What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat(tiny-vue-nuxt): [tiny-vue-nuxt] add tiny-vue-nuxt module and add… by @18003228289 in #1761
- feat(tiny-vue-nuxt): [tiny-vue-nuxt] finish importing all components to nuxt module by @18003228289 in #1838
- fix(random): [random] use Math.random() instead to support SSR by @18003228289 in #1868
- feat: add nuxt dev environment by @zzcr in #1993
- feat: add mobile dependence by @zzcr in #2609
- feat: sync 3.20.0 to dev by @zzcr in #2639
- feat: support nuxt by @zzcr in #2635
- feat(dropdown): [dropdown] add right side expansion function for dropdown by @MomoPoppy in #2608
- feat: support nuxt by @kagol in #2641
- feat: add @opentiny/utils package by @zzcr in #2661
- feat(fluent-editor): add before-editor-init props by @kagol in #2670
- feat: [grid,alert,form]use catalog to globally upgrade vite and vitest; and add mobile build config by @zzcr in #2680
- feat(site): Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2688
- feat(site): optimize the performance of the official website, use lazy loading for document examples by @zzcr in #2713
- feat(nav-menu): [nav-menu] Add custom selected mode by @wuyiping0628 in #2718
- feat(nav-menu): [nav-menu] Simplify the demo data by @wuyiping0628 in #2728
- feat: add utils packages type module by @zzcr in #2731
- feat: update version to 3.21.0 by @zzcr in #2734
- feat: remove chart e2e-test cases by @zzcr in #2742
- feat(alert): [alert] display title when size is large by @wuyiping0628 in #2744
- feat: enhance the divider dialogbox treemenu function by @zzcr in #2758
- feat: update playground versions by @zzcr in #2763
- feat(alert): [alert] display title when size is large in mobile-first by @wuyiping0628 in #2765
Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix(crypto): [crypto] use nanoid instead to support SSR by @18003228289 in #1860
- fix(ssr): [ssr] fix ssr problems by @18003228289 in #1935
- fix(nuxt): update vue version to fix button slot error by @zzcr in #2026
- fix(plugin): [plugin] fix nuxt plugin by @18003228289 in #2220
- fix(plugin): [plugin] fix nuxt plugin by @18003228289 in #2212
- fix(chart): huiCharts打包替换为Chart by @Davont in #2622
- fix: fix slider compilation error in vue2 by @zzcr in #2625
- fix(tabbar): modify mobile tabbar problem by @James-9696 in #2638
- fix(dropdown-menu): fix mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2642
- fix(form): modify mobile form problem by @James-9696 in #2643
- fix(container): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2646
- fix(dialog-box): modify mobile dialog-box problem by @James-9696 in #2644
- fix(select): [select] fix the vertical centering of the suffix icon by @MomoPoppy in #2645
- fix(tree-select): solve the problem of tree attributes not being passed through by @kagol in #2659
- fix(label): modify mobile bug by @James-9696 in #2672
- fix(input): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2671
- fix(slider): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2669
- fix(tree): default-expanded-keys description is wrong by @shenjunjian in #2667
- fix(checkbox): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2666
- fix(form): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2665
- fix(popover): remove aria-hidden by @shenjunjian in #2664
- fix(progress): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2654
- fix(button): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2660
- fix(auto-import-plugin): support functional components by @mengqiuleo in #2511
- fix: fix warning in cascader component by @zzcr in #2662
- fix(nuxt): fix the error when starting the nuxt project by @zzcr in #2668
- fix(unplugin-tiny-vue): fix error TinyVueResolver name by @shenjunjian in #2676
- fix(action-sheet): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2692
- fix(pull-refresh): modify mobile bug by @James-9696 in #2677
- fix(exception): modify mobile problem by @James-9696 in #2690
- fix(file-upload): [file-upload] Optimized the usage of the customized upload example. by @chenxi-20 in #2694
- fix(vue-renderless): [action-menu, alert] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2693
- fix: fix change theme error when open playground by @zzcr in #2681
- fix(vue-renderless): [autocomplete,base-select,amount,anchor,area] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2695
- fix(mobile): fix mobile components build error by @zzcr in #2696
- fix(site): fix error when build saas site by @zzcr in #2701
- fix(mini-picker): the demo on the mobile client is modified. by @James-9696 in #2698
- fix(modal): modify the display and error issues of the mobile demo by @James-9696 in #2704
