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Chris Shaffer edited this page Sep 14, 2021 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents

General Information
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes

  • Semi-Random selection of privates and minors
  • Part cap
  • Very limited amount of money
  • Minor (technically 5 share) and Majors (10 share) corporations
  • Start of minors by auction
  • Players may either sell/buy OR start a new corporation (a sale cannot be followed by a corporation start).
  • Minor is removed at end of stock round if no minor is setup
  • 60% ownership limit on minors, 70% on major. Both 50% in the bank.
  • Hex trains (number of boundaries crossed, so a 2H train can cover 3 tiles)
  • Downgraded trains on rusting (2H's become 1H)
  • Aggressive mergers, mergers are done via vote and can cause it to be merged against the presidents desire.
  • Narrow gauge provides bonuses, but cannot be run on. Please read Page 9 of the rules
  • Open Issues
  • 5 share corporations are refered to as "minor", 10 share corporations are referred to as "major"
  • Neither of the optional rules are implemented at present
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