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Web api for developers
- Introduction
- List of all available methods
- The list request/response example
- Code API example
- Root
- Version
- Layouts
- Get a list of layouts
- Get layout by id
- Get layout regions by layout id
- Get layout options by layout id
- Categories
- Categories structure explanation
- Get a list of categories
- Put new category tree
- Get a category tree
- Delete category
- Put category tree
- Get categorizable items
- Get category node
- Delete category node
- Put create/update category node
- Get category nodes
- Post new category node
- Get category tree nodes
- Tags
- Languages
- Pages
- Pages
- Get a list of pages
- Get a page by Id or by URL
- Get page properties by id or by URL
- Check if page exists and get page id
- Search within pages content
- Translations
- Contents
- Get page contents by page id
- Get a HTML content by id
- Get a list of historical contents by content id
- Get page content options by page content id
- Widgets
- Get a list of widgets
- Get a HTML content widget by Id
- Get a HTML content widget options by widget Id
- Get a server control widget by Id
- Get a server control widget options by widget Id
- Redirects
- Sitemap
- Blogs
- Media Manager
- Users
This document is addressed to communicate a Better CMS API protocol. There are two options to access the Better CMS API:
- With HTTP Request
- Direct C# method call (a BetterCms.Module.Api assembly must be referenced).
Field Name | Type | Description |
filter | DataFilter | Data filter object with filter options list and inner filters list. |
order | DataOrder | The list with order options. |
take | int | The maximum count of returning items. |
skip | int | The number of items to skip. |
DataFilter object:
Field Name | Type | Description |
connector | string | The connector of filter items. Possible values:
where* | List<DataFilterItem> | The list of filter options. |
inner | List<DataFilter> | The list of inner filters. |
DataFilterItem object:
Field Name | Type | Description |
field* | string | The field name of the model, which is returned in the response. |
operation | string |
Filtering operation. Possible values:
value | string | Filtering value. |
* (asterisk) - a required field.
DataOrder object:
Field Name | Type | Description |
by* | List<DataOrderItem> | The list of order options. |
DataOrderItem object:
Field Name | Type | Description |
field* | string | The field name of the model, which is returned in the response. |
direction | string | The direction of sorting items. Possible values:
* (asterisk) - a required field.
In some cases, the "User Identity" object may be passed for filtering (e.g. for filtering out pages / media / blog posts for user "user1" with roles "role1" and "role2").
This can be done by passing "User Object" within request
Field Name | Type | Description |
name* | string | User identity name (e.g. "admin", "[email protected]", etc.). |
roles | List<string> | List of user role names (e.g. "role1", "BcmsEditContent", etc.). |
HTTP: always returns a HTTP CODE 200.
Generally Better CMS always returns result in format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
data* | object | See concrete API methods for the data object specification. |
Default response.data object when getting a list using default response:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items* | List<TModel> | A list of Model object (where TModel is type of retrieving item). |
totalCount* | int | A total count of found items. |
* (asterisk) - a required/always transmitted field.
HTTP: always returns a HTTP CODE 500 and response object:
Field Name | Type | Description |
responseStatus* | ResponseStatus | An error object. |
ResponseStatus object:
Field Name | Type | Description |
errorCode* | string | The name of the Exception type. |
message | string | A human friendly error message. |
stackTrace | string | A error stack trace. |
errors | List<ResponseError> | For multiple detailed validation errors. Used for returning multiple field validation errors. |
ResponseError object:
Field Name | Type | Description |
errorCode* | string | The name of the Exception type. |
fieldName | string | A human friendly error message. |
message | string | A error stack trace. |
C#: always throws XException (TBD.)
TODO: add exception handling example.
NOTE: Save (POST / PUT / DELETE) methods were implemented in version 1.7.0
By default, Better CMS API uses RESTful API model with these REST methods (there are few exceptions):
Resource | GET | PUT | POST | DELETE |
Collection URI, such as /bcms-api/tags | Returns a collection of (lightweight) objects | Not used | Creates a new entry in the collection. | Not used |
Element URI, such as /bcms-api/tags/{TagId} | Returns one object, usually with more details that collection | Replaces an entry in the collection. If entry doesn't exist, creates it | Not used | Deletes an entry from the collection. |
All available URIs and methods:
URL | Description | Provided methods |
/bcms-api/authors | Blog post authors |
/bcms-api/authors/{AuthorId} | Blog post author |
/bcms-api/blog-post-properties/ | Blog post properties (only create method) |
/bcms-api/blog-post-properties/{BlogPostId} | Blog post properties |
/bcms-api/blog-posts | Blog posts |
/bcms-api/blog-posts/{BlogPostId} | Blog post |
/bcms-api/blog-posts/content/{ContentId} | Blog post content |
/bcms-api/blog-settings | Blog post settings (default blog post template / master page) |
/bcms-api/categorytrees | Categories trees |
/bcms-api/categorytrees/{CategoryTreeId} | Category tree |
/bcms-api/categorizable-items | Categorizable items |
/bcms-api/categorytrees/{CategoryTreeId}/nodes/{CategoryTreeNodeId} | Category node |
/bcms-api/categorytrees/nodes | All categories nodes |
/bcms-api/categorytrees/{CategoryTreeId}/nodes | Category nodes |
/bcms-api/contents/{ContentId}/draft | The method to destory draft version of already published content |
/bcms-api/contents/{ContentId}/history | Content's historical versions |
/bcms-api/contents/html | HTML content (only create) |
/bcms-api/contents/html/{ContentId} | HTML content |
/bcms-api/current-version | Version of installed Better CMS |
/bcms-api/files | Media files |
/bcms-api/files/{FileId} | Media file |
/bcms-api/folders | Media folders |
/bcms-api/folders/{FolderId} | Media folder |
/bcms-api/images | Media images |
/bcms-api/images/{ImageId} | Media image |
/bcms-api/languages | languages |
/bcms-api/languages/{LanguageId} | Language |
/bcms-api/languages/by-code/{Language Code} | Language by language code |
/bcms-api/layouts | Page layouts (templates) |
/bcms-api/layouts/{LayoutId} | Page layout (template) |
/bcms-api/layouts/{LayoutId}/options | Page layout (template) options |
/bcms-api/layouts/{LayoutId}/regions | Page layout (template) regions |
/bcms-api/media-tree | Media tree |
/bcms-api/page-exists/{PageUrl*} | Method for checking if page exists (by provided page URL) |
/bcms-api/page-properties/ | Page properties (only create) |
/bcms-api/page-properties/{PageId} | Page properties |
/bcms-api/page-properties/by-url/{PageUrl*} | Page properties by page URL |
/bcms-api/pages | Pages |
/bcms-api/pages/{PageId} | Page |
/bcms-api/pages/{PageId}/contents | Page contents |
/bcms-api/pages/{PageId}/contents/{PageContentId} | Page content by specified page and page content id |
/bcms-api/pages/by-url/{PageUrl*} | Page by URL |
/bcms-api/pages/contents/{PageContentId}/options | Page content's options |
/bcms-api/pages/search/{SearchString*} | Search result by the provided search query |
/bcms-api/pages/translations/by-url/{PageUrl} | Page translations by provided page URL |
/bcms-api/pages/{PageId}/translations | Page translations |
/bcms-api/redirects | Redirects |
/bcms-api/redirects/{RedirectId} | Redirect |
/bcms-api/roles | User roles |
/bcms-api/roles/{RoleId} | User role |
/bcms-api/roles/by-name/{RoleName} | User role by role name |
/bcms-api/sitemap-node/{NodeId} | Sitemap node |
/bcms-api/sitemap-nodes/{SitemapId} | Sitemap nodes |
/bcms-api/sitemaps | Sitemaps |
/bcms-api/sitemaps/{SitemapId} | Sitemap |
/bcms-api/sitemaps/{SitemapId}/nodes/ | Sitemap nodes |
/bcms-api/sitemaps/{SitemapId}/nodes/{NodeId} | Sitemap node by sitemap id and node id |
/bcms-api/sitemaps/{SitemapId}/tree/ | Sitemaps tree |
/bcms-api/sitemap-tree/{SitemapId} | Sitemaps tree |
/bcms-api/sitemap-trees | Sitemaps tree list |
/bcms-api/tags | Tags |
/bcms-api/tags/{TagId} | Tag |
/bcms-api/tags/by-name/{Tag Name} | Tag by name |
/bcms-api/users | Users |
/bcms-api/users/{UserId} | User by id |
/bcms-api/users/by-username/{UserName} | User by username |
/bcms-api/users/validate | User's username and password validation |
/bcms-api/widgets | Widgets |
/bcms-api/widgets/html-content/ | HTML content widget (create only) |
/bcms-api/widgets/html-content/{WidgetId} | HTML content widget |
/bcms-api/widgets/html-content/{WidgetId}/options | HTML content widget options |
/bcms-api/widgets/server-control/ | Server control widget (create only) |
/bcms-api/widgets/server-control/{WidgetId} | Server control widget |
/bcms-api/widgets/server-control/{WidgetId}/options | Server control widget options |
There are the examples of request with filters, inner filters, order and paging in JSON format:
<h3>URL query filtering:</h3>
<li><strong>Filter</strong> (<i>WHERE Name Contains "test"</i>): <code>?data={filter:{where:[{field:Name,operation:contains,value:test}]}}</code></li>
<li><strong>Order</strong> (<i>ORDER BY categoryName DESC, CreatedOn ASC</i>): <code>?data={order:{by:[{field:CategoryName, direction:desc},{field:CreatedOn}]}}</code></li>
<li><strong>Paging</strong> (<i>TAKE 5 SKIP 3</i>): <code>?data={take:5,skip:3}</code></li>
<li><strong>Filter, order, paging</strong> (<i>WHERE Name StartsWith "A" ORDER BY CategoryName DESC TAKE 3 SKIP 5</i>): <code>?data={filter:{where:
[{field:Name,operation:startsWith,value:A}]},take:3,skip:5,order:{by:[{field:CategoryName, direction:desc}]}}
data = {
filter: {
connector: 'and',
where: [
{ field: 'CreatedOn', value: '\/Date(1224043200000)\/', operation: 'Greater' },
{ field: 'Title', value: 'Africa', operation: 'NotEqual' }
inner: [
connector: 'or',
where: [
{ field: 'Title', value: 'It', operation: 'StartsWith' },
{ field: 'Title', value: 'Af', operation: 'StartsWith' },
{ field: 'Title', value: 'na', operation: 'EndsWith' }
order: {
by: [
{ field: 'CreatedOn' },
{ field: 'Title', direction: 'desc' }
skip: 3,
take: 5
This is an example of a list request with filter, inner filters, sorting and paging.
