What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- For a better user experience, starting from the @opentiny/[email protected] version, the overall default style of the component library has been switched to the new Opentiny Design style.
- feat(tooltip): [tooltip] add text content wrapper and content-max-height prop by @gimmyhehe in #1910
- refactor(charts): [charts] rename chart-core packages to huicharts-core by @Davont in #2027
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(virtual-scroll-box): add virtual-scroll-box component
- feat(virtual-tree): add virtual-tree component
- feat(sticky): add sticky component
- feat(anchor): [anchor] support mobile-first and saas theme by @chenxi-20 in #1920
- fix(numeric): [numeric] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1915
- fix(modal): [modal] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1914
- fix(form): [form] change x-design form label text color by @gimmyhehe in #1922
- fix(carousel): [carousel]modify carousel of xdesign theme by @James-9696 in #1908
- fix(drawer): [drawer]: modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1913
- fix(fall-menu): [fall-menu]modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1870
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #1912
- feat(grid): [grid] support resizable config by @gweesin in #1679
- feat(crop): [crop] update crop for smb design by @shenjunjian in #1843
- fix(pager): [pager] change pager XDesign theme by @gimmyhehe in #1938
- fix(select): [select] Adapt to select component smb theme by @MomoPoppy in #1948
- feat(input,autocomplete): [input,autocomplete] update input&autocompl… by @zzcr in #1950
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1960
- fix(carousel): [carousel] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1962
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1961
- fix(loading): [loading] fix loading new design review problem by @chenxi-20 in #1942
- fix(file-upload): [file-upload] Optimize the adaptation of new specifications based on the alignment comments. by @chenxi-20 in #1977
- feat(slider): [slider] Adapt slider component smb theme by @MomoPoppy in #1974
- fix(dropdown,actionMenu): [dropdown,action-menu] Adapt to Dropdown an… by @MomoPoppy in #1967
- feat(image): [image] Adapt to SMB themes by @MomoPoppy in #1895
- fix(theme): [tree,tooltip,transfer,cascader,input] update smb design for tree/tooltip/transfer/cascader components by @shenjunjian in #1970
- feat(tree-menu): [tree-menu] adapt to tree-menu smb themes by @wuyiping0628 in #1866
- feat(popeditor): [popeditor] Adapt popeditor component xdesign theme by @MomoPoppy in #1973
- fix(grid): [grid] change grid x-design theme by @gimmyhehe in #1984
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #1985
- feat(useLazyShow): add useLazyShow function by @shenjunjian in #1976
- feat(milestone): [milestone] Adapt milestone component smb theme by @MomoPoppy in #1996
- fix(carousel): [carousel] modify smb-theme by @James-9696 in #2004
- feat(wizard): [wizard] Add new specification wizard component by @chenxi-20 in #2000
- fix(notify): [notify, split] Dev update notifycrop split by @shenjunjian in #2020
- fix(link-menu): [link-menu] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2039
- feat(filter-panel): [filter-panel] Added filter panel new specification topic by @chenxi-20 in #2032
- feat(calendar-view): [calendar-view] Adapting to the SMB themes by @Youyou-smiles in #2031
- feat(steps): [steps] Add a new standard step bar for setting vertical dot attributes. by @chenxi-20 in #2042
- fix(checkbox): [checkbox]modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2050
- fix(radio): [radio] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2052
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme of demo by @James-9696 in #2048
- fix(grid): [grid] change grid-toolbar x-design theme by @gimmyhehe in #2060
- fix(theme): [popover,cascader,transfer,tooltip] update smb design for popover,cascader,transfer,tooltip by @shenjunjian in #2058
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme of demo by @James-9696 in #2069
- feat(steps): [steps] Refresh the design specifications for styles that are not designed. by @chenxi-20 in #2071
- feat(search): [search] The vertical bar on the right of the star theme close button is added. by @chenxi-20 in #2084
