Releases: metno/pyaerocom
Releases · metno/pyaerocom
What's Changed
- Release v0.27.0 by @lewisblake in #1507
- fix logic to extract parameters from file names in the contour subfolder by @charlienegri in #1510
- Adds def for concCecpm10EM by @dulte in #1514
- Update docs in by @heikoklein in #1518
- fix broken paths and remove unused returns in ModelMapsEngine by @charlienegri in #1519
- Fix code snippets in documentation for doctest by @thorbjoernl in #1440
- fairmode calculated only for meaningful var/freq combinations by @charlienegri in #1521
- Colocate UEMEP station data by @thorbjoernl in #1508
- First draft of new climatology config by @dulte in #1356
- Fixes for move of overlay out of contour by @lewisblake in #1524
- station_type in output by @charlienegri in #1525
- CF compliance when standard_name and axis are missing by @magnusuMET in #1527
- make add_season configurable from cl for CAMS2_83 by @charlienegri in #1533
- disable caching for pyaro based datasets by @jgriesfeller in #1535
Full Changelog: v0.27.0...v0.28.0
What's Changed
- Release v0.26.0 by @lewisblake in #1476
- Fix typo by @thorbjoernl in #1478
- Use contourpy instead of matplotlib.contourf by @magnusuMET in #1477
- Revert "remove tox dependencies" by @thorbjoernl in #1483
- Removes some file path references in exp output which are no longer needed. by @thorbjoernl in #1482
- Update pyproject.toml for aerovaldb 0.2.3 by @lewisblake in #1485
- Write timestep split contour files by @thorbjoernl in #1484
- Change overlay plots to use grayscale by @lewisblake in #1487
- Renaming of proxy vars for contours and overlays by @lewisblake in #1489
- Add pyaerocom logo to README.rst and readthedocs by @lewisblake in #1491
- Pin contourpy >=1.3.0 by @thorbjoernl in #1494
- Add stats_order_menu to allowing custom ordering of statistics by @magnusuMET in #1495
- correct types for webdisp_opts by @lewisblake in #1498
- Remove obsolete l2satellite stuff by @thorbjoernl in #1496
- Bulkfraction engine for pyaeroval by @dulte in #1458
- Reduce warnings in tests by @thorbjoernl in #1502
- Optimize computation of timeseries statistics through multiprocessing by @lewisblake in #1492
- Use tmpdir in all tests by @thorbjoernl in #1504
- Set decode_timedelta=True to silence xarray warning by @thorbjoernl in #1506
- Overlays in emep config by @thorbjoernl in #1497
- Add vmrox postprocessing for pyaro by @magnusuMET in #1503
Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.27.0
What's Changed
- Release v0.25.0 by @lewisblake in #1437
- non alphabetical order in the web menu by @charlienegri in #1441
- only_model_maps=True & pixel maps fixes by @lewisblake in #1434
- Bug fix: infer info from geojson files in contour dir as well by @lewisblake in #1446
- switch to pixelmaps for all models except IFS by @charlienegri in #1449
- Give boundaries a default in setup_classes by @lewisblake in #1450
- Obs-only: check model_list to see if empty instead by @lewisblake in #1430
- no overlays for now by @charlienegri in #1451
- CI tests with py3.13 by @thorbjoernl in #1442
- Reduce test warnings by @thorbjoernl in #1456
- variables_changed_units_categories by @andrearosendahl in #1418
- EMEP4NO base config & EMEP reader adjustments by @thorbjoernl in #1425
- Pin matplotlib by @magnusuMET in #1465
- Add post-processing of observations from pyaro by @magnusuMET in #1445
- Update ebase height filter list by @thorbjoernl in #1460
- New pyaro filter list by @thorbjoernl in #1467
- Warn user if var_order_menu does not match used variables by @thorbjoernl in #1466
- Investigate flaky CI test by @thorbjoernl in #1471
- Test passes now so removing xfail by @thorbjoernl in #1464
- EMEP pyaro/eeareader by @magnusuMET in #1463
- Model maps with ColocatedData objects by @lewisblake in #1470
- Pyaro valley floor filter in emep config by @thorbjoernl in #1472
- Fix modelmaps by @dulte in #1444
- Remove pin on mpl as geojsoncontour was fixed by @magnusuMET in #1474
- remove tox dependencies by @magnusuMET in #1475
New Contributors
- @andrearosendahl made their first contribution in #1418
Full Changelog: v0.25.0...v0.26.0
What's Changed
- Use documented property in pyaro reading by @magnusuMET in #1393