- fix(user-head): the problem and type of the demo on the mobile client are modified by @James-9696 in #2699
- fix(vue-renderless): [breadcrumb, bulletin-board, button, button-group,calendar, calendar-view, card, carousel, cascader, cascader-panel, chart,checkbox, collapse, color-picker, color-select-panel,company,config-provider,container,crop,currency,date-picker,dept,dialog-box,dialog-select,directives,divider,drawer,drop-roles,drop-times,dropdown,espace,fall-menu,file-upload,filter-panel,float-button,floatbar,flowchart,fluent-editor,form,fullscreen] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2709
- fix(tabs): modify the issue of the mobile demo not displaying and reporting errors by @James-9696 in #2710
- fix(vue-renderless): [grid] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2714
- fix(grid): [grid] fix the initial position on the left when dragging … by @gimmyhehe in #2719
- fix(statistic): [statistic] synchronize the statistic component of the release-3.18 version to the dev branch by @James-9696 in #2717
- fix(file-upload): modify the error reported by the upload component on the mobile client and add the demo by @James-9696 in #2724
- fix(input): [input] cancel bacground style of input count in textarea by @wNing50 in #2715
- fix(modal): [modal] repeatedly dispatch the close event by @betavs in #2573
- fix(vue-renderless): [grid-select,guide,hrapprover,hrapprover,icon,icon-multicolor,image,infinite-scroll,input,ip-address,layout,link,link-menu,loading,locales,logon-user,logout,milestone,mind-map,modal,nav-menu,notify,numeric,pager,pop-upload,popconfirm,popeditor,popover,progress,qr-code,query-builder] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2721
- fix(modal): [modal] modifying the modal component and clicking the confirm button accidentally triggered the close event by @James-9696 in #2727
- fix(vue-renderless): [radio,rate,rich-text-editor,roles,scroll-text,search,select,skeleton,slider,split,statistic,steps,sticky,switch,tabs,tag,tag-group,text-popup,time-line,time-line-new,time-picker,time-select,toggle-menu,tooltip,transfer,tree,tree-menu,tree-select] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2729
- fix(vite-import): fix the issue of escaping comment code in on-demand packaging plugin by @zzcr in #2726
- fix(vue-renderless): [user,user-account,user-contact,user-head,user-link,virtual-scroll-box,virtual-tree,watermark,wizard] fix site: Optimize site documentation typesetting by @dufu1991 in #2732
- fix: supplement mistakenly deleted files by @James-9696 in #2736
- fix(e2e): [tooltip,select] fix the security that causes e2e test failures. by @shenjunjian in #2743
- fix(e2e): [file-upload] Fix the error reported in the E2E test case of the upload component. by @chenxi-20 in #2741
- fix(e2e): [cascader,color-picker,crop] fix cascader color-picker crop components e2e-test error by @zzcr in #2746
- fix(demos/checkbox): [checkbox] fix checkbox e2e-test error by @zzcr in #2745
- fix(modal): [modal] modify e2e test case error by @James-9696 in #2747
- fix(date-picker): [date-picker] fix date-picker e2e test error by @zzcr in #2749
- fix(time-select): [time-select] Fix and optimize issues with invalid … by @Youyou-smiles in #2735
- fix(popeditor): the default width of the label in popeditor is added by @shenjunjian in #2750
- fix(modal): [modal] the style does not take effect by @James-9696 in #2751
- fix(carousel): [carousel] modify the vertical arrow display issue of the carousel component by @James-9696 in #2752
- fix(grid): [grid] fix can not select first option when value is empty by @gimmyhehe in #2756
- fix(dialog-box): [dialog-box] modify the style of the dialog box by @James-9696 in #2757
- fix(loading): [loading] v-loading's lifecycle name replace by inserted by @shenjunjian in #2759
- fix(grid): [grid] fix checkbox border become smaller when config show… by @gimmyhehe in #2762
- fix: fix huichart build error by @zzcr in #2760
- fix(renderless): fix renderless package publish error by @zzcr in #2761
- fix(divider): [divider] modify e2e test cases for the divider component by @James-9696 in #2766
Other Changes
- docs: hide the search input on the left menu at open source sites by @kagol in #2607
- ci: auto deploy site by @kagol in #2617
- docs: add dufu1991 as a contributor for doc by @allcontributors in #2703
- docs(select): add the description of the filterMethod prop for Select by @shenjunjian in #2708
- docs: fix back to top does not work and the document tab title does n… by @gimmyhehe in #2712
- test(grid): [grid] fix unit test error by @gimmyhehe in #2754
New Contributors
- @18003228289 made their first contribution in #1761
- @dufu1991 made their first contribution in #2688
Full Changelog: v3.20.0...v3.21.0