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Reporting Bugs

rtyley edited this page Jun 1, 2012 · 3 revisions

If the issue you're reporting is a bug, rather than a feature request, I really want to know about the issue and help get it fixed. Debugging can be very difficult, but there is very useful diagnostic information you can capture in order to help fix the problem:

  1. Install the Android SDK on your computer :
  2. Find the 'adb' executable, which should be under android-sdk/platform-tools
  3. Connect your phone over usb and ensure that it shows up when you execute adb devices
  4. Run Agit, and reproduce the bug... ie. make Agit crash!
  5. Execute this command : adb bugreport > report.txt
  6. Send me the resulting report.txt file - it'll include device logs and should give me a better idea of what's going on

With this information I'll have a much clearer picture of the problem, and hopefully be able to release an update to fix the issue for you much more quickly.

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