub but for passive users only
min_nick Minimum characters allowed for nickname. Default to 3
min_search_chars Minimum number of characters allowed in a search. (This can be a useful means of controlling wildcard searches such as 'mp3' which for a passive user would return thousands upon thousands of search results
min_share Minimum amount that people must share in your hub in MiB. People that share less will not be allowed to join. Default to 2 GiB (2048 MiB)
min_share_factor_passive Multiplication factor applied to mini_share to calculate minimum share for passive users (a setting of 2 means that passive have to share twice the min_share setting)
min_share_ops If you want your OPs to have a different minimum share level, use this
min_share_reg If you want your registered users to have a different minimum share level, use this
min_share_use_hub If this is higher then min_share then users that have less then this value will not be able to search and download, but will be allowed to join the hub
min_share_use_hub_reg min_share_use_hub for registered users, see min_share_use_hub
min_share_use_hub_vip min_share_use_hub for VIP, see min_share_use_hub
min_share_vip If you want your VIP users to have a different minimum share level, use this
msg_welcome_guest If you want to welcome your members with class 0, fill in a welcome message here. Use %[nick] to use the person's nickname in the message
msg_welcome_reg If you want to welcome your registered members, fill in a welcome message here. Use %[nick] to use the person's nickname in the message
msg_welcome_vip If you want to welcome your VIP members, fill in a welcome message here. Use %[nick] to use the person's nickname in the message
msg_welcome_op If you want to welcome your OPs, fill in a welcome message here. Use %[nick] to use the person's nickname in the message
msg_welcome_cheef If you want to welcome your cheef OPs, fill in a welcome message here. Use %[nick] to use the person's nickname in the message
msg_welcome_admin If you want to welcome your admin OPs, fill in a welcome message here. Use %[nick] to use the person's nickname in the message
msg_welcome_master If you want to welcome your master user, fill in a welcome message here. Use %[nick] to use the person's nickname in the message


Variable Explanation
nick_chars Allowed characters in the username
nick_prefix Force a connecting user to have one of prefixes before the nick, example: [A] [ABC] [AB] will tell all connecting users to set their nick as [A]nickname, [ABC]nickname or [AB]nickname
nick_prefix_nocase Allows case insensitive prefixes to be used
nick_prefix_autoreg Prefix that user should use and have to complete auto registration
nick_prefix_cc See nick_prefix but used when cc zones have been defined
nicklist_on_login Show nicklist when users log in
nullchars_report Avoid reports about users who send NULL characters


Variable Explanation
opchat_desc This is the description of the OpChat bot
opchat_name This is the name of the OpChat bot
optimize_userlist Set this to 1 if you wish to load the userlist more slower to users when connecting. How slowly is determined by the ul_portion variable


Variable Explanation
password_min_len Minimum number of characters for password
plugin_mod_class The minimum class that user should has to issue plugin commands
pwd_tmpban Ban time in minutes if registered user provides a wrong password during log in process


Variable Explanation
report_dns_lookup This will report to opchat by default the results of a reverse dns lookup


Variable Explanation
search_number Number of search a user can do in the int_search interval. Default to 1
send_user_info When people join the hub will send them information about themselves. Set to 0 to disable or 1 to enable. Default to 1
send_user_ip When people join the hub will send them their IP address. Set to 0 to disable or 1 to enable. Default to 1
show_desc_len The same as the show_email variable except that you can specify a number of characters that are allowed in description field. For example 10 would allow a user description length of 10 characters. -1 to disable and show entire description
show_email Set this to 0 if you wish to optimise your nicklist by removing all e-mail fields. Set to -1 to disable and show all email addresses that user specify in their client settings
show_speed Make same action of show_email, but refered to speed
show_tags Show tags to users. 0 = hide from all, 1 = show tags to OPs only, 2 = show tags to all. Default to 2


