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Plain Attributes
The tables below provide a list of the plain attribute settings which a user can edit in the json file. There are four main types of settings: General Settings, Tab Settings, and Analysis / Layer Settings. An example json list of the plain attributes is also provided.
The general settings allow users to customize items such as the application text, logos, hyperlinks, the sharing host, and webmap ID.
Property | Explanation | Data type | Example |
webmap | ID for the webmap hosted on ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Portal to use in the MapBuilder application. The layers from the webmap will be added to the webmap group in your application. | string | "webmap": "627f5acea77342048f96b470abbdfa4b", |
title | Title for the mapbuilder application | string | "title":"My mapbuilder application", |
subtitle | Subtitle for mapbuilder application | string | "subtitle":"Make amazing maps", |
logoUrl | Url for an image of your organization logo | string | logoUrl: "https://my.gfw-mapbuilder.org/img/gfw-logo.png", |
logolinkUrl | Url for the website your application will link to when users click on your organization logo | string | "logoLinkUrl": "https://www.gfw-mapbuilder.org/", |
aboutLinkUrl | Will add an “about” menu item in the header. Link will point to the given URL | string | "aboutLinkUrl": "http://www.gfw-mapbuilder.org/" |
downloadLinkUrl | Will add a “download” menu item in the header. Link will point to the given URL | string | "downloadLinkUrl": "http://data.globalforestwatch.org/", |
printServiceUrl | ArcGIS Webservice which generates the printed map/ PDF. This must be a link to an Export Web Map Geoprocessing Service. Click here for more information on how publish a printService. | string | "printServiceUrl": "https://gis.forest-atlas.org/server/rest/services/print/ExportWebMap/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map", |
mapThemeIds | This will create a “theme” menu item in the header. Enter a list of appids (separated by ;) which you want to create links to | string | "mapThemeIds": "1c38ba1095fe49e3ba234bf9105c1077;c76d788b7487476bae4d09a4e933be19", |
mapThemes | Aliases for the appids above. List must have same number of element as ids | string | "mapThemes": "Forest Atlas of Cameroon;Forest Atlas of Equatorial Guinea" |
narrative | Text for the narrative which will be visible in the information information tab of the application. Users can use html tags to edit and customize the formatting of this text | string | "<p> These maps represent the dynamics of land and forest use/cover change in the Republic of Georgia. This has been made possible through a partnership between the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MoEPA), supported by the World Resources Institute (WRI) in the framework of Global Forest Watch Project, funded by UNEP and GEF.</p><p><i> <a href=http://www.moe.gov.ge/en/home target=_blank>MEPA</a>,<a href=https://www.wri.org target=_blank> WRI</a></i></p>", |
hideHeader | Hide the application header (including logo, title and menu) | boolean | "hideHeader": false, |
hideFooter | Hide the application footer | boolean | "hideFooter": false, |
hideLegend | If selected as "true" Legend is minimized at the start of the application | boolean | "hideLegend": true, |
customColorTheme | Select a custom color theme for your application. If not custom color theme is selected the application will revert back to use default color (#F0AB00) | text |
"customColorTheme": "#fcba03" , |
includeMyGFWLogin | Include the My GFW login to the menu | boolean | "includeMyGFWLogin": true, |
navLinksInNewTab | Force links in the menu to open in a new tab | boolean | "navLinksInNewTab": false, |
sharinghost | Url for sharing host where webmap is hosted, this will typically be ArcGIS Online (https://www.arcgis.com), unless you are configuring the application to work with a GIS Portal | string | "sharinghost": "https://www.arcgis.com", |
initialExtent (optional) | List of default x (longitude), y (latitude), and z (zoom level) for your map. Note that this setting is optional and if not specified the x,y,z settings for MapBuilder will be inherited from the webmap. | x,y, and z objects | "initialExtent": {"x": -91.7,"y": 16.6,"z": 9,}
loadGoogleAnalyticsScript (optional) | Optional setting if you want to prevent google analytics javascript code from being loaded. This useful if you are embedding Mapbuilder through CMS or other ways and do not want to load two separate google analytics javascript library instances | boolean | "loadGoogleAnalyticsScript": false
footerLinks | List of links that will be added to the footer, typically used for privacy policies. Label and Link property is required for it to show in the footer. | string | "footerLinks": "[{label: "WRI Privacy Policy", link: "https://www.wri.org/about/privacy-policy"}]", |
gladAlertDates | Defines default start and end dates for glad layer selection | object | "gladAlertDates: { startDate: 2020-09-20, endDate: 2020-09-30 }" |
webmapMenuName | Heading in menu for user defined group of layers which are pulled from map | string | "webmapMenuName":"Land Use, |
Language settings allow users to specify the primary language for the application, and also specify an alternative language including links to a webmap in the alternative language, and translations of text such as the map title, map sub-title, and menu name. The alternative language fields are only needed if the users wishes to translate the application into another language.