- feat(popconfirm): [popconfirm] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2085
- feat(search): [search] Adding borderless examples in mini mode by @chenxi-20 in #2091
- feat(form): [form] x-design theme refresh by @gimmyhehe in #2093
- feat(grid): [grid] x-design theme refresh by @gimmyhehe in #2094
- feat(time-picker): [time-picker] updata time frame xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2092
- feat(tree-menu): [tree-menu] updata tree-menu xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2095
- feat(load-list): add load-list components by @zzcr in #2098
- feat(button-group): [button-group] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2099
- feat(steps): [steps] The stateless step style is added to the step bar, and the itemFooter slot is added. by @chenxi-20 in #2110
- feat(button): [button] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2104
- feat(badge): [badge] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2107
- feat(button): [button] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2120
- feat(guide): [guide] replace x with close-icon by @wuyiping0628 in #2121
- feat(pager): [pager] add simplest pager to adaptive x-design by @gimmyhehe in #2126
- feat(carousel): [carousel]modify smb theme and add props by @James-9696 in #2125
- feat(switch): [switch] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2112
- feat(drop-times): [drop-times] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2118
- fix(theme): [tree,tooltip,transfer, cascader] update unsolved smb components by @shenjunjian in #2124
- feat(modal): [modal] modify demo by @James-9696 in #2129
- feat(checkbox): [checkbox] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2130
- feat: [input] add new vars less by @zzcr in #2128
- feat(steps): [steps] Node line alignment by @chenxi-20 in #2116
- feat(radio): [radio] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2132
- feat(modal): [modal] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2146
- feat(fluent-editor): add format painter by @kagol in #2149
- feat(grid): [grid] grid custom panel adapt to x-design by @gimmyhehe in #2152
- feat(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2147
- feat(button): [button] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2148
- feat(drawer): [drawer] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2150
- feat(carousel): [carousel] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2153
- feat: optimize theme style variables by @zzcr in #2157
- feat(dropdown): [dropdown,select,slider] Adapt to xdesign themes by @MomoPoppy in #2108
- feat(badge): [badge]: Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2167
- feat(ip-address): [ip-address] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2166
- feat(dropdown): [dropdown,action-menu,select] Additional features xdesign theme adaptation by @MomoPoppy in #2140
- feat(alert): [alert] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2169
- feat(skeleton): [skeleton] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2171
- feat(button): [button] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2172
- feat(popconfirm): [popconfirm] Adapting to the SMB theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2168
- feat(divider): [divider]modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2179
- feat(theme): modify variable names and add reset styles by @MomoPoppy in #2185
- feat(drawer): [drawer]add props of height by @James-9696 in #2184
- feat(image): [iamge] Fix bug regarding image links by @Youyou-smiles in #2188
- feat(site): the official website temporarily blocks English by @zzcr in #2199
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker] Adapting to the SMB themem by @Youyou-smiles in #2205
- feat(link-menu): [link-menu]modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2210
- feat(fall-menu): [fall-menu]modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2206
- feat(card): Adapting to the SMB themes by @Youyou-smiles in #2231
- feat(checkbox): [checkbox] adapte checkbox saas theme and x-design theme by @zzcr in #2260
- feat: remove toggle-menu and fall-menu from docs by @zzcr in #2267
- feat: delete useless files by @zzcr in #2269
- feat: remove float-button error style by @zzcr in #2305
- feat(anchor): [anchor] Added additional anchor features and modified document issues such as icons found in the document. by @chenxi-20 in #2313
