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Douglas Triggs edited this page Dec 23, 2023 · 48 revisions

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These are the main differences from a "standard" 18xx game:

  • No auction, privates are available for purchase by players starting in the first stock round; purchasing a private counts as a buy action.
  • There are seven railroad corporations are in the game. In a two or three player game, one of them is removed at the beginning of the game. The Yokohama-Shinbashi Line is always in the game.
  • Private companies can only be bought into corporations at face value.
  • Trains export after every set of ORs up to and including the first D train.
  • No bank; game ends either in bankruptcy or 3 ORs after first D train comes out. If the D train is exported, game ends after next set of ORs. If the D train is purchased by a corporation, a stock round will happen first, then one last set of ORs.

There are a number of variants on, one to make the game simpler for newbies, one to make it more brutal for experienced players (and to work with off-the-rails), some just because they were previously part of the game and it was easier just to make them an optional rule instead of rewriting everything.

  • Local 普通 [newbie variant]: adds a few extra tiles and removes the yellow zone from the stock market; this was (more or less) the original design before making those and other minor changes to make it possible to print as an 18Chesapeake expansion.
  • Limited Express 特急 [off-the-rails style brutal variant]: removes a 6 train, raises the price of the D train to 1100 (and increases the trade-in value to 300 from 200), switches to the 1882-style stock market (and adds the ability to end the game on stock value), floats companies at 50%, and allows buy-sell-buy actions in the stock round.
  • Pass Priority: order of next stock round is determined by order of passing in previous stock round (only for three or more players where it would matter).
  • No Discard: play with all seven railroad corporations instead of discarding one (for three or fewer players where a corporation would normally be discarded).
  • Snake draft: this was originally in the game, now it's an option. If this option is chosen, the player order reverses after the draft in the first stock round.
  • Waterfall Auction: use a standard waterfall auction. This also lowers the value of the privates, and changes the value that they can be bought into companies to 0.5x - 2x (rounded down).

The rest of the design notes have been moved to BGG.

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