The available languages are:
- English (en),
- French (Fr),
- Spanish (es),
- Portuguese (pt),
- Indonesian (id),
- Chinese (zh),
- Georgian (ka),
- Armenian (hy),
- Azerbaijani (az),
- Dutch (nl)
Property | Explanation | Data type | example |
language | Identifies the language for the application. | string | "language": "fr", |
useAlternativeLanguage (optional) | If true then application will be translated into another language | boolean | "useAlternativeLanguage": true, |
alternativeWebmap (optional) | ID from ArcGIS Online or Server for web map to use in alternative language | text | "alternativeWebmap": "6d8d979c2cb54083ba8569b96b6b0f6f", |
alternativeLanguage (optional) | Identifies alternative language for the application | text | "alternativeLanguage": "en", |
alternativeLanguageTitle (optional) | Title for the mapbuilder application in alternative language | text | "alternativeLanguageTitle": "English Title", |
alternativeLanguageSubTitle (optional) | Subtitle for mapbuilder application in alternative language | string | "alternativeLanguageSubtitle": "English Subtitle", |
alternativeMapThemes (optional) | Aliases for the appids in alternative language. List must have same number of element as ids | string | |
alternativeNarrative (optional) | Text for the narrative in alternative language, text will be visible in the information tab of the application. Users can use html tags to edit and customize the formatting of this text | string | |
alternativeWebmapMenuName (optional) | Text for the narrative in alternative language, text will be visible in the information tab of the application. Users can use html tags to edit and customize the formatting of this text | string |
Property | Explanation | Data type | example |
includeDocumentsTab | Include documents tab in application | boolean | "includeDocumentsTab":true, |
Layer | Property | Data type | Analysis | example |
Tree Cover | treeCover | boolean | "treeCover":true, |
Primary Forest | primaryForests | boolean | "primaryForests":true, |
Intact Forests | intactForests | boolean | Yes | "intactForests":true, |
Tree Cover Height | treeCoverHeight | boolean | "treeCoverHeight":true, |
Trees in Mosaic Landscapes | treeMosaicLandscapes | boolean | "treeMosaicLandscapes":true, |
Tree Cover Gain | treeCoverGain | boolean | Yes | "treeCoverGain":true, |
Tree Cover Loss | treeCoverLoss | boolean | Yes | "treeCoverLoss":true, |
Aboveground Biomass | aboveGroundBiomass | boolean | "aboveGroundBiomass":true, |
Forest Carbon (Net Flux) | forestCarbonNetFlux | boolean | "forestCarbonNetFlux":true, |
Forest Carbon (Gross Removals) | forestCarbonGrossRemovals | boolean | "forestCarbonGrossRemovals":true, |
Forest Carbon (Gross Emissions) | forestCarbonGrossEmissions | boolean | "forestCarbonGrossEmissions":true, |
Potential Carbon Sequestration | carbonSequence | boolean | "carbonSequence":true, |
ESA Land Cover | landCover | boolean | Yes | "landCover":true, |
UMD Land Cover | umdLandCover | boolean | "umdLandCover":true, |
Integrated Deforestation Alerts | gfwIntegratedAlertLayer | boolean | Yes | "gfwIntegratedAlertLayer":true, |
VIIRS Fire Alerts | viirsFires | boolean | Yes | "viirsFires":true, |
Air Quality | airQuality | boolean | "airQuality":true, |
Dry Spells | drySpells | boolean | "drySpells":true, |
Wind Speed | windSpeed | boolean | "windSpeed":true, |
"webmap": "627f5acea77342048f96b470abbdfa4b",
"title": "French Title",
"subtitle": "French Subtitle",
"logoUrl": "./css/images/gfw-logo.png",
"logoLinkUrl": "https://www.gfw-mapbuilder.org/",
"aboutLinkUrl": "",
"downloadLinkUrl": "",
"printServiceUrl": "https://gis.forest-atlas.org/server/rest/services/print/ExportWebMap/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map",
"mapThemeIds": "",
"mapThemes": "",
"narrative": "French narrative",
"includeSubscribeButton": true,
"includeMyGFWLogin": true,
"navLinksInNewTab": false,
"language": "fr",
"useAlternativeLanguage": true,
"alternativeWebmap": "6d8d979c2cb54083ba8569b96b6b0f6f",
"alternativeLanguage": "en",
"alternativeLanguageTitle": "English Title",
"alternativeLanguageSubtitle": "English Subtitle",
"alternativeMapThemes": "",
"alternativeNarrative": "English Narrative",
"alternativeWebmapMenuName": "English Menu Title",
"includeDocumentsTab": true,
"iso": "COD",
"activeFires": true,
"intactForests": true,
"aboveGroundBiomass": true,
"landCover": true,
"mangroves": true,
"sadAlerts": true,
"gladAlerts": true,
"webmapMenuName": "French Menu title",
"sharinghost": "https://www.arcgis.com",
"analyticsCode": "",
"initialExtent": { "x": -91.7, "y": 16.6, "z": 9 }