Usually, for the list/item, Get()
method should be called (for example, getting the list of widgets, Pages.Widgets.Get()
should be called).
Note: Do not forget to dispose the API instance after using (best way to accomplish this is to wrap all the API code within using
using (var api = ApiFactory.Create())
var requestModel = new GetWidgetsModel();
requestModel.Take = 5; // Retrieves 5 items
requestModel.Skip = 3; // Skips 3 items
requestModel.Order.Add("Name"); // Sorts by name ascending
requestModel.Order.Add("CreatedOn", OrderDirection.Desc); // Then sorts by date descending
requestModel.Filter.Connector = FilterConnector.And; // Filtering connector (optional, default value = FilterConnector.And)
requestModel.Filter.Add("Name", "A", FilterOperation.StartsWith); // Filters by name: item should start with "A"
requestModel.Filter.Add("Name", "B", FilterOperation.EndsWith); // Filters by name: item should start with "B"
var innerFilter = new DataFilter(FilterConnector.Or); // Create inner filter
innerFilter.Add("CreatedBy", "Name.Surname.1");
innerFilter.Add("CreatedBy", "Name.Surname.2");
requestModel.Filter.Inner.Add(innerFilter); // Add inner filter to filters list
var request = new GetWidgetsRequest { Data = requestModel }; // Create request
var widgets = api.Pages.Widgets.Get(request); // Execute query
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/current-version/
C#: api.Root.Version.Get()
No request model needed.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
version* | string | An underlying Better CMS version. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/layouts/
C#: api.Root.Layouts.Get()
Retrieves the list of all available layouts.
Use default list filtering, sorting and paging options.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Layout> | A list of Layout objects. |
totalCount | int | A total count of found layouts. |
Layout object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Layout id. |
name* | string(200) | Layout name. |
layoutPath* | string(850) | Layout path (server URL). |
previewUrl | string(850) | Layout image preview URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of layout creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of layout creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of layout last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of layout last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/layouts/{id}
C#: api.Root.Layout.Get()
Returns layout, identified by ID.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Layout id. |
name* | string(200) | Layout name. |
layoutPath* | string(850) | Layout path (server URL). |
previewUrl | string(850) | Layout image preview URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of layout creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of layout creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of layout last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of layout last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
LayoutId | Guid | Layout id. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/layouts/{layoutId}/regions/
C#: api.Root.Layout.Regions.Get()
Returns the list and total count of specified layout regions.
Use default list filtering, sorting and paging options.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Region> | A list of Region objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found regions. |
Region object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A region id. |
regionIdentifier* | string(200) | Region identifier. |
description | string(200) | Layout region description. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of region creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of region creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of region last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of last region modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Request parameters for code API:
Field Name | Type | Description |
layoutId* | Guid | A layout id. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/layouts/{LayoutId}/options
C#: api.Root.Layout.Regions.Get()
Returns the list and total count of layout option objects, identified by layout ID.
Use default request for getting a list.
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
LayoutId* | Guid | Page content id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Option> | A list of Option objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found layout options. |
Option object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Layout option type:
BetterCMS has hierarchy based categorie structure, so each category node can have it's child category nodes, this allows for example to have countries category, inside country have cities ect. It helps to manage categories and search for items.
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/categorytrees/
C#: api.Root.Categories.Get()
Returns object GetCategoryTreesResponse with property Data (type of CategoryTreesModel) containing list of and total count available categories trees.
Use default list filtering, sorting and paging options.
CategoryTreesModel object structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Items | List<CategoryTreeModel> | A list of CategoryTreeModel objects. |
TotalCount | int | Total count of category trees. |
List<CategoryTreeModel> list item structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Id | Guid | Tree model id. |
CreatedOn | DateTime | Created on. |
CreatedBy | string | Username who created this item. |
LastModifiedOn | DateTime | Last modified on. |
LastModifiedBy | string | Username who last modified this item. |
Version | int | Item version number. |
Name | string | Category name. |
Macro | string | Macro command. |
AvailableFor | List<Guid> | Assingnable item types ids for category (for example: Widgets, Pages, Images ect) types found in table CategorizableItems. |
HTTP POST: /bcms-api/categorytrees/
C#: api.Root.Categories.Post()
Allows to create new category tree, takes one requred parameter, parameter type is PostCategoryTreeRequest.
Returns object type of PostCategoryTreeResponse with property Data type of Guid?.
PostCategoryTreeRequest object structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Data | SaveCategoryTreeModel | Save category tree model to save category tree. |
User | ApiIdentity | Identity, user who created category tree. |
SaveCategoryTreeModel object structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Category tree name. |
Nodes | List<SaveCategoryTreeNodeModel> | If you want to create category tree with categories provide list of categories nodes. |
UseForCategorizableItems | List<Guid> | List of categorizable items, it describes for what type of items categories will be used (for example: images, widgets, files ect). |
SaveCategoryTreeNodeModel object structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Id | Guid? | Category tree node id. |
Name | string | Category tree node name. |
DisplayOrder | int | In lists items are ordered by this property in ascending order. |
Macro | string | Category tree node macro. |
Nodes | List<SaveCategoryTreeNodeModel> | List of categorizable items, it describes for what type of items categories will be used (for example: images, widgets, files ect). |
Version | int | Version of record (needed for updating and removing, do not change it, it is changed and updated automaticly). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID
C#: api.Root.Category.Get()
Takes one parameter type of GetCategoryTreeRequest:
Returns object GetCategoryTreeResponse with property Data (type of CategoryTreesModel) and Nodes (type of List<CategoryNodeModel>) containing list of and total count available categories trees.
GetCategoryTreeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId* | Guid | Category tree id. |
Data | GetCategoryTreeModel | Aditional get options. |
*Field is required.
GetCategoryTreeModel structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
IncludeNodes | bool | Default false. |
CategoryNodeModel structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Id | Guid | Category node id. |
Name | string | Category node name. |
ParentId | Guid? | Nullable value, parent id. |
CategoryTreeId | Guid | Category tree id. |
Macro | string | Category node macro. |
DisplayOrder | int | In lists items are ordered by this property in ascending order. |
CreatedBy | string | Username by who it was created. |
CreatedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was created. |
LastModifiedBy | string | Username by who it was modified last. |
LastModifiedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was last modified. |
Version | int | Version of record (needed for updating and removing, do not change it, it is changed and updated automaticly). |
HTTP DELETE: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID
C#: api.Root.Category.Delete()
Takes one parameter type of DeleteCategoryTreeRequest (note: this method deletes only one record you should take care of it's children).
Returns object DeleteCategoryTreeResponse with property Data type of bool, value is true if record deleted.
DeleteCategoryTreeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Data | RequestDeleteModel | Aditional version information for removing record. |
Id | Guid | Category tree id. |
User | ApiIdentity | Used to set who deleted, changed record. |
RequestDeleteModel structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Version | int | Version of record (needed for updating and removing, do not change it manualy, it is changed and updated automaticly). |
HTTP PUT: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID
C#: api.Root.Category.Put()
Takes one parameter type of PutCategoryTreeRequest.