- feat(fileupload): [file-upload] The fileupload example is added to adapt to the new specifications and fix the saas theme bug. by @chenxi-20 in #2316
- feat(progress): [progress] The progress example is added to adapt to the new specifications and additional features. by @chenxi-20 in #2315
- feat(nav-menu): [nav-menu] updata nav-menu xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2335
- feat: add hyperlinks to the menu, support right-click to open the page by @zzcr in #2342
- feat(button): [button] Check and modify issues by @Youyou-smiles in #2348
- feat(container): [container] Check and modify issues by @Youyou-smiles in #2349
- feat(link): [link] Check and modify issues by @Youyou-smiles in #2351
- feat(fluent-editor): export default toolbar by @kagol in #2350
- feat(button-group): [button-group] Check and modify issues by @Youyou-smiles in #2359
- feat(docs): the official website adds API anchor function by @zzcr in #2366
- feat(autocomplete): [autocomplete] update autocomplete demos by @zzcr in #2384
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker]Optimize case display and fix style i… by @Youyou-smiles in #2386
- feat(anchor): [anchor] add top-offset props by @gimmyhehe in #2388
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker] Fix style issues by @Youyou-smiles in #2392
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker]Optimize case display and fix style issues by @Youyou-smiles in #2400
- feat(tree-menu,skeleton): [tree-menu,skeleton] modify testing issues by @wuyiping0628 in #2410
- feat: adpting to OpenTinyDesign Themes by @zzcr in #2422
- feat: update versions of components by @zzcr in #2426
- feat(button): [button] Optimize demo style for feature display by @Youyou-smiles in #2427
- feat(button): [button] Modify icon button up and down centering issue by @Youyou-smiles in #2423
- feat(layout): [layout] Optimize demo style by @Youyou-smiles in #2429
- feat(date-picker): [date-picker] Optimize demo style by @Youyou-smiles in #2434
- feat: update site version by @zzcr in #2437
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(fluent-editor): fix file module by @kagol in #1886
- fix(fluent-editor): fix emoji module by @kagol in #1891
- fix(fluent-editor): fix code-block highlight by @kagol in #1894
- fix(build): Fixed an issue where theme comments caused packaging to fail. by @chenxi-20 in #1899
- fix(pop-upload): [pop-upload] fix popupload saas theme by @chenxi-20 in #1897
- fix(select): [select] Adapt to multiple+disabled+displayOnly scenarios with different themes by @MomoPoppy in #1885
- fix(tree): [tree]adjust the style of the tree-node to the lower part of the… by @shenjunjian in #1924
- fix(anchor): [anchor] Fix anchor view issue by @chenxi-20 in #1923
- fix(nav-menu): [nav-menu] error occurred when modifying route redirection by @wuyiping0628 in #1907
- fix(grid): [grid] fix panel flash in page by @gimmyhehe in #1903
- fix(tabs): [tabs] Correct the new standard font size value by @chenxi-20 in #1902
- fix(build): Theme packaging replaced by es module by @chenxi-20 in #1901
- fix(select): [select]fix select for no-match-value 's bug by @shenjunjian in #1926
- fix(fluent-editor): fix style.css by @kagol in #1927
- fix(tabs): [tabs, anchor] Fix tabs view issue by @chenxi-20 in #1925
- fix(steps): [steps] Fix steps view issue by @chenxi-20 in #1930
- fix(docs): add beta logo to solve the problem of incomplete text display by @zzcr in #1929
- fix(link): [link] remove link's emits declare and add e2e test for click event by @shenjunjian in #1944
- feat(fileupload): [file-upload] Fixed the issue of new specification review of the upload component. by @chenxi-20 in #1952
- fix(anchor): [anchor] Modifying the Filled Circle Style of a Specification Retraction by @chenxi-20 in #1965
- fix(time-line): [time-line] fix timeline view issue by @chenxi-20 in #1979
- fix(autocomplete): [autocomplete]fix autocomplete panel padding size by @zzcr in #1981
- fix(build): fix theme build error by @zzcr in #1988
- fix(modal): [modal] after a pop-up window whose type is message is closed, the close event instead of the hide event is triggered issue#1384 by @James-9696 in #1939
- fix(anchor): [anchor,steps] Updated the specifications based on the check. by @chenxi-20 in #2007
- fix(currency): [currency] Fixed an issue where the currency document example cannot be displayed. by @chenxi-20 in #2010
