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Add Expression Costs and Formula Constraints to EdgesBetweenSubgraphs…
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… in GcsTrajectoryOptimization. (#22155)
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cohnt authored Nov 14, 2024
1 parent 98b3b75 commit 41c1a1b
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40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions planning/trajectory_optimization/
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Expand Up @@ -1087,6 +1087,15 @@ EdgesBetweenSubgraphs::EdgesBetweenSubgraphs(

// Construct placeholder variables.
placeholder_edge_durations_var_ =
std::make_pair(symbolic::Variable("tu"), symbolic::Variable("tv"));
placeholder_edge_control_points_var_ =
num_positions(), from_subgraph_.order() + 1, "xu"),
num_positions(), to_subgraph_.order() + 1, "xv"));

EdgesBetweenSubgraphs::~EdgesBetweenSubgraphs() = default;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1576,6 +1585,37 @@ std::vector<const GraphOfConvexSets::Edge*> EdgesBetweenSubgraphs::Edges()
return edges;

template <typename T>
T EdgesBetweenSubgraphs::SubstituteEdgePlaceholderVariables(
T e, const Edge& edge) const {
return SubstituteAllVariables(
{GetTimeScalingU(edge), GetTimeScalingV(edge)}, {}, {},
{GetControlPointsU(edge), GetControlPointsV(edge)});

void EdgesBetweenSubgraphs::AddEdgeCost(
const Expression& e,
const std::unordered_set<Transcription>& used_in_transcription) {
for (Edge*& edge : edges_) {
Expression post_substitution = SubstituteEdgePlaceholderVariables(e, *edge);
edge->AddCost(post_substitution, used_in_transcription);

void EdgesBetweenSubgraphs::AddEdgeConstraint(
const symbolic::Formula& e,
const std::unordered_set<Transcription>& used_in_transcription) {
for (Edge*& edge : edges_) {
Formula post_substitution = SubstituteEdgePlaceholderVariables(e, *edge);
edge->AddConstraint(post_substitution, used_in_transcription);

Eigen::Map<const MatrixX<symbolic::Variable>>
const geometry::optimization::GraphOfConvexSets::Edge& e) const {
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97 changes: 95 additions & 2 deletions planning/trajectory_optimization/gcs_trajectory_optimization.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ class GcsTrajectoryOptimization final {
/** Returns a pair of placeholder decision variables (not actually declared
as decision variables in the MathematicalProgram) associated with the time
scaling of the trajectory in two sets within this subgraph that are
connected by an internal edge. This variable will be substituted for real
connected by an internal edge. These variables will be substituted for real
decision variables in methods like AddEdgeCost and AddEdgeConstraint.
Passing this variable directly into objectives/constraints will result in an
error. */
Expand All @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ class GcsTrajectoryOptimization final {
control points of the trajectory in two sets within this subgraph that are
connected by an internal edge. Each variable will be of shape
(num_positions(), order+1), where the ith column is the ith control point.
This variable will be substituted for real decision variables in methods
These variables will be substituted for real decision variables in methods
like AddEdgeCost and AddEdgeConstraint. Passing this variable directly into
objectives/constraints will result in an error. */
const std::pair<solvers::MatrixXDecisionVariable,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,6 +615,89 @@ class GcsTrajectoryOptimization final {
std::vector<const geometry::optimization::GraphOfConvexSets::Edge*> Edges()

/** Returns a pair of placeholder decision variables (not actually declared
as decision variables in the MathematicalProgram) associated with the time
scaling of the trajectory in two sets that are
connected by an edge from this EdgesBetweenSubgraphs. These variables will
be substituted for real decision variables in methods like AddEdgeCost and
AddEdgeConstraint. Passing this variable directly into
objectives/constraints will result in an error. */
const std::pair<symbolic::Variable, symbolic::Variable>&
edge_constituent_vertex_durations() const {
return placeholder_edge_durations_var_;