Returns PutCategoryTreeResponse with property Data type of Guid?, on success it will be id of new created/updated category tree.
PutCategoryTreeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Data | SaveCategoryTreeModel | Save category tree model to save category tree (Note: CategoryTreeId is requred). |
Id | Guid? | Category tree id for update scenario. |
User | ApiIdentity | Used to set who created, updated record. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/categorizable-items
C#: api.Root.Category.CategorizableItems.Get()
Takes one parameter type of GetCategorizableItemsRequest with property Data use default list filtering.
Returns GetCategorizableItemsResponse with property Data, type of DataListResponse.
PutCategoryTreeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Data | SaveCategoryTreeModel | Save category tree model to save category tree. |
Id | Guid? | Category tree id. |
User | ApiIdentity | Used to set who created, updated record. |
DataListResponse structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Items | List<CategorizableItemModel> | A list of CategorizableItemModel objects. |
TotalCount | int | Total count of categorizable items. |
CategorizableItemModel structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Id | Guid | Categorizable item id. |
Name | string | Categorizable item name. |
CreatedBy | string | Username by who it was created. |
CreatedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was created. |
LastModifiedBy | string | Username by who it was modified last. |
LastModifiedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was last modified. |
Version | int | Version of record (needed for updating and removing, do not change it, it is changed and updated automaticly). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID/nodes/CATEGORY_NODE_ID
C#: api.Root.Category.Node.Get()
Takes one parameter type of GetNodeRequest.
Returns GetNodeResponse with property Data, type of NodeModel.
GetNodeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId* | Guid | Category tree id. |
NodeId* | Guid | Node id. |
*Field is required.
NodeModel structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Id | Guid | Categorizable item id. |
Name | string | Categorizable item name. |
ParentId | Guid? | Parent id. |
DisplayOrder | int | In lists items are ordered by this property in ascending order. |
Macro | string | Node macro command. |
CategoryTreeId | Guid | Category id. |
CreatedBy | string | Username by who it was created. |
CreatedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was created. |
LastModifiedBy | string | Username by who it was modified last. |
LastModifiedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was last modified. |
Version | int | Version of record (needed for updating and removing, do not change it, it is changed and updated automaticly). |
HTTP DELETE: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID/nodes/CATEGORY_NODE_ID
C#: api.Root.Category.Node.Delete()
Takes one parameter type of DeleteNodeRequest.
Returns DeleteNodeResponse with property Data, type of bool, on success value will be true.
DeleteNodeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId* | Guid | Category tree id. |
Id* | Guid | Node id. |
*Field is required.
HTTP PUT: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID/nodes/CATEGORY_NODE_ID
C#: api.Root.Category.Node.Put()
Takes one parameter type of PutNodeRequest.
Returns PutNodeResponse with property Data, type of Guid?, on success value will be node id.
PutNodeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId* | Guid | Category id to who node will be added. |
Id | Guid? | If it will gona have value, API will try to update entity else create new. |
Data | SaveNodeModel | Category node data. |
User | ApiIdentity | User who created this record. |
SaveNodeModel structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Name | string | Node name. |
ParentId | Guid? | Parent category node id. |
DisplayOrder | int | In lists items are ordered by this property in ascending order. |
Macro | string | Node macro command. |
Version | int | Version of record (needed for updating and removing, do not change it, it is changed and updated automaticly). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID/nodes/CATEGORY_NODE_ID
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/categorytrees/nodes/
C#: api.Root.Category.Nodes.Get()
Takes one parameter type of GetCategoryNodesRequest.
Returns GetCategoryNodesResponse with property Data, containing properties TotalCount type of int and Items type of List<CategoryNodeModel>.
GetCategoryNodesRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId* | Guid | Category tree id. |
Data | DataOptions | Use default list filtering. |
*Field is required.
HTTP POST: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID/nodes
C#: api.Root.Category.Nodes.Post()
Takes one parameter type of PostCategoryNodeRequest.
Returns PostCategoryNodeResponse with property Data, type of Guid?, who is id of new category node.
PostCategoryNodeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId* | Guid | Category tree id. |
Data | SaveNodeModel | Data of new node. |
User | ApiIdentity | By who this entity was modified. |
*Field is required.
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/categorytrees/CATEGORY_TREE_ID/nodes
C#: api.Root.Category.Tree.Get()
Takes one parameter type of GetNodesTreeRequest.
Returns object type of GetNodesTreeResponse with property Data, type of List<NodesTreeNodeModel>.
GetNodesTreeRequest structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
CategoryTreeId | Guid | Category tree id. |
Data | SaveNodeModel | Data of new node. |
NodesTreeNodeModel structure:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Id | Guid | Node id. |
Name | string | Node name. |
ParentId | Guid? | Parent id. |
DisplayOrder | int | In lists items are ordered by this property in ascending order. |
Macro | string | Node macro command. |
ChildrenNodes | List<NodesTreeNodeModel> | Children nodes. |
CreatedBy | string | Username by who it was created. |
CreatedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was created. |
LastModifiedBy | string | Username by who it was modified last. |
LastModifiedOn | DateTime | Date and time when this record was last modified. |
Version | int | Version of record (needed for updating and removing, do not change it, it is changed and updated automaticly). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/tags/
C#: api.Root.Tags.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all available tags.
Use default list filtering, sorting and paging options.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Tag> | A list of Tag objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found tags. |
Tag object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A tag id. |
name* | string(200) | Tag name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of tag creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of tag creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of tag last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of tag last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/tags/{id} - get tag by ID.
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/tags/by-name/{name}/ - get tag by name
C#: api.Root.Tag.Get()
Returns tag object, identified by ID or name.
Successful response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | The tag id. |
name* | string(200) | The tag name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of tag creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of tag creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of tag last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of tag last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
TagId | Guid | Tag id. Cannot be specified, if TagName is specified. |
TagName | string | Tag name. Cannot be specified, if TagId is specified. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/languages/
C#: api.Root.Languages.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all available languages.
Use default list filtering, sorting and paging options.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Language> | A list of Language objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found languages. |
Language object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A language id. |
name* | string(200) | Language name. |
code* | string(200) | Language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of language creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of language creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of language last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of language last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/languages/{id} - get language by ID.
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/languages/by-code/{name}/ - get language by code
C#: api.Root.Language.Get()
Returns language object, identified by ID or code.
Successful response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | The language id. |
name* | string(200) | The language name. |
code* | string(200) | The language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of language creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of language creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of language last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of language last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
For code API, use the following request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
LanguageId | Guid | Language id. Cannot be specified, if LanguageCode is specified. |
LanguageCode | string(200) | Language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). Cannot be specified, if LanguageId is specified. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/
C#: api.Pages.Pages.Get()
Returns a list and total count of all available pages.
Use default request for getting a list with extender properties.
Field Name | Type | Description |
user | UserIdentity | User identity object (optional).
Used for filtering secured pages by access rules. Empty user is passed by default (filtering by user is disabled). |
includeArchived | bool | Indicates if archived pages should be returned.
Default = false. |
includeUnpublished | bool | Indicates if unpublished pages should be returned.
Default = false. |
includePageOptions | bool | Indicates if page options lists should be returned with each page model. Default = false. |
includeTags | bool | Indicates if tags list should be returned within each page model.
Default = false. |
includeAccessRules | bool |
Indicates if the list of access rules objects should be retrieved. Default = false. |
includeMasterPages | bool | Indicates if master pages should be returned.
Default = false. |
filterByTags | List<string> | List of tags, filtered using tags connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByTagsConnector | string | Tags filtering connector. Possible values:
includeCategories | bool |
Indicates if the list of categories should be retrieved. Default value =false. |
filterByCategories | List<Guid> | List of category ids, filtered using categories connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByCategoriesNames | List<string> | List of category names, filtered using categories connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByCategoriesConnector | string | Categories filtering connector. Possible values:
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Page> | A list of Page objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found pages. |
Page object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A page id. |
pageUrl* | string(850) | A page URL. |
title* | string(200) | The page title. |
description | string | Page description. |
isPublished* | bool | The page status. |
publishedOn | datetime | The page published date. |
layoutId | Guid | The page layout ID (is set only if masterPageId is not set). |
masterPageId | Guid | The master page ID (is set only if layoutId is not set). |
categoryId | Guid | The page category id. |
categoryName | string(200) | The page category name. |
mainImageId | Guid | Main image id. |
mainImageUrl | string(850) | Main image URL. |
mainImageThumbnauilUrl | string(850) | Main image thumbnail URL. Obsolete. Use mainImageThumbnailUrl instead |
mainImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Main image thumbnail URL. |
mainImageCaption | string(2000) | Main image caption. |
featuredImageId | Guid | Featured image id. |
featuredImageUrl | string(850) | Featured image URL. |
featuredImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Featured image thumbnail URL. |
featuredImageCaption | string(2000) | Featured image caption. |
secondaryImageId | Guid | Secondary image id. |
secondaryImageUrl | string(850) | Secondary image URL. |
secondaryImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Secondary image thumbnail URL. |
secondaryImageCaption | string(2000) | Secondary image caption. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if page is marked as archived. |
isMasterPage* | bool | Indicates if page is a master page. |
languageId | Guid | Page language id. |
languageCode | string(200) | Page language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
languageGroupIdentifier | Guid | Language group identifier (all current page translations are grouped by this identifier). |
options | List<Option> | List of option models. Is retrieved only if request.includePageOptions is set to true. |
tags | List<string> | List of tags. Is retrieved only if request.includeTags is set to true. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Is retrieved only if request.includeAccessRules is set to true. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of page creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | The user created page. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The last modification date. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | The last modification user. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Option object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
value | string | Option value. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Page content option type:
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines, if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/{id}/ - gets a page by id
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/by-url/{url}/ - gets a page by url
C#: api.Pages.Page.Get()
Gets page object by specified ID or by URL.
