What's Changed
- Release v0.27.0 by @lewisblake in #1507
- fix logic to extract parameters from file names in the contour subfolder by @charlienegri in #1510
- Adds def for concCecpm10EM by @dulte in #1514
- Update docs in reporting_base.py by @heikoklein in #1518
- fix broken paths and remove unused returns in ModelMapsEngine by @charlienegri in #1519
- Fix code snippets in documentation for doctest by @thorbjoernl in #1440
- fairmode calculated only for meaningful var/freq combinations by @charlienegri in #1521
- Colocate UEMEP station data by @thorbjoernl in #1508
- First draft of new climatology config by @dulte in #1356
- Fixes for move of overlay out of contour by @lewisblake in #1524
- station_type in output by @charlienegri in #1525
- CF compliance when standard_name and axis are missing by @magnusuMET in #1527
- make add_season configurable from cl for CAMS2_83 by @charlienegri in #1533
- disable caching for pyaro based datasets by @jgriesfeller in #1535
Full Changelog: v0.27.0...v0.28.0