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Michael Alexander edited this page May 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

Table of Contents

General Information
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes

  • NdeM can have two tokens in Mexico City, if two minors with tokens are absorbed into it.
  • If the selling of shares causes a change in director, the stock moves back one space per share sold before transferring the presidency.
  • If a player nominates an NdeM token for auction during NdeM privatization, they are obligated to bid on it.
  • Placing a builder cube is done the same way as laying a tile in a hex.
  • If NdeM has two tokens in a single hex during privatization, the game doesn't indicate which one is up for auction.
  • The dashed lines that are supposed to connect the ports on the Gulf of California do not exist. Anchor icons were added in the port hexes. The connections do still work for connecting minors to majors.
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