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
PageUrl* | string(850) | A page url. Cannot be specified, if request.pageId is specified. |
PageId* | Guid | A page id. Cannot be specified, if request.pageUrl is specified. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A page id. |
pageUrl* | string(850) | A page URL. |
title* | string(200) | The page title. |
description | string | Page description. |
isPublished* | bool | The page status. |
publishedOn | datetime | The page published date. |
layoutId | Guid | The page layout ID (is set only if masterPageId is not set). |
masterPageId | Guid | The master page ID (is set only if layoutId is not set). |
categoryId | Guid | The page category ID. |
categoryName | string(200) | The page category name. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if page is marked as archived. |
isMasterPage* | bool | Indicates if page is a master page. |
mainImageId | Guid | Main image ID. |
mainImageUrl | string(850) | Main image URL. |
mainImageThumbnauilUrl | string(850) | Main image thumbnail URL. |
mainImageCaption | string(2000) | Main image caption. |
languageId | Guid | Page language id. |
languageCode | string(200) | Page language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
languageGroupIdentifier | Guid | Language group identifier (all current page translations are grouped by this identifier). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of page creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | The user-created page. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The last modification date. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | The last modification user. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/page-properties/{id} - gets page properties by ID
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/page-properties/by-url/{pageUrl} - gets page properties by page URL
C#: api.Pages.Page.Properties.Get()
Gets page properties by specified ID.
The request properties for filtering and returning results:
Field Name | Type | Description |
includeTags | bool | Indicates if a response.tags object should be retrieved. The default value is false. |
includeCategory | bool | Indicates if a response.category object should be retrieved.
The default value is false. |
includeLayout | bool | Indicates if a response.layout object should be retrieved. The default value is false. |
includeImages | bool | Indicates if image objects should be returned.
The default value is false. |
includeMetadata | bool | Indicates if a metadata object should be retrieved.
The default value is false. |
includeAccessRules | bool |
Indicates if the list of access rules objects should be retrieved. The default value is false. |
includePageContents | bool | Indicates if a list of page content objects should be retrieved. The default value is false. |
includePageOptions | bool |
Indicates if list of page option objects should be retrieved.
Default value is false. |
includeLanguage | bool | Indicates if page language object should be retrieved. The default value is false. |
includePageTranslations | bool | Indicates if a list of page translation objects should be retrieved. The default value is false. |
For code API, use these additional request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
PageUrl* | string(850) | A page url. Cannot be specified, if request.pageId is specified. |
PageId* | Guid | A page id. Cannot be specified, if request.pageUrl is specified. |
A response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A page id. |
pageUrl* | string(850) | A page URL. |
title* | string(200) | The page title. |
description | string(2000) | The page description. |
isPublished* | bool | The page status. |
publishedOn | datetime | The page published date. |
layoutId | Guid | The page layout ID (is set only if masterPageId is not set). |
masterPageId | Guid | The master page ID (is set only if layoutId is not set). |
categoryId | Guid | The page category ID. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if the page is marked as archived. |
isMasterPage* | bool | Indicates if the page is a master page. |
mainImageId | Guid | Main image ID. |
featuredImageId | Guid | Featured image ID. |
secondaryImageId | Guid | Secondary image ID. |
customCss | string(max) | Page custom CSS. |
customJavaScript | string(max) | Page custom JavaScript. |
useCanonicalUrl | bool | Flag, indicating whether a canonical URL should be used. |
useNoFollow | bool | Flag, indicating whether a noFollow meta tag should be used. |
useNoIndex | bool | Flag, indicating whether a noIndex meta tag should be used. |
languageId | Guid | Page language ID. |
languageGroupIdentifier | Guid | Language group identifier (all current page translations are grouped by this identifier). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of page creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | The user-created page. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The last modification date. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | The last modification user. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Additionally a response returns children and referenced objects, if any of the request's include flags were selected. Additional response properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
Layout | Layout | Layout object.
Only if request.includeLayout = true |
category | Category | Category object.
Only if request.includeCategory = true |
tags | List<Tag> | List of Tag objects. Only if request.includeTags = true |
mainImage | Image | Main image object.
Only if request.includeImages = true. |
featuredImage | Image | Featured image object.
Only if request.includeImages = true. |
secondaryImage | Image | Secondary image object.
Only if request.includeImages = true. |
metaData | MetaData | Metadata object. Only if request.includeMetaData = true. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Only if request.includeAccessRules = true. |
pageContents | List<PageContent> | List of page content objects.
Only if request.includePageContents = true |
pageOptions | List<PageOption> | List of page options objects.
Only if request.includePageOptions = true |
language | Language | Language object. Only if request.includeLanguage = true |
pageTranslations | List<PageTranslation> | List of page translation objects. Only if request.includePageTranslations = true |
Layout object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Layout id. |
name* | string(200) | Layout name. |
layoutPath* | string(850) | Layout path (server URL). |
previewUrl | string(850) | Layout image preview URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of layout creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of layout creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of layout last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of layout last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Tag object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A tag id. |
name* | string(200) | Tag name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of tag creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of tag creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of tag last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of tag last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Category object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A category id. |
name* | string(200) | Category name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of category creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of category creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of category last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of category last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Image object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | An image ID. |
title* | string(200) | Image title. |
caption | string(2000) | Image caption (tooltip). |
url* | string(850) | Image URL. |
thumbnailUrl* | string(850) | Image thumbnail URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of image creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of image creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of image last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of image last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Metadata object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
metaTitle | string(200) | Page meta title. |
metaKeywords | string(2000) | Page meta keywords. |
metaDescription | string(2000) | Page meta description. |
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
PageContent object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Page content id. |
contentId* | Guid | Content ID (widget, html content and etc.). |
parentPageContentId | Guid | Parent Page Content ID if available. |
contentType* | string | Available values:
name* | string(200) | Content name. |
regionId* | Guid | Region id. |
regionIdentifier* | string(200) | Region unique identifier. |
order* | int | The order number of the content in the region. |
isPublished* | bool | The page content status. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of content creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of content creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of content last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of content last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
PageOption object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
value | string | Option value. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Page content option type:
Language object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Page language id. |
name* | string | Language name (description). |
code* | string | Language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of language creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of language creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of language last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of language last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
PageTranslation object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Page id. |
title* | string(200) | Page title. |
pageUrl* | string(850) | Page URL. |
languageId | Guid | Page language id. |
languageCode | string(200) | Page language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/page-exists/{pageUrl}
C#: api.Pages.Page.Exists()
Checks if page exists and returns "Page" object.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
exists* | bool | true if page exists. false otherwise. |
pageId | Guid | A page ID if page was found. |
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
pageUrl* | string(850) | A page url. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/search/{searchString}
C#: api.Pages.Pages.Search()
Searches within page content and returns list with page models.
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
SearchString* | string(1000) | Search string. Depending on search engine, wildcards can be applied. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<SearchResultModel> | A list of SearchResultModel objects. |
totalCount | int | A total count of found search results. |
SearchResultModel object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
title* | string(200) | Page title. |
link* | string(850) | Page URL. |
formattedUrl* | string(850) | Formatted page URL. |
snippet* | string(300) | Page content's snippet (usually containing search keyword). |
isDenied* | boolean | Returns false, if access is denied for current user. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/{pageId}/translations/ - gets a page translations by page id
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/translations/by-url/{pageUrl}/ - gets a page translations by page url
C#: api.Pages.Translations.Get()
Gets page translations list by page id or page url
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
PageUrl* | string(850) | A page url. Cannot be specified, if request.pageId is specified. |
PageId* | Guid | A page id. Cannot be specified, if request.pageUrl is specified. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Page id. |
title* | string(200) | Page title. |
pageUrl* | string(850) | Page URL. |
languageId | Guid | Page language id. |
languageCode | string(200) | Page language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
isPublished* | bool | Determines, if page is published |
publishedOn | DateTime | The date of page publishing (if page was published) |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/{pageId}/contents/
C#: api.Pages.Page.Contents.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all specified page contents.