/** Returns a pair of placeholder decision variables (not actually declared
as decision variables in the MathematicalProgram) associated with the
control points of the trajectory in two sets that are
connected by an edge from this EdgesBetweenSubgraphs. Each variable will be
of shape (num_positions(), order+1), where the ith column is the ith control
point. (Note that the first and second variable will have different shapes
if the order of the two subgraphs is different.) These variables will be
substituted for real decision variables in methods like AddEdgeCost and
AddEdgeConstraint. Passing this variable directly into
objectives/constraints will result in an error. */
const std::pair<solvers::MatrixXDecisionVariable,
edge_constituent_vertex_control_points() const {
return placeholder_edge_control_points_var_;

/** Adds an arbitrary user-defined cost to every edge within the
EdgesBetweenSubgraphs. The cost should be defined using the placeholder
control point variables (obtained from
edge_constituent_vertex_control_points()) and the placeholder time scaling
variables (obtained from edge_constituent_vertex_durations()). This enables
greater modeling freedom, but we cannot guarantee a feasible solution for
all possible costs.
@throws std::exception if any variables besides those from @ref
edge_constituent_vertex_durations and @ref
edge_constituent_vertex_control_points are used.
Costs which do not support the perspective operation cannot be used with
Transcription::kMIP or Transcription::kRelaxation. Consider providing an
appropriate "convex surrogate" that is supported within GraphOfConvexSets,
or exclusively using the SolveConvexRestriction method. */
void AddEdgeCost(
const symbolic::Expression& e,
const std::unordered_set<
used_in_transcription = {

/** Adds an arbitrary user-defined constraint to every edge within the
EdgesBetweenSubgraphs. The constraint should be defined using the
placeholder control point variables (obtained from
edge_constituent_vertex_control_points()) and the placeholder time scaling
variables (obtained from edge_constituent_vertex_durations()). This enables
greater modeling freedom, but we cannot guarantee a feasible solution for
all possible constraints.
@throws std::exception if any variables besides those from @ref
edge_constituent_vertex_durations and @ref
edge_constituent_vertex_control_points are used.
Constraints which do not support the perspective operation cannot be used
with Transcription::kMIP or Transcription::kRelaxation. Consider providing
an appropriate "convex surrogate" that is supported within
GraphOfConvexSets, or exclusively using the SolveConvexRestriction method.
void AddEdgeConstraint(
const symbolic::Formula& e,
const std::unordered_set<
used_in_transcription = {

const Subgraph& from_subgraph, const Subgraph& to_subgraph,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -654,6 +737,10 @@ class GcsTrajectoryOptimization final {
symbolic::Variable GetTimeScalingV(
const geometry::optimization::GraphOfConvexSets::Edge& e) const;

template <typename T>
T SubstituteEdgePlaceholderVariables(
T e, const geometry::optimization::GraphOfConvexSets::Edge& edge) const;

GcsTrajectoryOptimization& traj_opt_;
const Subgraph& from_subgraph_;
const Subgraph& to_subgraph_;
Expand All @@ -663,6 +750,12 @@ class GcsTrajectoryOptimization final {

std::vector<geometry::optimization::GraphOfConvexSets::Edge*> edges_;

std::pair<symbolic::Variable, symbolic::Variable>

friend class GcsTrajectoryOptimization;

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2754,9 +2754,9 @@ GTEST_TEST(GcsTrajectoryOptimizationTest, GenericSubgraphEdgeCostConstraint) {
// Check the cost.
double cost = 0.0;
cost += 0.2; // We traverse one edge in the middle subgraph. The time on the
// first edge must be at least 0.2, the two times must be equal,
// and the time of the second edge has a cost applied, so it
// should be 0.2.
// first vertex must be at least 0.2, the two times must be
// equal, and the time of the second vertex has a cost applied,
// so it should be 0.2.
cost +=
-0.85; // We add a cost equal to the -1 times the value of the first
// control point of the second set in an edge. The second control
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2805,6 +2805,106 @@ GTEST_TEST(GcsTrajectoryOptimizationTest, GenericSubgraphEdgeCostConstraint) {