- Release v0.24.0 by @lewisblake in #1395
- Pydantic ModelEntry by @lewisblake in #1391
- test VarWebScaleAndColormap with wrong input by @heikoklein in #1397
- Fix warnings by @magnusuMET in #1387
- Implement pyaro-readers using documented API by @magnusuMET in #1401
- allow list of strings and Path like objects in PyaroConfig by @jgriesfeller in #1400
- add pya init command by @jgriesfeller in #1402
- Update README.rst DOI by @lewisblake in #1404
- Allows using more recent versions of numpy by @thorbjoernl in #1396
- Fix reference to OBS_VERT_TYPES_ALT by @thorbjoernl in #1405
- Make Aeroval Collections Composite patterns by @lewisblake in #1407
- Lowlevel helpers clean up by @lewisblake in #1410
- fix gaw-test by @heikoklein in #1415
- New minimaldata by @dulte in #1416
- Some work for reading ColocatedData provided by CAMS2_82 partners by @lewisblake in #1406
- Allow any argument to pyaro filters by @magnusuMET in #1413
- add ifs model to list by @charlienegri in #1420
- Add aliases for for vmrno2 and vmro3 by @lewisblake in #1422
- Fix call to model_cfg to use getter function by @lewisblake in #1424
- Obs name big fix by @lewisblake in #1427
- Pixel maps debug by @lewisblake in #1431
- fix strings in name dictionaries by @charlienegri in #1432
- Specify otypes to fix zero-sized calls by @magnusuMET in #1433
- Rename pyaro related fields by @magnusuMET in #1428
New Contributors
- @magnusuMET made their first contribution in #1393
Full Changelog: v0.24.0...v0.25.0
What's Changed
- Release v0.23.0 by @lewisblake in #1373
- Update README.rst - zenodo by @lewisblake in #1374
- Update README.rst by @lewisblake in #1376
- Update README.rst by @lewisblake in #1377
- 1339 add pm ratios to EMEP reader; add example config for them by @jgriesfeller in #1378
- Fix maps not being created in CAMS2_83 by @lewisblake in #1381
- Plotting deprecation warnings by @lewisblake in #1392
Full Changelog: v0.23.0...v0.24.0
What's Changed
- V0.22 by @heikoklein in #1340
- Avoid ebas files for carbon-component with pure statistics by @heikoklein in #1341
- Rename setup_classes & include creation_date in ExperimentInfo by @lewisblake in #1344
- Bump aerovaldb / Support put_map_overlay() in pyaerocom by @thorbjoernl in #1351
- Update pyproject.toml and pyaerocom_env.yml for aerovaldb 0.1.1 by @lewisblake in #1352
- Extend aeroval to plot satellite pixels maps by @lewisblake in #1347
- Fix metaindx shift after metadata filter by @thorbjoernl in #1355
- Fix set equivalence checking in ModelMapsEngine by @lewisblake in #1357
- Fix model validator for pyaro config and ColocatedData by @lewisblake in #1358
- One way to change freq for map processing by @dulte in #1312
- Pydantic ObsEntry by @lewisblake in #1360
- Clarify requirements for sample_points in interpolate() by @thorbjoernl in #1365
- Update to remove deprecated allow_mutation=False by @lewisblake in #1367
- Remove double parenthesis in L299 by @lewisblake in #1364
- use a user specific paths.ini if it exists (in ~MyPyaerocom) by @jgriesfeller in #1348
- Improve ColocatedData.to_dataframe() method by @thorbjoernl in #1369
Full Changelog: v0.22.0...v0.23.0
What's Changed
- Aerovaldb use pypi release by @thorbjoernl in #1309
- Update pyaerocom_env.yml by @lewisblake in #1316
- Fix aerovaldb profiles arguments issue by @thorbjoernl in #1317
- EARLINET cloud filtering by @lewisblake in #1315
- Allow trends to run even if a component does not have any data due to min_yrs constraints by @heikoklein in #1313
- exclude mda8 from maps by @charlienegri in #1325
- try new syntax to exclude mda8 from maps by @charlienegri in #1326
- add conco3mda8 to fairmode stats by @charlienegri in #1328
- add evaluation type for cams283, tweak rtol fairmode by @charlienegri in #1329
- var_order_menu has to have all the relevant variables if used since sep 2 2024 by @charlienegri in #1334
- Adds better definition of filters. Adds tqdm to read_pyaro by @dulte in #1335
- Fix mda8 misalignment by @thorbjoernl in #1322
- Add link to directive to mda8 documentation by @thorbjoernl in #1318
- Adds more detailed descriptions to the mda8 variables. by @thorbjoernl in #1320
- Pm1 non refractory by @heikoklein in #1337