Use default list request for getting a page contents list with ability to filter by region and other filter options:
Field Name | Type | Description |
regionId | Guid | Region id (optional). Cannot be set if request.regionIdentifier is set. |
regionIdentifier | string | Region identifier (optional). Cannot be set if request.regionId is set. |
includeUnpublished | bool | Indicates, whether unpublished contents should be retrieved.
Default value is false. |
For code API use these additional request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
PageId* | Guid | Page id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<PageContent> | A list of PageContent objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found page contents. |
PageContent object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Page content ID. |
contentId* | Guid | Content ID (widget, html content and etc.). |
parentPageContentId | Guid | Parent Page Content ID if available. |
contentType* | string | This field is a dynamically calculated field. You can not sort or add filter by this field.
Available values:
name* | string(200) | Content name. |
regionId* | Guid | Region id. |
regionIdentifier* | string(200) | Region unique identifier. |
order* | int | The order number of the content in the region. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of content creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of content creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of content last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of content last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/contents/html/{id}
C#: api.Pages.Content.Html.Get()
Gets HTML content object by specified content id.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Content id. |
name* | string(200) | Content name. |
activationDate* | DateTime | Content activation date. |
expirationDate | DateTime | Content expiration date. If null - content will never expire. |
html | string(max) | Content HTML. |
originalText | string(max) | The original text of content. If HTML property is null, Markdown and Simple Text is generated from this property. |
customCss | string(max) | Custom content CSS. |
useCustomCss* | bool | Indicates, if custom CSS must be used when rendering a content. |
customJavaScript | string(max) | Custom content JavaScript. |
useCustomCss* | bool | Indicates, if custom JavaScript must be used when rendering a content. |
isPublished* | bool | Indicates, if content is published (or has draft status). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Content publish date. |
publishedByUser | string(200) | User name of content publisher. |
contentTextMode | string | The type of the content's text. Available values:
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of content creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of content creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of content last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of content last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
ContentId* | Guid | Html content id. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/contents/{contentId}/history/
C#: api.Pages.Content.History.Get()
Returns the list of content historical contents.
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
ContentId* | Guid | Content id. |
Response.data returns the list of ContentHistory objects. ContentHistory object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Historical record content id. |
contentType* | string |
Available values:
originalContentId* | Guid | Original content id. |
publishedOn | DateTime | The date when content was published. |
publishedByUser | string(200) | Content publisher user name. |
archivedOn | DateTime | The date when content was archived. |
archivedByUser | string(200) | The name of user who archived the content. |
status* | short | Content history item status. Available values:
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of content history creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of content history creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of content history last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of content history last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/pages/contents/{PageContentId}/options
C#: api.Page.Content.Options.Get()
Returns the list and total count of page content option objects, identified by page content id.
Use default request for getting a list.
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
PageContentId* | Guid | Page content id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Option> | A list of Option objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found page content options. |
Options object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Page content option type:
customTypeIdentifier | string(200) | Custom type identifier. |
Translations | List<OptionTranslation> | List of option translation objects. |
OptionsTranslation object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
languageId* | string(200) | Language Id. |
value | string | Option translation value. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/widgets/
C#: api.Pages.Widgets.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all available widgets (html content widgets and server control widgets).
Use default request for getting a list.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Widget> | A list of Widget objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found widgets. |
Widget object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A widget id. |
widgetType* | string | This field is a dynamically-calculated field. You can not sort or add a filter by this field.
Available values:
name* | string(200) | Widget name. |
isPublished* | bool | Indicates if widget is published (or has draft status). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Widget publish date. |
publishedByUser | string(200) | User name of widget published. |
categoryId | Guid | Category ID. |
categoryName | string(200) | Category name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of widget creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of widget creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of widget last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of widget last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/widgets/html-content/{id}
C#: api.Pages.Widget.HtmlContent.Get()
Returns HTML content widget object, identified by ID.
Additional filtering parameters could be passed:
Field Name | Type | Description |
IncludeOptions | bool | Indicates, if widget options should be retrieved.
Default value = false. |
IncludeChildContentOptions | bool | Indicates, if widget child content options should be retrieved.
Default value = false. |
IncludeCategories | bool | Indicates, if widget categories should be retrieved.
Default value = false. |
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
WidgetId* | Guid | Widget ID. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A widget ID. |
name* | string(200) | Widget name. |
isPublished* | bool | Indicates, if widget is published (or has draft status). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Widget publish date. |
publishedByUser | string(200) | User name of widget published. |
categoryId | Guid | Category ID. |
categoryName | string(200) | Category name. |
customCss | string(max) | Widget custom CSS. |
useCustomCss* | bool | Indicates if custom CSS should be rendered. |
html | string(max) | Widget HTML. |
useHtml* | bool | Indicates if HTML should be rendered. |
customJavaScript | string(max) | Widget custom JavaScript. |
useCustomJavaScript* | bool | Indicates if custom JavaScript should be rendered. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of widget creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of widget creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of widget last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of widget last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Additional response fields (if any of requests flags were selected):
Field Name | Type | Description |
Options | List<Options> | Widget options. |
ChildContentOptionValues | List<MultilingualChildContentOptionValues> | Widget child content option values. |
Categories | List<Category> | Widget categories. |
Category object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A category id. |
name* | string(200) | Category name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of category creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of category creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of category last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of category last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Options object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Widget option type:
customTypeIdentifier | string(200) | Custom type identifier. |
Translations | List<OptionTranslation> | List of option translation objects. |
MultilingualChildContentOptionValues object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
multilingualOptionValues | List<MultilingualOptionValue> | Language Id. |
optionValues | List<OptionValue> | Obsolete. Option values. |
MultilingualOptionValue object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Widget option type:
customTypeIdentifier | string(200) | Custom type identifier. |
Translations | List<OptionTranslation> | List of option translation objects. |
OptionsTranslation object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
languageId* | string(200) | Language Id. |
value | string | Option translation value. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/widgets/html-content/{WidgetId}/options
C#: api.Pages.Widget.HtmlContent.Options.Get()
Returns the list and total count of HTML content widget option objects, identified by widget ID.
Use default request for getting a list.
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
WidgetId* | Guid | Widget ID. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Option> | A list of Option objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found widget options. |
Options object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Widget option type:
customTypeIdentifier | string(200) | Custom type identifier. |
Translations | List<OptionTranslation> | List of option translation objects. |
OptionsTranslation object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
languageId* | string(200) | Language Id. |
value | string | Option translation value. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/widgets/server-control/{id}
C#: api.Pages.Widget.ServerControl.Get()
Returns server widget object, identified by id.
Additional filtering parameters could be passed:
Field Name | Type | Description |
IncludeOptions | bool | Indicates, if widget options should be retrieved.
Default value = false. |
IncludeCategories | bool | Indicates, if widget categories should be retrieved.
Default value = false. |
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
WidgetId* | Guid | Widget id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A widget id. |
name* | string(200) | Widget name. |
isPublished* | bool | Indicates, if widget is published (or has draft status). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Widget publish date. |
publishedByUser | string(200) | User name of widget publisher. |
categoryId | Guid | Category id. |
categoryName | string(200) | Category name. |
widgetUrl* | string(850) | Widget file URL (path in the server). |
previewUrl | string(850) | Widget preview image URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of widget creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of widget creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of widget last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of widget last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Additional response fields (if any of requests flags were selected):
Field Name | Type | Description |
Options | List<Options> | Widget options. |
Categories | List<Category> | Widget categories. |
Category object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A category id. |
name* | string(200) | Category name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of category creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of category creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of category last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of category last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Options object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Widget option type:
customTypeIdentifier | string(200) | Custom type identifier. |
Translations | List<OptionTranslation> | List of option translation objects. |
OptionsTranslation object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
languageId* | string(200) | Language Id. |
value | string | Option translation value. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/widgets/server-control/{WidgetId}/options
C#: api.Pages.Widget.ServerControl.Options.Get()
Returns the list and total count of server widget option objects, identified by widget id.
Use default request for getting a list.
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
WidgetId* | Guid | Widget id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Option> | A list of Option objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found widget options. |
Option object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
key* | string(200) | Option key. |
defaultValue | string | Default option value. |
type* | string | Widget option type:
customTypeIdentifier | string(200) | Custom type identifier. |
Translations | List<OptionTranslation> | List of option translation objects. |
OptionsTranslation object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
languageId* | string(200) | Language Id. |
value | string | Option translation value. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/redirects/
C#: api.Pages.Redirects.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all available redirects.