- fix(theme): fix theme dark style by @zzcr in #2019
- fix(site): remove custom css for input suffix icon by @shenjunjian in #2017
- fix(tree): [tree] fix tree showLine props's bug , sometimes the line is too… by @shenjunjian in #2015
- fix(design-smb): fix design smb error word by @zzcr in #2040
- fix(modal): [modal] after the window size is changed, the window is displayed in the center by @James-9696 in #2033
- fix(input): [input] fix input x-design theme by @zzcr in #2043
- fix(tree): [tree] fix drag event lost by @shenjunjian in #2038
- fix(grid): [grid] fix empty slot error when is-center-empty is set by @gimmyhehe in #2051
- fix(file-upload): [file-upload] Updated the new specifications of the upload component. by @chenxi-20 in #2063
- fix(input): [input] fix textarea x-design style by @zzcr in #2076
- fix(directives): fix directives error in script-setup with typescript by @zzcr in #2089
- fix(icon): solve the style problem caused by multiple identical ids o… by @zzcr in #2086
- fix(loading): [icon] Fix loadingshadow, built-in rotation by @chenxi-20 in #2023
- fix(checkbox): [checkbox] modify smb theme by @James-9696 in #2096
- fix(tree-menu): [tree-menu] fix tree-menu bug by @wuyiping0628 in #2101
- fix(site): fixed the official website style exception and icon parse … by @zzcr in #2105
- fix(modal): [modal] click the close button to add a close event by @James-9696 in #2106
- fix(pager): [pager] fix pager hover style by @gimmyhehe in #2111
- fix(select): [select] fix clear-no-match prop by @shenjunjian in #2135
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify theme by @James-9696 in #2134
- fix(site): add style in api-table by @shenjunjian in #2139
- fix(fluent-editor): fix link and img render error by @kagol in #2142
- fix(input): [input] fix textarea disabled style error by @zzcr in #2151
- fix(theme): update vars.less comments by @shenjunjian in #2160
- fix(theme): update base/vars.less order by @shenjunjian in #2163
- fix(cascader): [cascader] update cascader's x design by @shenjunjian in #2158
- fix(theme): add tv-color-icon-stable by @shenjunjian in #2175
- fix(theme): rename warning to base-warn by @shenjunjian in #2182
- fix(ui): [file-upload,loading, steps] Adapt to the new UI screenshot specifications and fix related errors. by @chenxi-20 in #2177
- fix(theme): fix(theme): The correct default value is added to improve the overall theme adaptation development efficiency. by @chenxi-20 in #2190
- fix(input): [input] fix input small size of font by @zzcr in #2203
- fix(button): add ghost's cssvars for button by @shenjunjian in #2235
- fix(anchor): [anchor] Reconstruct the anchor theme. by @chenxi-20 in #2225
- fix(select): [select] modifying the loading icon issue by @MomoPoppy in #2242
- fix(tree): [tree] remove __content-box dom, compact with AUI code by @shenjunjian in #2247
- fix(transfer): [transfer] update smb design by @shenjunjian in #2249
- fix(link-menu): fix link-menu theme vars by @zzcr in #2246
- fix: fix error description of base vars by @zzcr in #2258
- fix(auto-tip): [auto-tip] fix bug that the checkbox always displays t… by @zzcr in #2262
- fix(docs): Fixes style issues with document anchors by @chenxi-20 in #2266
- fix(breadcrumb): [breadcrumb]modify demo of disable page redirection by @James-9696 in #2272
- fix(radio): [radio] fix using aria-hidden="true" on focusable elements by @zzcr in #2265
- fix(tabs): [tabs] modify tabs demo bug by @James-9696 in #2274
- fix: by monitoring the route, display the corresponding directory content in the left menu by @James-9696 in #2278
- fix(chart): Modify Chart Case by @Davont in #2300
- fix(button-group): [button-group]fix button-group component style issues by @zzcr in #2308
- fix(ip-address): fix ip-address and autocomplete component style issues by @zzcr in #2307
- fix(docs): [progress] The document is modified to meet the requirements of the new specifications. by @chenxi-20 in #2306
- fix(modal): fix demo which lost jsx by @shenjunjian in #2314
- fix(button): [button]fix error css var by @shenjunjian in #2312
- fix(notify): [notify] fix notify's demos by @shenjunjian in #2326
- fix: delete useless comp entries and fix theme building errors by @zzcr in #2322
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] destoryOnClose transition by @GaoNeng-wWw in #2324
