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Thothix edited this page Feb 22, 2025 · 2 revisions

Portable Media Devices

This feature is under development right now and bring you the posibility to move music from your main library to any portable drive or player in a very easy and flexible way.

When you plug any portable media device to the computer it will show up in the Main Menu under the option View -> Portable Media Devices from where you can select it to open or close.

If you select it to open it will show a library like pane with the same features but from where you can access the properties. To access the Properties of the device you need to right click on the device pane and go to Portable Media Device -> Properties that will bring you a properties editor like


Here you can specify the pattern you want to use when copying the files to the device using the same elements as in the Copy to options in preferences. You can specify the folder or folders where the music is located. Which audio formats your device support so Guayadeque can know when the files needs transcoding and what format is your preferred one for the transcoding.

You can select the option to ‘Keep format’ so no file is transcoded in case you want to store the files in your device even when the format is not supported. If you select to transcode you can select if you want to do it for all formats or only for the not supported ones. Also you can specify the maximum bitrate that you want the files to be with the Quality option.

Quality mp3, ogg, m4a, mwa flac *
Very High 320kbps 8
High 256kbps 7
Very Good 192kbps 6
Good 160kbps 5
Normal 128kbps 4
Low 96kbps 3
Very Low 64kbps 1

When transcoding is set to always it will transcode the same format only when the quality of the files being transferred are higher quality than the quality you have set in the device properties.


For the playlists you can specify the ‘Playlist Folder’ where the playlists will be stored and the playlist formats supported by your device.

Note: At this point this feature is not supported


Here you can specify the formats

Note: At this point this feature is not supported