The Objective of this project to construct CNN , Random Forest ,K-NN and Naïve baye to predict whether mole whether it is Benign or Malignant and allowing the user to find nearby doctors and making appointment with them .
1.India ranks third in cancer cases after China and the US . 2.Every year India reports more than a million new cancer cases. 3.Among them, half million deaths happen due to the ignorance of the disease.
Skin Cancer is deadly disease can be cured if caught early . Since Everybody cannot afford to go to hospital every time for checkup of their skin this is where the project comes in to play to check early whether the mole is malignant or benign and help them find good dermatologist near them and making appointment with them.
Skin Cancer is primarily diagnosed with visual beginning with an initial clinical screening and followed by dermatologist this where Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can come into to detect skin cancer by training the model with Images of Skin cancer , Helping Customer to save their time and money