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Editing the dashboard icon

Kai Kresek edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 7 revisions


The dashboard icon is an element contained inside a layer. This icon can be added to the layer menu for layers that have an associated analysis dashboard that you would like your application users to be able to view. When a user clicks on the dashboard icon, a module opens up inside the MapBuilder application that displays the dashboard. The icon can be added to any type of data layer. This feature was developed with analysis dashboards in mind, but any valid URL can be added. The dashboard icon will not appear by default, it will only appear if the 'dashboardURL' parameter is defined.

The following value-attributes pairs need to be configured for the dashboard URL:

Property Explanation Data type Example
dashboardURL Icon that links to an external URL, such as an analysis dashboard. string "dashboardURL": "",

Note: When adding your URL to the configuration file, make sure it's the entire URL. Include the 'https://'.

Dashboard icon examples

        "order": 3,
		"id": "Globalwetlands",
        "type": "tiled",
        "url": "",
		"layerIds": [0],
			"en":"Global Wetlands (CIFOR, 2016)",
                        "fr":"Zones humides globales (CIFOR, 2016)"},
        "dashboardURL": ""}


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