- fix(time-picker): [time-picker] fixed a button style issue in the Sass theme by @wuyiping0628 in #2330
- fix(dropdown): [dropdown] rename getTip api in dropdown-item; replace reset.less cssvars by --tv- vars by @shenjunjian in #2331
- fix(card): replace card-group,card-template components css-vars by @shenjunjian in #2333
- fix(button): fix button cssvars # by @shenjunjian in #2336
- fix(theme): fix error css vars by @gimmyhehe in #2338
- fix(input): [input] fix input disabled border style by @zzcr in #2341
- fix(icon): [steps] The size of the steps icon is modified to adapt to the new specifications. by @chenxi-20 in #2344
- fix: fix build error and modify theme vars by @zzcr in #2345
- fix(button): [button] solve the problem of uneven button graphics when mixing by @shenjunjian in #2347
- fix(chart): modify chart packages by @Davont in #2354
- fix(grid): [grid] fix x-design theme style by @gimmyhehe in #2355
- fix(checkbox): [checkbox] fix checkbox error theme vars by @zzcr in #2356
- fix(cascader): [ cascader] fix active-node 's color and font-weight by @shenjunjian in #2361
- fix(anchor): [anchor] Adapting to the new specifications of the anchor point dot mode by @chenxi-20 in #2367
- fix(carousel): [carousel] modify carousel style by @James-9696 in #2376
- fix(icon): [icon] restore title demo by @shenjunjian in #2379
- fix(search): [search] Cancel the border of the search drop-down list box according to the specifications. by @chenxi-20 in #2371
- fix(user-contact): [user-contact] modify demo of console warning by @James-9696 in #2375
- fix(wizard): [wizard] Fix review issues by @chenxi-20 in #2373
- fix(milestone): [milestone] Fix review issues by @chenxi-20 in #2381
- fix(button): [button]set svg size when button is only icon by @shenjunjian in #2380
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify the problem that the before-close method is triggered upon page loading is solved by @James-9696 in #2364
- fix(popupload): [pop-upload]Fixed popupload review issues. by @chenxi-20 in #2368
- fix(chart): modify chart package by @Davont in #2365
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify dialog-box of demo design bug by @James-9696 in #2382
- fix(input): [input] fix input remembers the input history and does no… by @zzcr in #2372
- fix(split): [split] fix split error apis by @zzcr in #2377
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify drawer demo of design by @James-9696 in #2385
- fix(modal): [modal] modify design style by @James-9696 in #2389
- fix(icon): [icon] added the content of the show-title example by @shenjunjian in #2390
- fix(checkbox): [checkbox] fixed change event bubbling caused it to be… by @zzcr in #2397
- fix(notify): [notify] add manual close demo for notify by @shenjunjian in #2393
- fix(build): fix build theme error by @zzcr in #2398
- fix(user-contact): fix background-color of user-contact's header by @shenjunjian in #2405
- fix(e2e): [time-line] Fixing Test Cases by @chenxi-20 in #2407
- fix(cascader): [cascader] add designConfig for tag's type by @shenjunjian in #2404
- fix(docs): Fixed an issue with the loading level of the document. by @chenxi-20 in #2411
- fix(search): [search] Fixed an issue where search is disabled can be deleted. by @chenxi-20 in #2412
- fix(anchor): [anchor] fix parent anchor no divider by @gimmyhehe in #2414
- fix(time-picker): [time-picker] Style optimization by @Youyou-smiles in #2418
- fix(crop): [crop]modify crops component demo problem by @James-9696 in #2419
- fix(drawer): [drawer] modify demo by @James-9696 in #2420
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify demo by @James-9696 in #2421
- fix(tabs): [tabs] Fixed the floating issue of the close button on the tab page and the style issue of the close button under the buttoncard. by @chenxi-20 in #2425
- fix(crop): [crop] modify crop demo by @James-9696 in #2424
- fix(demos): [select,popeditor,slider] fix problem and optimization demo by @MomoPoppy in #2435
- fix(docs): Added the description of the file type to be uploaded. by @chenxi-20 in #2439
- fix(tag): update tag's size when only icon, update one place of button by @shenjunjian in #2440
- fix(date-picker): [date-picker,select] fix radius bugs for month-table by @MomoPoppy in #2442
Other Changes
- docs(fluent-editor): add mention module demo by @kagol in #1888
- chore: fix contact link url in issue template config by @kagol in #1889
