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dev meeting 20200331

Jeremie Dimino edited this page Apr 22, 2020 · 1 revision

Issue management

We discussed the fact that sometimes, we reach an agreement on what to do for an issue but then nothing happens. This is not the end of the world, but just to make things clearer for everybody we proposed the following workflow change: when we have reached an agreement we will add the tag "accepted" to the feature and also add a comment with a link pointing to a description of what the "accepted" tag means.

The accepted tag will mean: the feature request is accepted. If anyone wants to make it happen, please raise your hand and we will happily give you some pointers. Otherwise, maybe someone from the dune team will pick up the issue at some point.

We will then review the list of issues with the "accepted" tag once a year, and for each issue decide whether to close it or leave it in this state. If we leave it in this state, we'll leave a message on the issue to indicate that it has been reviewed and kept in this state.


Rudi has been working on a feature to inject stanzas into a sub-directory from a dune file. Jeremie initially suggested to call "chdir" to match the "chdir" action because he had in mind a formalisation of variable elimation in dune files where "chdir" was a general modifier.

However, while discussing we realised that this causes a discrepency between the way %{env:xxx} variable are scoped inside chdir actions and chdir stanzas. In the first case they are lexically scoped while in the second case they are not. For this reason, we decided to use a different name for the stanza.

Language specific qualified/unqualified statuses

Right now, the qualified/unqualified choice is for all languages and this is a problem. This problem was revealed for Coq, since Coq uses the qualified semantic and OCaml only support the unqualified one. And even if OCaml supported both, we might want different settings for Coq and OCaml when extracting OCaml code from Coq.

In the end, we agreed that for most language the choice is made once and for all by the language itself. It is only for OCaml where the user can make this choice. So in the end we decided to de-couple both settings. include_subdirs will now have two state: true and false, and in the true case we can additionally specify whether OCaml sources are qualified or not. For instance:

(include\_subdirs true (ocaml unqualified))

We should add the new syntax and deprecated the old one. In version 3 of the language, we'll forbid the old syntax.

Directory targets

The previous point led to a discussion about directory targets. We confirmed that currently they are not officially supported but discussed a few ideas for how they could be supported. Andrey mentioned that Microsoft have discussed this problem and consider it solved. There solution is well documented, so we should look at what they are doing. Once we have a clear idea of what directory targets mean, we will formalise this in Dune and add proper support.

Right now, even though directory targets are not officially supported and formalised, you can hack together rules that do produce directories. This however doesn't work when using the shared cache. Quentin proposed a simple solution to make them work with the shared cache, by simply not caching rules that produce directories.

Distributed cache

Quentin added support for storing in each cache entry the commit id at which the artifacts where produced. He will then look at a way of indexing those so that we can go from a commit id to a set of artifacts.

This could be useful to say: I checked out this revision, prefetch all artifacts that were built at this revision.

ocamlc -i

Nathan is trying to make it easier for user to extract the inferred mli out of a ml file in a dune project. This is a long standing request.

He is currently working on a third-party tool that invokes dune, figure out the location of the right cmi file and extract the inferred mli from the cmi file. The it is done is pretty hacky, with the tool parsing the verbose output of dune to try and figure out the location of the cmi file.

David mentions that if it was a sub-command of Dune, it would be more discoverable to users. Jeremie agrees but is a bothered by the fact that this command is very OCaml specific, while the rest of the Dune CLI is pretty generic. In the end, we concluded that it would be nice to have an "ocaml" command to regroup various OCaml specific commands, such as dune ocaml print-intf or dune ocaml top.

Once Cmdliner supports sub-commands, we can do that and bring this feature in Dune.

Better linting pipeline

Nathan is currently working on formalising the linting pipeline. Right now, it is possible to use several linters such as:

  • cinaps
  • mdx
  • deriving_inline
  • ocamlformat

Right now what happens is that each linter independently checks the input and produces a correction. This results in a weird workflow where several linters might produce incompatible corrections.

To make things better, we plan to instead order the various linter into a straight pipeline, where each linter consumes the output of the previous one. And only at the end, after applying ocamlformat as the last linter we compare the correction to the original source file.

j and pipe

The previous discussion led to discussing support for Dune setting up pipes.  In the past, we decided against adding a (pipe a b) action in Dune because it is not clear whether (pipe (run ..) (run ...)) should count as 1 job or 2 jobs. Arseniy mentions that a job never really meant anything and we could decide to count this as 1 job. In the end, we kept the status quo on this.

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