Release 4.2.0
FastHub changelog
Version 4.2.0 (Create, Edit & Delete files (make Commits))
Reporting Issues or Feature Requests in Google Play review section, will be ignored or might even get your account to be blocked from FastHub. You are using an app for GitHub, which provides a proper way to report issues.
Please report the issues in FastHub repo instead, by opening the Drawer Menu, click about and click "Report an Issue" PLEASE USE IT.
Bugs , Enhancements & new Features (3.2.0)
- (New) Make commits on repos from FastHub (this only applies for repo owners so far). PRO
- (New) Long pressing files/directories will open up their Commit/Git History.
- (New) Indicates PR review line has a comment.
- (New) Showing number of addition, deletion & files in PR files tab.
- (New) Untoggle MD rendering to see their actual code.
- (New) Settings option to disable Animations in FastHub.
- (New) Copy SHA from Commit.
- (New) Forks, Watchers & Stargazers links handling.
- (Enhancement) Loading larger number of comments per page.
- (Enhancement) Hide fab while scrolling in Issues & PR tab.
- (Fix) PR Status where it got somehow broken in previous release.
- (Fix) A text under PR status will indicates if the PR is mergable or not.
- (Fix) Tagging users in full screen editor.
- (Fix) Comments text selection where sometime they aren't selectable.
- (Fix) PR Review footer is invisible in (4.1.0).
- (Fix) Cursor position after inserting emoji, links & images.
- (Fix) Teal customized accent was displayed as green.
- (Fix) Some crashes from the crash report.
- (Fix) Lots of bug fixes.
- There are more stuff are not mentioned, find them out 😛
What left in FastHub?
So far, FastHub has implemented almost all the features of GitHub, besides for Project Cards. Hopefully in the next release FastHub will include that. The following releases will mainly be bug fixes or if a major feature is implemented.
How old is FastHub now?
FastHub is now 5 months & a week old. Since v1.0.0 it has really grow with each and every release. The only way this was possible, was due to the community helping out either via reporting bugs, feature requests or even give hand to fix things or implement things in the app. I'm really grateful for having such a great community. Thank you guys!
Thank you to all who have contributed either via reporting bugs or via code contribution.