- feat: add blocks by @kagol in #1918
- docs(grid): grid doc add IFilterConfig type by @gimmyhehe in #1916
- fix(tree-menu): [tree-menu] the search box supports custom placeholder #589 by @wuyiping0628 in #1867
- docs(card): [card] fix card image cannot be displayed by @gweesin in #1878
- test(input): [input] add unit test cases by @gweesin in #1822
- docs(changelog): update 3.18.0 changelog by @zzcr in #1928
- feat(tag): [tag] updata tag xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #1945
- feat(collapse): [collapse] updata collapse xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #1943
- feat(alert): [alert] updata alert xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #1951
- feat(ip-address): [ip-address] updata ip-address xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #1953
- docs(grid): add new getStateSelection api by @gimmyhehe in #1972
- feat(tree-menu): [tree-menu] adapt to tree-menu smb themes by @wuyiping0628 in #1989
- docs: fix search grid no result by @gimmyhehe in #2016
- feat(time-picker): [time-picker] updata time-picker xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2013
- feat(docs): A message is added to the document, indicating that the theme is switched by @chenxi-20 in #2024
- build(sites): optimize build chunks num by @gimmyhehe in #2028
- fix(docs): The theme switch prompt is placed in the lower right corner. by @chenxi-20 in #2030
- fix(tree): [tree] fix tree theme for content-right, add tree docs by @shenjunjian in #2035
- chore: auto labeler by @GaoNeng-wWw in #2053
- docs: fix demo anchor not correct by @gimmyhehe in #2056
- feat(time-picker): [alert,time-picker,collapse] updata xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2055
- fix(alert): [alert] updata alert xdesign by @wuyiping0628 in #2083
- refactor(pager): [pager] refactor pager style by @gimmyhehe in #2162
- refactor(checkbox): [checkbox] refactor checkbox x-design theme by @zzcr in #2174
- refactor(search): [search] refactor search theme by @zzcr in #2186
- refactor(swicth): [switch]refactor switch theme by @zzcr in #2183
- refactor(radio): [radio] refactor radio theme by @zzcr in #2181
- refactor(button): [button] refactor the component variables of the button component. by @shenjunjian in #2193
- refactor(split): [split] refactor split theme by @zzcr in #2194
- refactor(form): [form] refactor form style by @gimmyhehe in #2196
- refactor(pager): [pager] delete useless code by @gimmyhehe in #2198
- refactor(dropdown): [dropdown] refactoring styles and variable for dropdown by @MomoPoppy in #2195
- refactor(numeric): [numeric]refactor numeric theme vars by @zzcr in #2200
- refactor(collapse): [collapse] refactor collapse theme vars by @zzcr in #2201
- refactor(dialog-box): [dialog-box] refactor dialog-box theme vars by @zzcr in #2202
- refactor(guide): [guide] refactor guide theme vars by @zzcr in #2207
- refactor(breadcrumb): [breadcrumb] refactor breadcrumb theme vars by @zzcr in #2209
- refactor(theme): [qr-code,text-popup,watemark,rate] refactor some com… by @zzcr in #2219
- refactor(dropdown-menu): [dropdown] refactor DropdownMenu and DropdownItem vars and style by @MomoPoppy in #2208
- refactor(theme): refactor business comp theme vars by @zzcr in #2223
- refactor(action-menu): [action-menu] modify variable names and add refactor styles by @MomoPoppy in #2224
- refactor(progress): [progress] refactor the progress theme by @chenxi-20 in #2234
- refactor(theme): [ip-address] refactor ip-address theme vars by @zzcr in #2222
- refactor(select): [select] refactor theme vars for select by @MomoPoppy in #2232
- refactor(badge): [badge] refactor badge theme vars by @Youyou-smiles in #2229
- refactor(milestone): [milestone] refactor the milestone theme. by @chenxi-20 in #2233
- refactor(image): [image] refactor the image theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2236
- refactor(alert): [alert] refactor Alert's css vars by @shenjunjian in #2240
- refactor(grid): [grid] refactor grid style by @gimmyhehe in #2241
- refactor(theme): [drawer] refactor drawer theme vars by @zzcr in #2237
- refactor(theme): [divider] refactor divider theme vars by @zzcr in #2238
- refactor(theme): [statistic] refactor statisic theme vars by @zzcr in #2239
- refactor(theme): [color-picker] refactor color-picker theme vars by @zzcr in #2243
