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What Next? From January 2018
- Start Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks in January 2018
- Next meeting on 5th December: interstitial
- Show and tell of random things you have done that are
- Computationy
- Somewhat festive?
- Make pies
- Some sort of festive algorithm bake-off
- Travelling Santa problem
- Fractal christmas tree
- Festive shaders
- Awkward staring at crisps
- https://github.com/computationclub/turing-challenge
- https://github.com/computationclub/christmas-problems
- 19th December meeting is unlikely to happen
- Maybe a computation.pub?
- Gödel, Escher, Bach
- Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks
- Implementing a language (e.g. Lambda Calculus)
- Modern Compiler Implementation in
- 3D Graphics
- Machine Learning
- Programming Collective Intelligence
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Complexity Theory
- Computer Vision
- Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing
10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
- The Annotated Turing
- The Art of Prolog
- 10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice)
- Category Theory for Programmers
- Cryptopals
Thanks to Charlie for hosting, to Chris for organising the meeting, to everyone who suggested a topic, Simon for driving and taking notes and to all those who brought snacks and drinks.
We're going to meet on 21st Nov 2017 to decide what the club should focus on from January 2018 (in the interim we plan to do one-off meetings or similar).
This page can be used to collect and expand on ideas. If you're even slightly interested in attending, your ideas are very welcome! They don't have to be specific books or papers you'd like to read - they can be subject areas you're interesting, e.g. "3D graphics". Let us know even if you can't make the decision meeting, and we'll try to capture everyone's input.
See the last two "what's next" pages for things we've previously considered:
- 3D Graphics
- What even is a shader?
- General-purpose GPU computing
- Book / Source options:
- Game algorithms
- Map generation
- Primitive AI (but why limit ourselves?)
- Book / source options:
- How git works
- Event sourcing
- The Nile graphics language
- How to actually implement a lambda calculus
- We've done this using term rewriting, but it doesn't usually work like that. To quote @tomstuart "it doesn’t admit any real notion of “compilation” — your runtime representation is a term. [Whereas] what you really want is to define (spoilers) some kind of abstract machine whose semantics exactly match those of the term rewriting we’ve seen, but does it in less space and time and without needing to manipulate raw ASTs"
- See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SECD_machine
- Probabilistic Parsing [charlie], book idea
- Automatic Text Summarization [charlie], [no book idea]
- Logic Programming [joel], book idea
- Complexity theory and combinatorics
- Cook-Levin theorem
- Super Mario Bros Proved NP-Hard
- Four colour theorem
- God's algorithm
- The Witness
- Computer vision
- Machine learning
- Linear / logistic regression
- Neural networks
- Support vector machines
- To Mock a Mockingbird
- 10 papers every programmer should read at least twice (the original (the repost))
- 10 technical papers every programmer should read at least twice (the spiritual sequel)
- Category Theory for Programmers
- Write yourself a Scheme in 48 hours
- Seven
s in seven weeks - Godel Escher Bach
- A couple of possibilities in the machine learning field:
- Haskell [adzz]
- Browser tech, in particular canvas / webgl [Simon C]
- Home
- Documentation
- Choosing a Topic
- Shows & Tells
- Miscellaneous
- Opt Art
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
- 10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice)
- 7 More Languages in 7 Weeks
- Lua, Day 1: The Call to Adventure
- Lua, Day 2: Tables All the Way Down
- Lua, Day 3
- Factor, Day 1: Stack On, Stack Off
- Factor, Day 2: Painting the Fence
- Factor, Day 3: Balancing on a Boat
- Elm, Day 1: Handling the Basics
- Elm, Day 2: The Elm Architecture
- Elm, Day 3: The Elm Architecture
- Elixir, Day 1: Laying a Great Foundation
- Elixir, Day 2: Controlling Mutations
- Elixir, Day 3: Spawning and Respawning
- Julia, Day 1: Resistance Is Futile
- Julia, Day 2: Getting Assimilated
- Julia, Day 3: Become One With Julia
- Minikanren, Days 1-3
- Minikanren, Einstein's Puzzle
- Idris Days 1-2
- Types and Programming Languages
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Mathematical Preliminaries
- Chapter 3: Untyped Arithmetic Expressions
- Chapter 4: An ML Implementation of Arithmetic Expressions
- Chapter 5: The Untyped Lambda-Calculus
- Chapters 6 & 7: De Bruijn Indices and an ML Implementation of the Lambda-Calculus
- Chapter 8: Typed Arithmetic Expressions
- Chapter 9: The Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus
- Chapter 10: An ML Implementation of Simple Types
- Chapter 11: Simple Extensions
- Chapter 11 Redux: Simple Extensions
- Chapter 13: References
- Chapter 14: Exceptions
- Chapter 15: Subtyping – Part 1
- Chapter 15: Subtyping – Part 2
- Chapter 16: The Metatheory of Subtyping
- Chapter 16: Implementation
- Chapter 18: Case Study: Imperative Objects
- Chapter 19: Case Study: Featherweight Java
- The New Turing Omnibus
- Errata
- Chapter 11: Search Trees
- Chapter 8: Random Numbers
- Chapter 35: Sequential Sorting
- Chapter 58: Predicate Calculus
- Chapter 27: Perceptrons
- Chapter 9: Mathematical Research
- Chapter 16: Genetic Algorithms
- Chapter 37: Public Key Cryptography
- Chapter 6: Game Trees
- Chapter 5: Gödel's Theorem
- Chapter 34: Satisfiability (also featuring: Sentient)
- Chapter 44: Cellular Automata
- Chapter 47: Storing Images
- Chapter 12: Error-Correcting Codes
- Chapter 32: The Fast Fourier Transform
- Chapter 36: Neural Networks That Learn
- Chapter 41: NP-Completeness
- Chapter 55: Iteration and Recursion
- Chapter 19: Computer Vision
- Chapter 61: Searching Strings
- Chapter 66: Church's Thesis
- Chapter 52: Text Compression
- Chapter 22: Minimum spanning tree
- Chapter 64: Logic Programming
- Chapter 60: Computer Viruses
- Show & Tell
- Elements of Computing Systems
- Archived pages