Use default request for getting a list.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Redirect> | A list of Redirect objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found redirects. |
Redirect object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A redirect id. |
pageUrl* | string(850) | Page URL. |
redirectUrl* | string(850) | Redirect URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/redirects/{id}
C#: api.Pages.Redirect.Get()
Returns redirect object, identified by id.
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
RedirectId* | Guid | Redirect id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A redirect id. |
pageUrl* | string(850) | Page URL. |
redirectUrl* | string(850) | Redirect URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/sitemap-trees/
C#: api.Pages.Sitemap.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all available sitemaps.
Use default request for getting a list with extender properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
filterByTags | List<string> | List of tags, filtered using tags connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByTagsConnector | string | Tags filtering connector. Possible values:
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Sitemap> | A list of Sitemap objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found sitemaps. |
Sitemap object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Sitemap id. |
title* | string(200) | Sitemap title. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/sitemap-nodes/{sitemapId}
C#: api.Pages.Sitemap.Nodes.Get()
Returns the flat list and total count of all available sitemap nodes.
For code API these request parameters must be specified:
Field Name | Type | Description |
SitemapId* | Guid | Sitemap id |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Node> | A list of Node objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found nodes. |
Node object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Sitemap node id. |
parentId | Guid | Parent sitemap node id. |
title* | string(200) | Sitemap node title. |
url* | string(850) | Site map node URL. |
displayOrder* | int | Node display order. |
pageId | Guid | Id of the page linked to this node. |
pageLanguageId | Guid | Language Id of the page linked to this node. |
macro | string(2000) | Field dedicated to be used by application developers. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/sitemap-tree/{sitemapId}
C#: api.Pages.Sitemap.Tree.Get()
Returns the specified sitemap tree starting from the specified root node.
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
SitemapId* | Guid | Sitemap id. |
Additional request parameters can be passed:
Field Name | Type | Description |
nodeId | Guid | Starting node id. If null, returns all children nodes from the root node. |
languageId | Guid | Language id get the nodes in specified language. If null, returns the nodes in default language. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
nodes | List<Node> | A list of specified sitemap node children Node objects with sub-children Node objects. |
Node object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Sitemap node id. |
parentId | Guid | Parent sitemap node id. |
title* | string(200) | Sitemap node title. |
url* | string(850) | Site map node URL. |
displayOrder* | int | Node display order. |
pageId | Guid | Id of the page linked to this node. |
pageLanguageId | Guid | Language Id of the page linked to this node. |
macro | string(2000) | Field dedicated to be used by application developers. |
nodes | List<Node> | Children nodes |
translations | List<Translation> | Node translations |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Translation object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
languageId* | Guid | Translation language id. |
title* | string(200) | Sitemap node title. |
url* | string(850) | Site map node URL. |
macro | string(2000) | Field dedicated to be used by application developers. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/sitemap-node/{nodeId}
C#: api.Pages.Sitemap.Node.Get()
Returns sitemap node object by specified id.
For code API these request parameters must be specified:
Field Name | Type | Description |
nodeId* | Guid | Sitemap node id |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
node | Node | Sitemap node object. |
Node object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Sitemap node id. |
parentId | Guid | Parent sitemap node id. |
title* | string(200) | Sitemap node title. |
url* | string(850) | Site map node URL. |
displayOrder* | int | Node display order. |
pageId | Guid | Id of the page linked to this node. |
pageLanguageId | Guid | Language Id of the page linked to this node. |
macro | string(2000) | Field dedicated to be used by application developers. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of redirect last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of redirect last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/authors/
C#: api.Blog.Authors.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all available authors.
Use default request for getting a list.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Author> | A list of Author objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found authors. |
Author object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | An author id. |
name* | string(200) | Author name. |
imageId | Guid | Author image id. |
imageUrl | string(850) | Author image URL. |
imageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Author image thumbnail URL. |
imageCaption | string(200) | Author image caption. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of author creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of author creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of author last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of author last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/authors/{id}
C#: api.Blog.Author.Get()
Returns an author object, identified by id.
For code API these request parameters must be specified:
Field Name | Type | Description |
authorId* | Guid | Author id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | An author id. |
name* | string(200) | Author name. |
imageId | Guid | Author image id. |
imageUrl | string(850) | Author image URL. |
imageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Author image thumbnail URL. |
imageCaption | string(200) | Author image caption. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of author creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of author creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of author last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of author last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/blog-posts/
C#: api.Blog.BlogPosts.Get()
Returns the list and total count of all available blog posts.
Use default request for getting a list of blog posts with extended filtering options:
Field Name | Type | Description |
user | UserIdentity | User identity object (optional).
Used for filtering secured blog posts by access rules. Empty user is passed by default (filtering by user is disabled). |
includeUnpublished | bool | Indicates, whether unpublished blog posts should be returned.
Default: false. |
includeArchived | bool | Indicates, whether archived blog posts should be returned.
Default: false. |
includeTags | bool | Indicates, if tags list should be returned within each blog post model.
Default = false. |
includeAccessRules | bool |
Indicates if the list of access rules objects should be retrieved. Default value =false. |
filterByTags | List<string> | List of tags, filtered using tags connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByTagsConnector | string | Tags filtering connector. Possible values:
includeCategories | bool |
Indicates if the list of categories should be retrieved. Default value =false. |
filterByCategories | List<Guid> | List of category ids, filtered using categories connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByCategoriesNames | List<string> | List of category names, filtered using categories connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByCategoriesConnector | string | Categories filtering connector. Possible values:
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<BlogPost> | A list of BlogPost objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found blog posts. |
BlogPost object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Blog post id. |
contentId | Guid | Blog post content id. |
blogPostUrl* | string(850) | Blog post URL. |
title* | string(200) | Blog post title. |
introText | string(2000) | Blog post intro text (short description). |
isPublished* | bool | Flag indicates, if blog post is published (or draft). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Blog post publish date. |
layoutId | Guid | The blog post layout id (is set only if masterPageId is not set). |
masterPageId | Guid | The blog post's master page id (is set only if layoutId is not set). |
categories | List<Category> | List of blog post categories. |
categoryName | string(200) | Blog post category name. |
authorId | Guid | Blog post author id. |
authorName | string(200) | Blog post author name. |
mainImageId | Guid | Blog post main image id. |
mainImageUrl | string(850) | Blog post main image URL. |
mainImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Blog post main image thumbnail URL. |
mainImageCaption | string(2000) | Blog post main image caption. |
featuredImageId | Guid | Blog post featured image id. |
featuredImageUrl | string(850) | Blog post featured image URL. |
featuredImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Blog post featured image thumbnail URL. |
featuredImageCaption | string(2000) | Blog post featured image caption. |
secondaryImageId | Guid | Blog post secondary image id. |
secondaryImageUrl | string(850) | Blog post secondary image URL. |
secondaryImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Blog post secondary image thumbnail URL. |
secondaryImageCaption | string(2000) | Blog post secondary image caption. |
activationDate* | DateTime | Blog post activation date. |
expirationDate | DateTime | Blog post expiration date. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates, if blog post is marked as archived. |
languageId | Guid | Language Id. |
languageCode | string(200) | Language code. |
languageGroupIdentifier | Guid | Language group identifier. |
tags | List<string> | List of tags. Is retrieved only if request.includeTags is set to true. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Only if request.includeAccessRules = true. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines, if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
Category object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Category id. |
name | string(200) | Category name |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/blog-posts/{id}
C#: api.Blog.BlogPost.Get()
Returns blog post object, identified by id.
For code API these request parameters must be specified:
Field Name | Type | Description |
BlogPostId* | Guid | Blog post id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Blog post id. |
contentId | Guid | Blog post content id. |
blogPostUrl* | string(850) | Blog post URL. |
title* | string(200) | Blog post title. |
introText | string(2000) | Blog post intro text (short description). |
isPublished* | bool | Flag indicates, if blog post is published (or draft). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Blog post publish date. |
layoutId | Guid | The blog post layout id (is set only if masterPageId is not set). |
masterPageId | Guid | The blog post's master page id (is set only if layoutId is not set). |
categories | List<Category> | List of blog post categories. |
categoryName | string(200) | Blog post category name. |
authorId | Guid | Blog post author id. |
authorName | string(200) | Blog post author name. |
mainImageId | Guid | Blog post main image id. |
mainImageUrl | string(850) | Blog post main image URL. |
mainImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Blog post main image thumbnail URL. |
mainImageCaption | string(2000) | Blog post main image caption. |
featuredImageId | Guid | Blog post featured image id. |
featuredImageUrl | string(850) | Blog post featured image URL. |
featuredImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Blog post featured image thumbnail URL. |
featuredImageCaption | string(2000) | Blog post featured image caption. |
secondaryImageId | Guid | Blog post secondary image id. |
secondaryImageUrl | string(850) | Blog post secondary image URL. |
secondaryImageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | Blog post secondary image thumbnail URL. |
secondaryImageCaption | string(2000) | Blog post secondary image caption. |
activationDate* | DateTime | Blog post activation date. |
expirationDate | DateTime | Blog post expiration date. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates, if blog post is marked as archived. |
languageId | Guid | Language Id. |
languageCode | string(200) | Language code. |
languageGroupIdentifier | Guid | Language group identifier. |
tags | List<string> | List of tags. Is retrieved only if request.includeTags is set to true. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Only if request.includeAccessRules = true. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/blog-posts/content/{contentId}
C#: api.Blog.BlogPost.Content.Get()
Gets a blog post content object by specified content ID.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Content ID. |
name* | string(200) | Content name. |
html | string(max) | Content HTML. |
isPublished* | bool | Indicates if content is published (or has draft status). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Content publish date. |
publishedByUser | string(200) | User name of content publisher. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of content creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of content creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of content last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of content last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
For code API use these request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
ContentId* | Guid | Blog post content id. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/blog-post-properties/{id}/
C#: api.Blog.BlogPost.Properties.Get()
Returns blog post properties object, child and referenced objects, identified by ID.