- refactor(select): [select] refactor theme vars and style for select-dropdown/option/option-group by @MomoPoppy in #2254
- refactor(steps): [steps, timeline] Refactoring the steps and timeline themes by @chenxi-20 in #2261
- refactor(theme): [crop] refactor crop theme vars by @zzcr in #2245
- refactor(theme): [nav-menu] refactor nav-menu theme vars by @zzcr in #2256
- refactor(theme): [carousel] refactor carousel theme vars by @zzcr in #2244
- refactor(theme): [tooltip] refactor tooltip theme vars by @zzcr in #2257
- refactor(theme): [popover] refactor popover theme vars by @zzcr in #2259
- refactor(autocomplete): [autocomplete] modify variable names and add … by @MomoPoppy in #2263
- refactor(theme): [toggle-menu] refactor toggle-menu theme vars by @zzcr in #2248
- refactor(tag): [tag] refactor tag 's theme and demos by @shenjunjian in #2264
- refactor(tabs): [tabs] refactor the Tabs Theme by @chenxi-20 in #2270
- refactor(theme): [button-group] refactor button-group theme vars by @zzcr in #2276
- refactor(link): [link] refactor the link theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2273
- refactor(time-select): [time-select] refactor the theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2275
- refactor(drop-times): [drop-times] refactor the theme by @Youyou-smiles in #2280
- refactor(wizard): [wizard] refactor the Wizard Theme by @chenxi-20 in #2279
- refactor(popconfirm): [popconfirm] refactor theme vars by @Youyou-smiles in #2282
- refactor(theme): [input] refactor textarea theme vars by @zzcr in #2281
- refactor(theme): [loading] refactor loading theme vars by @zzcr in #2277
- refactor(tree-menu): [tree-menu] refactor tree-menu thems vars by @wuyiping0628 in #2123
- refactor(theme): [filter-panel] refactor filter-panel theme vars by @zzcr in #2288
- refactor(theme): [file-upload] refactor file-upload theme vars by @zzcr in #2289
- refactor(theme): [pop-upload] refactor pop-upload theme vars by @zzcr in #2290
- refactor(theme): [scroll-text] refactor scroll-text、scrollbar、tall-st… by @zzcr in #2292
- refactor(theme): [slider] refactor slider theme vars by @zzcr in #2295
- refactor(badge): [badge] refactor theme vars by @Youyou-smiles in #2303
- refactor(tag): refactor fix lost css for button,tag by @shenjunjian in #2301
- refactor(theme): [popeditor] refactor popeditor theme vars by @zzcr in #2298
- refactor(theme): refactor table theme vars by @zzcr in #2304
- refactor(notify): [notify] refactor notify theme by @shenjunjian in #2311
- refactor(tag-group): [tag-group] update tag-group theme by @shenjunjian in #2271
- refactor(transfer): [transfer] update css vars by @shenjunjian in #2320
- refactor(calendar-view): [calendar-view] refactor theme vars by @Youyou-smiles in #2297
- refactor(floatbar): [floatbar] refactor theme vars by @Youyou-smiles in #2302
- refactor: inline all x-design design config by @gimmyhehe in #2317
- refactor(tree): [tree] refactor tree theme by @shenjunjian in #2319
- refactor(calendar): [calendar] refactor theme vars by @Youyou-smiles in #2323
- refactor(cascader): [cascader] refactor cascader's css vars by @shenjunjian in #2318
- docs: 删除smb配置以及相关依赖 by @gimmyhehe in #2332
- refactor(date-picker): [date-picker] modify variable names and styles for date-picker by @MomoPoppy in #2340
- refactor(theme): [hrapprover] refactor hrapprover theme vars by @zzcr in #2328
- refactor(dropdown/action-menu): [dropdown,action-menu] refactor styles for drodpwn by @MomoPoppy in #2343
- refactor(rich-text-editor): refactor rich-text-editor style by @gimmyhehe in #2346
- refactor: replace all ti-common css var by @gimmyhehe in #2358
- refactor(theme-tool): Reimplementing the theme-tool method by @shenjunjian in #2369
- refactor(time-spinner): [date-picker] roll back some styles for time-spinner by @MomoPoppy in #2383
- docs: fix demo anchor position not correct by @gimmyhehe in #2391
- refactor: [anchor] rename topOffset and reverse judge condition by @gimmyhehe in #2394
- refactor(transfer): [transfer] refactor transfer by checkbox by @shenjunjian in #2396
- refactor(base-select): [base-select] refactor vars for base-select by @MomoPoppy in #2399
- refactor(theme-doc): add ThemeTools docs by @shenjunjian in #2403
- doc: 修复网站中引入组件部分示例代码错误问题 by @BWrong in #2387
- fix(theme): remove oldTheme's DOCS by @shenjunjian in #2417
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Full Changelog: v3.18.0...v3.19.0