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Schedule of presentations

Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 28 revisions

Presentation are on Wednesdays (alternating with Dune meetings), 16:00 UK time.

2022 (reverse chronological order)

  • 28/09/2022: Makarius Wenzel: "Isabelle as a build tool for Isabelle"

    Isabelle as build tool for Isabelle

    The tooling for Isabelle is always Isabelle itself. The system has a mathematical world: Isabelle/ML for functional programming and symbolic logic; its applications are called "sessions" and either built implicitly on demand or explicitly via "isabelle build" on the command-line. The result is a heap file and a session database (SQLite or PostGreSQL), it includes HTML and LaTeX presentation information or other export artifacts.

    Then, there is a physical world: Isabelle/Scala for system management, server connections, and interaction with the user via the Prover IDE, e.g. Isabelle/jEdit or Isabelle/VSCode. System components are built implicitly on demand or explicitly via "isabelle scala_build". That is based on pure Java, to simplify the bootstrap process of everything. Its own build process is managed by a plain shell script, without fancy (complex, unstable) build tools for Java.

  • 16/03/2022: Charlie Curtsinger and Daniel Barowy (authors of LaForge) will give a talk "Riker: Don't make, Make it so"
  • 02/02/2022: François Bobot: implicit_transitive_deps past and possible futurs


  • 20/01/2021: Rudi Grinberg will present his work on adding a RPC to Dune
  • 03/02/2021: Ulysse Gérard will present the custom-build-info feature
  • 17/02/2021: Etienne Millon will present yarn and jest
  • 03/03/2021:
  • 17/03/2021: Rudi Grinberg will present pulp, spago, psc-package (PureScript's toolchain)
  • 31/03/2021: Jon Poole will present the build system
  • 14/04/2021: Lubega Simon will present his work on odoc and Dune
  • 12/05/2021: Thibaut Mattio will present spin, an OCaml project generator
  • 26/05/2021: Jeremie Dimino will present how to use Dune's new and shiny cores' API
  • 09/06/2021: Gargi Sharma and Rizo Isrof will present current-bench, the system we use to benchmark Dune
  • 01/09/2021: Rudi Grinberg will present the Dune plugin for VSCode
  • 13/10/2021: Andrey Mokhov will give a talk about some cool aspects of Memo's implementation, including the new faster cycle detection algorithm
  • 24/11/2021: All and Rudi Grinberg, Discussion: How can we dynamically add new targets? How can we gather the errors of dependencies of a target?
  • 24/11/2021: François Bobot, Discussion: The different steps of the parsing of Dune files ( Sub-dir, data-dirs, dune generated files).

(Idea of discussion?): What feature dune needs from the compiler (i.e

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