Variable Explanation
tag_allow_passive Allow clients from passive user
tag_allow_none Allow clients to not report a tag. 1 = yes, 0 = no. Default to 1
tag_allow_sock5 This can prevent a user connecting to your hub using socks connection. 1 = allow, 0 = deny
tag_max_hs_ratio Enter the minimum hub/slot ratio. Users that are below this are refused connections to the hub. For example setting to 1 means user needs to have 1 slot open per hub
tag_max_hubs Set this to restrict how many hubs user can be open at the same time
tag_max_version Maximum version number for unknown clients
tag_min_class_ignore The lowest class for a user not to be checked for tags
tag_min_hs_ratio The minimum value for slots per hub ratio
tag_min_hubs Minimum number of hubs for all users
tag_min_hubs_op Minimum number of hubs for Operator
tag_min_hubs_reg Minimum number of hubs for registered users
tag_min_hubs_usr Minimum number of hubs for regular users users
tag_min_version Minimum version number for unknown clients
tag_sum_hubs Specify how VerliHub should count opened hubs of the user. Client tag is composed by three parts: X/Y/Z. X are hubs where user is not registered, Y hubs where user is registered and Z hubs where user is OP. Set value to 1 to check only X (opened hubs=X), 2 to check also Y (opened hubs=X+Y) or 3 to check also Z (opened hubs=X+Y+Z)
tban_kick Length of time (in seconds) people must wait after being kicked to rejoin. In seconds. Default to 300 seconds
tban_max Maximum length of time (in seconds) an OP can ban someone for
timeout_key Timeout (in seconds) from the connection until the first response
timeout_login Timeout (in seconds) from the connection until the appearance in the userlist
timeout_myinfo Timeout (in seconds) from the nick until the myinfo (description, share, tags,etc..)
timeout_nick Timeout (in seconds) from the key response until the reception of nick
timeout_setpass Timeout (in seconds) from login until user sets his initial password
timer_hublist_period Number of seconds between two hublists registrations. Setting value to 0 will disable hublists registration. Default is 21600 or 6 hours.
timer_reloadcfg_period This is a time setting in seconds that tells Verlihub to reload its settings, reglist and banlist cache from the database. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes) meaning every 5 minutes verlihub will reload the database
topic_mod_class The minimum class that user should has to set the hub topic
trigger_mod_class The minimum class that can issue trigger moderation commands


Variable Explanation
use_penlist_cache The same for use_reglist_cache but refers to banlist, kicklist and temporary rights
use_reglist_cache Set to default by 1. Verlihub will cache the reglist table into memory to improve performance. If this is turned on, cache must be reloaded with reload command if any external applications modifiy reglist table


Variable Explanation
wrongpassword_msg Message to display if the user types a wrong password when he logs in
wrongpassword_report Report if a registered user uses a wrong password to login
wrongauthip_report Report if a registered user uses a IP different from value stored in auth_ip field (of reglist table). Use 1 or 0.

Plugins variables

Variable Explanation
pi_chatroom.min_class_add Minimum class to add a new room
pi_chatroom.min_class_del Minimum clas to delete a room
pi_chatroom.min_class_lst Minimum class to get list of all rooms
pi_chatroom.min_class_mod Minimum class to edit a room
pi_floodprot.max_conn_per_ip Represents the maximum number of connection per IP. Set to 1 to allow one IP per user
pi_floodprot.max_users_per_ip Represents the maximum number of users per IP. Set to 1 to allow one IP per user
pi_floodprot.bantime_on_flood Number of seconds to ban the flooder
pi_forbid.max_repeat_char Maximum number of repeated characters in the string
pi_forbid.max_upcase_percent Percentage of uppercase word in the message
pi_isp.allow_all_connections Allow all connections from ISP. Set to 1 to allow, 0 to disable
pi_isp.case_sensitive_nick_pattern Math nick pattern with case sensitive. Set 1 to enable, 0 to disable
pi_isp.max_check_conn_class Maximum class of user to check connection
pi_isp.max_check_isp_class Maximum class of user to check ISP
pi_isp.max_check_nick_class Maximum class of user to check nickname
pi_isp.max_insert_desc_class Maximum class of user that plugin should replace description
pi_isp.unit_max_share_bytes TO BE REMOVED
pi_isp.unit_min_share_bytes TO BE REMOVED
pi_isp.msg_no_isp Message to send if user ISP is not allowed
pi_isp.msg_share_less Message to send if user has a share less than set value for the ISP
pi_isp.msg_share_more Message to send if user has a share more than set value for the ISP
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