GenericEdgesBetweenSubgraphsCostConstraint) {
const double kTol = 1e-9;

GcsTrajectoryOptimization gcs(1);
const double kMinimumDuration = 0.1;
auto& start = gcs.AddRegions(MakeConvexSets(Point(Vector1d(0))), 0, 0);
auto& middle1 =
gcs.AddRegions(MakeConvexSets(Hyperrectangle(Vector1d(0), Vector1d(0.9))),
1, kMinimumDuration);
auto& middle2 =
gcs.AddRegions(MakeConvexSets(Hyperrectangle(Vector1d(0.8), Vector1d(2))),
2, kMinimumDuration);
auto& goal = gcs.AddRegions(MakeConvexSets(Point(Vector1d(2))), 0, 0);
gcs.AddEdges(start, middle1);
auto& edges = gcs.AddEdges(middle1, middle2);
gcs.AddEdges(middle2, goal);

auto edge_control_points = edges.edge_constituent_vertex_control_points();
ASSERT_EQ(edge_control_points.first.rows(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(edge_control_points.second.rows(), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(edge_control_points.first.cols(), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(edge_control_points.second.cols(), 3);
auto edge_durations = edges.edge_constituent_vertex_durations();

// Requires that the time of the first set of an edge be lower bounded by 0.2.
Formula outgoing_time_minimum =
Expression(edge_durations.first) >= Expression(2 * kMinimumDuration);

// Require that the time of the first and second sets of an edge be equal.
Formula equal_time_constraint =
Expression(edge_durations.first) == Expression(edge_durations.second);

// Add a cost to the time of the second set of an edge.
Expression incoming_time_cost = Expression(edge_durations.second);

// Require that the second control point of the first set of an edge be at
// most 0.85.
Formula control_point_limit =
Expression(edge_control_points.first(0, 1)) <= Expression(0.85);

// Add a cost to maximize the first control point of the second set of an
// edge.
Expression control_point_cost =
-1 * Expression(edge_control_points.second(0, 0));

// Also add the summed costs and logical conjunction of the constraints, but
// just to the restriction (due to parsing limitations).
edges.AddEdgeCost(incoming_time_cost + control_point_cost,
edges.AddEdgeConstraint(outgoing_time_minimum && equal_time_constraint &&

// All costs and constraints are convex, so the relaxation should be solvable.
GraphOfConvexSetsOptions options;
options.convex_relaxation = true;
auto [traj, result] = gcs.SolvePath(start, goal, options);

// Check the cost.
double cost = 0.0;
cost += 0.2; // We traverse one edge between the two middle subgraphs. The
// time on the first vertex must be at least 0.2, the two times
// must be equal, and the time of the second vertex has a cost
// applied, so it should be 0.2.
cost +=
-0.85; // We add a cost equal to the -1 times the value of the first
// control point of the second set in an edge. The second control
// point of the first set in the edge (which is equal by
// continuity constraints) has been limited to be at most 0.85.
cost *= 2; // We double the cost due to the additional constraint on the
// restriction.
EXPECT_NEAR(result.get_optimal_cost(), cost, kTol);

// Check the constraints.
ASSERT_EQ(traj.get_number_of_segments(), 2);

double dt0 = traj.segment(0).end_time() - traj.segment(0).start_time();
double dt1 = traj.segment(1).end_time() - traj.segment(1).start_time();
EXPECT_GE(dt0, 2 * kMinimumDuration); // Duration lower bound constraint.
EXPECT_NEAR(dt0, dt1, kTol); // Same duration constraint.

Vector1d key_point = traj.value(traj.segment(0).end_time());
EXPECT_LE(key_point[0], 0.85); // Control point constraint.

// Check that passing in a expression using a non-placeholder variable thows.
symbolic::Variable extra_var;
Expression bad_expression = Expression(extra_var);
Formula bad_formula = bad_expression == Expression(0.0);

} // namespace
} // namespace trajectory_optimization
} // namespace planning
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