(Unity Version 2021.3.16 URP)
This project was created to demonstrate how Unity Shadergraph handles a 360 2:1 equirectangular panorama applied to the view direction as a spherical skybox regardless of the mesh shape, which only affects the overall silhouette.
Compare this Shadergraph shader to my shader written in BablyonJS's Node Material Editor. I use identical math and the same exact image in both projects but the Babylon NME produces terrible looking jagged seam artifacts at the moment.
BabylonJS NME Shader: https://nme.babylonjs.com/#E4JAZL
At first I thought this was due to a float precision issue but it turns out that was not the case. I attempted 4 different mathmatical routes in the Babylon NME which shoudl have all worked but all produced identical results. This leads me to believe this may be a deeper issue with BabylonJS and the way it calculates the edges of the view direction. I'm hoping someone on the BabylonJS forums will be able to help with this issue. I will update this README file if it is resolved.