A request object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
blogPostId* | Guid | Blog post ID. |
includeHtmlContent | bool | Indicates whether blog post HTML content should be loaded (optional, default = false). |
includeTags | bool | Indicates, whether tag objects list should be loaded (optional, default = false). |
includeCategories | bool | Indicates whether category objects list should be loaded (optional, default = false). |
includeLayout | bool | Indicates whether layout object should be loaded (optional, default = false). |
includeAuthor | bool | Indicates whether author object should be loaded (optional, default = false). |
includeImages | bool | Indicates whether main image, secondary image and featured image objects should be loaded (optional, default = false). |
includeMetadata | bool | Indicates whether metadata should be loaded (optional, default = false). |
includeAccessRules | bool | Indicates whether the list of access rules objects should be retrieved (optional, default = false). |
includeLanguage | bool | Indicates whether language data should be retrieved (optional, default = false). |
includeTechnicalInfo | bool | Indicates whether technical information (content, page content, region ids) should be retrieved (optional, default = false). |
includeChildContentOptions | bool | Indicates whether child content options should be retrieved (optional, default = false). |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Blog post ID. |
blogPostUrl* | string(850) | Blog post URL. |
title* | string(200) | Blog post title. |
introText | string(2000) | Blog post intro text (short description). |
isPublished* | bool | Flag, indicates if blog post is published (or draft). |
publishedOn | DateTime | Blog post publish date. |
layoutId | Guid | The blog post layout ID (is set only if masterPageId is not set). |
masterPageId | Guid | The blog post's master page ID (is set only if layoutId is not set). |
categories | List<Guid> | List of Blog post category IDs. |
authorId | Guid | Blog post author id. |
activationDate* | DateTime | Blog post activation date. |
expirationDate | DateTime | Blog post expiration date. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if blog post is marked as archived. |
mainImageId | Guid | Blog post main image id. |
featuredImageId | Guid | Blog post featured image id. |
secondaryImageId | Guid | Blog post secondary image id. |
useCanonicalUrl | bool | Flag, indicating whether canonical URL should be used. |
useNoFollow | bool | Flag, indicating whether noFollow meta tag should be used. |
useNoIndex | bool | Flag, indicating whether noIndex meta tag should be used. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of blog post last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of blog post last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
When response.success equal to "OK", additional response properties are returned (if any of requests flags were selected):
Only if request.includeLanguage = true
Field Name | Type | Description |
htmlContent | string | Blog post main HTML content.
Only if request.includeHtmlContent = true. |
originalText | string | Original text of blog post content.
Only if request.includeHtmlContent = true. |
contentTextMode | string | The type of the content's text. Available values:
Only if request.includeHtmlContent = true. |
layout | Layout | Layout object.
Only if request.includeLayout = true |
categories | List<Category> | List of Category objects.
Only if request.includeCategories = true |
language | Language | Language object |
author | Author | Author object.
Only if request.includeAuthor = true |
tags | List<Tag> | List of Tag objects.
Only if request.includeTags = true |
mainImage | Image | Main image object.
Only if request.includeImages = true. |
featuredImage | Image | Featured image object.
Only if request.includeImages = true. |
secondaryImage | Image | Secondary image object.
Only if request.includeImages = true. |
metaData | MetaData | Metadata object. Only if request.includeMetaData = true. |
technicalInfo | TechnicalInfo | TechnicalInfo object. Only if request.includeTechnicalInfo = true. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Only if request.includeAccessRules = true. |
childContentsOptionValues | List<ChildContentOptionValues> | Child contents option values objects list. Only if request.includeChildContentsOptionValues = true. |
Layout object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Layout ID. |
name* | string(200) | Layout name. |
layoutPath* | string(850) | Layout path (server URL). |
previewUrl | string(850) | Layout image preview URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of layout creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of layout creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of layout last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of layout last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Author object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | An author ID. |
name* | string(200) | Author name. |
imageId | Guid | Author image id. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of author creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of author creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of author last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of author last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Tag object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A tag id. |
name* | string(200) | Tag name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of tag creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of tag creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of tag last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of tag last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Category object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A category id. |
name* | string(200) | Category name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of category creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of category creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of category last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of category last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Language object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A language id. |
name* | string(200) | Language name. |
code* | string(200) | Language code (.NET CultureInfo Name). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of language creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of language creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of language last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of language last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Image object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | An image id. |
title* | string(200) | Image title. |
caption | string(2000) | Image caption (tooltip). |
url* | string(850) | Image URL. |
thumbnailUrl* | string(850) | Image thumbnail URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of image creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of image creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of image last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of image last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Metadata object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
metaTitle | string(200) | Blog post meta title. |
metaKeywords | string(2000) | Blog post meta keywords. |
metaDescription | string(2000) | Blog post meta description. |
TechnicalInfo object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
blogPostContentId | Guid | Blog post content ID. |
pageContentId | Guid | Page content ID. |
RegionId | Guid | Blog post content region ID. |
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/media-tree/
C#: api.Media.MediaTree.Get()
Returns the response object with recursive images tree and recursive files tree
Request parameters can be passed:
Field Name | Type | Description |
user | UserIdentity | User identity object (optional).
Used for filtering secured files by access rules. Empty user is passed by default (filtering by user is disabled). |
includeImagesTree | bool | Indicates if images and image folders tree should be returned.
Default value = true. |
includeImages | bool | Indicates if image files should be returned. If set to false, only image folders tree will be returned.
Default value = true. |
includeFilesTree | bool | Indicates if files and file folders tree should be returned.
Default value = true. |
includeFiles | bool | Indicates if files should be returned. If set to false, only file folders tree will be returned.
Default value = false. |
includeArchived | bool | Indicates if archived items should be returned.
Default value = false. |
includeAccessRules | bool |
Indicates if the list of access rules objects should be retrieved. Default = false. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
imagesTree | List<Media> | A recursive list of image Media objects (images and folders). |
filesTree | List<Media> | A recursive list of file Media objects (files and folders). |
Media object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Media id. |
parentFolderId | Guid | Parent folder id.
Null value means root folder. |
title* | string(200) | Media title. |
description | string(2000) | Media description. |
mediaContentType* | short | Media content type:
- 1 - File (Image/File) - 2 - Folder |
url* | string(850) | Media URL.
Null for folder. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if media is archived. |
children | List<Media> | A list of media childrens. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Is retrieved only if request.includeAccessRules is set to true. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of media creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of media creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of media last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of media last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/images/
C#: api.Media.Images.Get()
Returns the list and total count of images from the specified folder.
Use default request for getting a list of specified folder images with extended properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
folderId | Guid | Current folder ID. If null is set, returns the images and sub-folders of the root folder. |
includeImages | bool | Determines, if image files list should be included to the results.
Default: true. |
includeFolders | bool | Determines if sub-folders list should be included to the results.
Default: true. |
includeArchived | bool | Determines if archived images/folders should be included to the results.
Default: false. |
filterByTags | List<string> | List of tags, filtered using tags connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByTagsConnector | string | Tags filtering connector. Possible values:
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Media> | A list of Media objects (images and folders). |
totalCount | int | Total count of found medias (images and folders) depending on filtering criterias. |
Media object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Image / folder id. |
title* | string(200) | Image / folder title. |
description | string(2000) | Image description. |
caption | string(2000) | Image caption.
Null for folders. |
mediaContentType* | short | Media content type:
- 1 - Image - 2 - Folder |
fileExtension | string(200) | Image file extension.
Null for folder. |
fileSize | long | Image file size in bytes.
Null for folder. |
imageUrl | string(850) | Image URL.
Null for folder. |
thumbnailUrl | string(850) | Image thumbnail URL.
