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UI Params: Datepicker

Richard Barad edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 23 revisions

This UI Element allows the user to select dates.

What it looks like

The date picker allow the user to specify a date which is passed to the call the API Analysis. The configuration options allow the user to either include just one date picker representing a start date or two date pickers, one allowing the user to select a start date and another allowing the user to select an end date. The screenshoots below show the UI with two date pickers configured.


Open Date Picker:


How to use this UI Element

"inputType": "datepicker"

Required Properties

Syntax Type Description Example
startParamName string This is the parameter name for the 'start' date value. MapBuilder will pass a parameter to the Vega widget with this name and the value the user selects for the startParam from the UI Param selector. "startParamName": "period"
combineParams boolean Set this to true if both date values should be included in one param name. For most calls to the GFW API, both the dates are included in one call to the API which is named "period" "combineParams":true
endParamName (optional) string This is the parameter name for the 'end' date. MapBuilder will pass a parameter to the Vega widget with this name and the value the user selects for the endParam from the UI Param selector. (not required if "combineParams" is set to true) "endParamName": "period"
valueSeparator (optional) string The character that should separate the start and end dates if using "combineParams". Ex: "valueSeparator": "," would create a query param that looks like period=2001-01-01,2008-01-01. In this example, the startParnamName is called "period" and the user has selected 2001/01/01 as the start date and 2008/12/31 as the end date. This is not required if combineParams is set to false. "valueSeparator": ","
multi (optional) Boolean Set this option to true if you would like to include a second datepicker. If unspecified the application will only include one date picker. "multi": true
minDate* (optional) String The minimum selectable date for the calendar. This property only applies to the 'start' calendar if "multi" is set to true.Note: This must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". "minDate": "2015-01-01"
maxDate* (optional) String The maximum selectable date for the calendar. This property only applies to the 'end' calendar if multi is set to true. Note: This must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If this setting is not included the maxdate will be set to the present date. "maxDate": "2015-01-01"
defaultStartDate* (optional) String The default selected start date for the start cealendar. If a "minDate" is set, this date must be after the "minDate". This property only applies to the start calendar if multi is set to true. Note: This must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD "defaultStartDate": "2018-01-01"
defaultEndDate* (optional) String The default selected 'end' date. If a maxDate is set, this date must be before the maxDate. This property applies to the end calendar. Thus, it can be only included if "multi":true. Note: This must be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. If this property is not included the defaultEndDate will be set to the present day. "defaultEndDate": "2018-01-01"


The example below shows a date picker used for GLAD alert analysis in MapBuilder. In this example:

  • The application will include two date pickers (start and end) since "multi":true

  • The two dates will be combined into one parameter called period since the startParamName is set to period and "combineParams" is set to true. The two dates will be separated by a comma since "valueSeparator": ",".

  • The minDate which the user can select from the start date selector is "2015-01-01" because "minDate": "2015-01-01"

  • The "defaultStartDate" when the user opens the start date picker will be "2018-01-01" because the user has selected 2018-01-01 as the defaultStartDate.

  • Since the maxDate and defaultEndDate are not specified the maxDate and defaultEndDate for the end calendar will be set to the present day.

      	"uiParams": [{
      		"inputType": "datepicker",
      		"startParamName": "period",
      		"combineParams": true,
      		"valueSeparator": ",",
      		"multi": true,
      		"defaultStartDate": "2018-01-01",
      		"minDate": "2015-01-01",
      		"label": {
      			"en": "Select range for analysis",
      			"fr": "Sélectionner une plage pour l’analyse",
      			"es": "Seleccione un rango para el análisis",
      			"pt": "Selecione o período para análise",
      			"id": "Pilih rentang untuk analisis",
      			"zh": "选择分析范围",
      			"ka": "საზღვრების შერჩევა ანალიზისთვის"