Full Changelog: v0.21.1...v0.22.0
Now has aerovaldb installed from PyPI
What's Changed
- Release_v0.21.0 by @lewisblake in #1307
- Update README.rst by @lewisblake in #1308
Full Changelog: v0.21.0...v0.21.1
What's Changed
- Update pyproject.toml by @lewisblake in #1239
- Fix function signatures in by @thorbjoernl in #1241
- Variable Pm10pbap by @heikoklein in #1236
- Cache validation ignore pyaerocom version; use mtime instead of ctime by @heikoklein in #1243
- Simplify mscw-reader path requirements, read year_available from files by @heikoklein in #1245
- Fix 1246: var_list not being applied appropriately to obs_vars from networks by @lewisblake in #1249
- Fix SO4 in seasalt by @heikoklein in #1250
- MDA8 fix by @thorbjoernl in #1251
- Update docs by @lewisblake in #1254
- Docs: typo fixes and add AeroTools logo by @lewisblake in #1255
- Docs cleanup: typo fixes, add C3S, new workflow by @lewisblake in #1257
- Make web- variables, colormaps and scales configurable by @heikoklein in #1256
- Use aerovaldb for writing json in
by @thorbjoernl in #1193 - Rename coarse to pm10 and fine to pm25 for nh4 and so4 by @heikoklein in #1261
- MDA8 timestamp and superfluous values by @thorbjoernl in #1265
- Merge trends-fix into main-dev by @dulte in #1266
- Trends fix by @lewisblake in #907
- Collocation of emep-mscw output with gridded data in a projection by @heikoklein in #1274
- Use map_freqs in ModelMapsEngine by @lewisblake in #1268
- Add emep base-config for reporting by @heikoklein in #1276
- Extract interface for gridded modeldata reader by @heikoklein in #1269
- Fix 70% of rounding performance issue by @thorbjoernl in #1278
- add missing definitions for conco3mda8, necessary for cams2_83 by @charlienegri in #1280
- Use locking for aerovaldb writes by @thorbjoernl in #1273
- docs: Fix missing download testdata section in documentation by @thorbjoernl in #1281
- Suppress or fix warnings by @thorbjoernl in #1272
- Fix mda8 crash when configured frequencies are all hourly by @thorbjoernl in #1284
- MQI Check: change tolerance due to rounding errors by @lewisblake in #1286
- Remove changelogs by @thorbjoernl in #1283
- Fix printing all writes to stdout by @thorbjoernl in #1285
- Fix non compliant json by @thorbjoernl in #1290
- MQI Check: adjust tolerance again to 1e-3 by @lewisblake in #1293
- lint with ruff by @avaldebe in #1129
- EMEP vs. TROPOMI 2024 by @lewisblake in #1297
- Fix xarray 2024.7.0 errors by @thorbjoernl in #1292
- VCD NO2 fixes and new VCD variables by @lewisblake in #1298
- Update README.rst by @lewisblake in #1300
- Update old colocation_auto references in doc strings by @lewisblake in #1299
- Update .git-blame-ignore-revs by @lewisblake in #1304
- fix: Issue with loffset by @thorbjoernl in #1305
- adding vmrno2 for emep/mscw model-output by @heikoklein in #1306
Full Changelog: v0.20.0...v0.21.0
What's Changed
- Update pyproject.toml v0.20.dev1 by @lewisblake in #1201
- small change to init kwargs correctly by @jgriesfeller in #1199
- MEP -> CNEMC by @lewisblake in #1202
- Set minimum requirement for pandas+xarray by @thorbjoernl in #1204
- numpy <2.0.0 by @thorbjoernl in #1207
- make cams2-82 configs work by @jgriesfeller in #1209
- Fix MEP and test_load_berlin by @lewisblake in #1210
- Memory reduction for emep-reporting by @heikoklein in #1213
- use const.CNEMC_NAME by @jgriesfeller in #1216
- fix conversion factor for no3 to N by @heikoklein in #1214
- Update pyproject.toml v0.19.3 by @lewisblake in #1217
- update ubservations name for the web for CAMS2_83 by @charlienegri in #1219
- fix pydantic warning by @heikoklein in #1225
- Fixes for map-plotting of emep-results by @heikoklein in #1220
- Fix res_grid_deg bug to allow either floats or a dict by @lewisblake in #1227
- put all temporary and testing data below the path ~/MyPyaerocom by @jgriesfeller in #1230
- EBAS reader: open db in read only mode only by @jgriesfeller in #1233
- Earlinet + 3d colocation updates: Include Level1 data and Introduce LayerLimits by @lewisblake in #1231
- Remove double keys in json config file by @lewisblake in #1237
- MDA8 by @thorbjoernl in #1224
- Update pyproject.toml by @lewisblake in #1238
Full Changelog: v0.19.2...v0.20.0