Releases: isaaclyman/novel-word-count-obsidian
Releases · isaaclyman/novel-word-count-obsidian
- Make the plugin update
less frequently to avoid excessive noise in sync tools like Obsidian Sync. The plugin now only updates data.json at the following times:- When the plugin loads.
- When the plugin unloads.
- When settings are changed.
- When a file is created, deleted, or renamed.
- Once every five minutes while files are being modified.
Fixes #110.
- Update the name of the "Reanalyze" command in the command palette to indicate that it will also reset the session. (Fixes #105)
- Add a new advanced setting to allow the user to set their preferred date format as a MomentJS format string. See the MomentJS documentation. (Fixes #100)
- Add new count type "Track Session," which allows you to track your progress since the last time Obsidian started, the plugin initialized, the settings changed, or you clicked Reanalyze.
- Fix scoping of CSS classes, which were bleeding over into other panes that happened to have a file tree.
- Fix a bug that shows "undefined" in the file tree when using the Frontmatter Key data type with advanced formatting.
- Add new "Frontmatter Key" data type to the available counts. This lets you specify a key in your Properties to display verbatim. No formatting, suffix, or abbreviation is applied.
Fixes #94. Thanks to @hanaTsuk1 for the PR.
- Fix styling of vault count on mobile.
- Fix styling on vault count, which sometimes showed up on the same line as header buttons.