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What Next? From January 2018

Paul Mucur edited this page Nov 22, 2017 · 23 revisions

The meeting

Actual decisions we have actually made

  1. Start Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks in January 2018
  2. Next meeting on 5th December: interstitial
  1. 19th December meeting is unlikely to happen

Books/topics suggested


Thanks to Charlie for hosting, to Chris for organising the meeting, to everyone who suggested a topic, Simon for driving and taking notes and to all those who brought snacks and drinks.

Pre-meeting notes

We're going to meet on 21st Nov 2017 to decide what the club should focus on from January 2018 (in the interim we plan to do one-off meetings or similar).

This page can be used to collect and expand on ideas. If you're even slightly interested in attending, your ideas are very welcome! They don't have to be specific books or papers you'd like to read - they can be subject areas you're interesting, e.g. "3D graphics". Let us know even if you can't make the decision meeting, and we'll try to capture everyone's input.

See the last two "what's next" pages for things we've previously considered:


Subject Areas / Areas of Interest

Books / Other Source Materials

Stuff people would like to explore incidentally to the main topic

  • Haskell [adzz]
  • Browser tech, in particular canvas / webgl [Simon C]
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