Null for folder. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if image / folder is archived. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of media creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of media creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of media last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of media last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/images/{id}/
C#: api.Media.Image.Get()
Returns image object, identified by ID.
Additional request parameters could be passed for retrieving results:
Field Name | Type | Description |
includeAccessRules | bool |
Indicates if the list of access rules objects should be retrieved. Default value is false. |
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
ImageId* | Guid | Image id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Image id. |
title* | string(200) | Image title. |
description | string(2000) | Image description. |
caption | string(2000) | Image caption. |
fileExtension* | string(200) | Image file extension. |
fileSize* | long | Image file size in bytes. |
imageUrl* | string(850) | Image URL. |
width* | int | Image width in pixels. |
height* | int | Image height in pixels. |
thumbnailUrl* | string(850) | Image thumbnail URL. |
thumbnailWidth* | int | Image thumbnail width in pixels. |
thumbnailHeight* | int | Image thumbnail height in pixels. |
thumbnailSize* | long | Image thumbnail size in bytes. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if image is archived. |
folderId | Guid | Image folder ID. Null if folder is root folder. |
folderName | string(200) | Image folder name. Null for root folder. |
publishedOn* | DateTime | Date when the image version was created. |
originalFileName* | string(200) | The file name of an original image. |
originalFileExtension* | string(200) | The file extension of an original image. |
originalWidth* | int | Original image width in pixels. |
originalHeight* | int | Original image height in pixels. |
originalSize* | long | Original image size in bytes.. |
originalUrl* | string(850) | Original image URL. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of image creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of image creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of image last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of image last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Additional properties returned with response:
Field Name | Type | Description |
tags | List<Tag> | List of image Tag objects.
Only if request.includeTags = true. |
Tag object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A tag id. |
name* | string(200) | Tag name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of tag creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of tag creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of tag last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of tag last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/files/
C#: api.Media.Files.Get()
Returns the list and total count of files from specified folder.
Use default request for getting a list of specified folder files with extended properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
user | UserIdentity | User identity object (optional).
Used for filtering secured pages by access rules. Empty user is passed by default (filtering by user is disabled). |
folderId | Guid | Current folder ID. If null is set, returning the files and sub-folders of the root folder. |
includeFiles | bool | Determines if files list should be included to the results.
Default: true. |
includeFolders | bool | Determines if sub-folders list should be included to the results.
Default: true. |
includeArchived | bool | Determines if archived files / folders should be included to the results.
Default: false. |
filterByTags | List<string> | List of tags, filtered using tags connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByTagsConnector | string | Tags filtering connector. Possible values:
includeAccessRules | bool |
Determines, if the list of access rules objects should be retrieved. Default: false. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Media> | A list of Media objects (files and folders). |
totalCount | int | Total count of found medias (files and folders), depending on filtering criterias. |
Media object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | File / folder id. |
title* | string(200) | File / folder title. |
description | string(2000) | File description. |
mediaContentType* | short | Media content type:
- 1 - File - 2 - Folder |
fileExtension* | string(200) | File extension.
Null for folder. |
fileSize* | long | File size in bytes..
Null for folder. |
fileUrl* | string(850) | File URL.
Null for folder. |
thumbnailUrl* | string(850) | Thumbnail URL.
Null for folder. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates if file / folder is archived. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Is retrieved only if request.includeAccessRules is set to true. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of media creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of media creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of media last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of media last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/files/{id}/
C#: api.Media.File.Get()
Returns file object, identified by id.
Additional request parameters could be passed for retrieving results:
Field Name | Type | Description |
includeTags | bool | Indicates whether list of Tag objects should be returned with response.
Default value is false. |
includeAccessRules | bool |
Indicates if the list of access rules objects should be retrieved. Default = false. |
For code API, use the following request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
FileId* | Guid | File id. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | File id. |
title* | string(200) | File title. |
description | string(2000) | File description. |
fileExtension* | string(200) | File extension. |
fileSize* | long | File size in bytes.. |
fileUrl* | string(850) | File URL. |
isArchived* | bool | Indicates, if file is archived. |
folderId | Guid | File folder id. Null if folder is root folder. |
folderName | string(200) | File folder name. Null for root folder. |
publishedOn* | DateTime | Date, when file version was created. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of file creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of file creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of file last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of file last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Additional properties returned with response:
Field Name | Type | Description |
tags | List<Tag> | List of file Tag objects. Only if request.includeTags = true. |
accessRules | List<AccessRule> | Access rules objects list. Only if request.includeAccessRules = true. |
Tag object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | A tag id. |
name* | string(200) | Tag name. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of tag creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of tag creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of tag last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of tag last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines, if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
HTTP: not available
C#: api.Media.File.Upload.Post()
Returns file id.
Request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
folderId | Guid | Folder ID. |
title* | string(200) | Title of the uploading file entity |
description | string(2000) | File description. |
fileName* | string(200) | Original file name. |
fileStream* | Stream | File Stream. |
waitForUploadResult | bool | Indicates if the upload process should be synchronous(response is delivered after file is uploaded) or asynchronous(response is delivered immediately, leaving the file upload in the background) Default = false. |
accessRules | List | Access rules object list |
AccessRule object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
identity | string(200) | Role name or user name. |
accessLevel | string |
isForRole | bool | Determines, if identity is role name (true) or user name (false). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/users/
C#: api.Users.Users.Get()
Returns the list and total count of users.
Use default request for getting a list of users with additional filtering by user roles:
Field Name | Type | Description |
filterByRoles | List<string> | List of role names, for filtering using roles connector (by default, connector value = 'and'). |
filterByRolesConnector | string | Roles filtering connector. Possible values:
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<User> | A list of User objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found users, depending on filtering criterias. |
User object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | User id. |
userName* | string(401) | User name. |
firstName* | string(200) | User first name. |
lastName* | string(200) | User last name. |
email* | string(400) | User email. |
imageId | Guid | User image id. |
imageUrl | string(850) | User image URL. |
imageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | User image thumbnail URL. |
imageCaption | string(2000) | User image id. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of user creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of user creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of user last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of user last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/users/{id} - get user by id.
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/users/by-username/{username} - get user by username.
C#: api.Users.User.Get()
Returns user object, identified by id or name.
Additional request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
includeRoles | bool |
Indicates if user roles should be returned. The default value is false. |
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
UserId | Guid | User id. Cannot be specified, if UserName is specified. |
UserName | string | User name. Cannot be specified, if UserId is specified. |
Successful response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | User id. |
userName* | string(401) | User name. |
firstName* | string(200) | User first name. |
lastName* | string(200) | User last name. |
email* | string(400) | User email. |
imageId | Guid | User image id. |
imageUrl | string(850) | User image URL. |
imageThumbnailUrl | string(850) | User image thumbnail URL. |
imageCaption | string(2000) | User image id. |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of user creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of user creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of user last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of user last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
Additionally a response returns list of roles:
Field Name | Type | Description |
roles | List<Role> | List of role objects. Only if request.includeRoles = true. |
Role object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Role id. |
name* | string(401) | Role name. |
isSystematic* | bool | Determines, if role is systematic (cannot be edited / deleted). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of role creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of role creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of role last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of role last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/users/validate
C#: api.Users.User.Validate()
Checks if user name and password are correct and returns result and user id.
Request parameters:
Field Name | Type | Description |
userName* | string(200) | User name. |
password* | string(255) | Password. |
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
valid* | bool | true if user name and password are valid. false otherwise. |
userId | Guid | A user id (only if user name and password are valid). |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/roles/
C#: api.Users.Roles.Get()
Returns the list and total count of roles.
Use default request for getting a list of roles.
A success response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
items | List<Role> | A list of Role objects. |
totalCount | int | Total count of found roles, depending on filtering criterias. |
Role object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Role id. |
name* | string(401) | Role name. |
isSystematic* | bool | Determines, if role is systematic (cannot be edited / deleted). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of role creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of role creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of role last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of role last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/roles/{id} - get role by id.
HTTP GET: /bcms-api/roles/by-name/{name} - get role by name.
C#: api.Users.Role.Get()
Returns role object, identified by id or name.
For code API, use these request properties:
Field Name | Type | Description |
RoleId | Guid | Role id. Cannot be specified, if RoleName is specified. |
RoleName | string | Role name. Cannot be specified, if RoleId is specified. |
Successful response.data object format:
Field Name | Type | Description |
id* | Guid | Role id. |
name* | string(401) | Role name. |
isSystematic* | bool | Determines, if role is systematic (cannot be edited / deleted). |
createdOn* | DateTime | The date of role creation. |
createdBy* | string(200) | User name of role creator. |
lastModifiedOn* | DateTime | The date of role last modification. |
lastModifiedBy* | string(200) | User name of role last modificator. |
version* | int | A record version number. |