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Chris Shaffer edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 21 revisions

Table of Contents

General Information
Rules Highlights
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes
Known Problems

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Here are some highlights of rules in 18GA:

  • Trains count towns for revenue but not for distance. (§4.2.3)
  • Montgomery and Tallahassee are tokened by a neutral corporation. That means they do not block routes, track building, or token laying through them. See implementation notes below. (§4.2.3 i)
  • During Phase 2 and 3 corporations can only buy one train per OR from the bank. (§4.2.5 f)
  • If companies are purchased by corporations during Phase 3 and 4, the price is 50%-150% of face value. (§4.6)
  • Besides bankruptcy and bank broken, the game can also end if any corporation's market value reach $300. In case of bank broken or market value max the game ends in the current OR. (§5)
  • The Lexington Terminal and Waycross & Southern companies do not block any hexes. (Table III)
  • Augusta and Savannah starts as normal cities, but when a yellow city tile is laid on them a label (Aug for Augusta, S for Savannah) is added to the tile. Further tile upgrades in those city must use the specific tiles.
  • Brunswick and Macon starts as normal cities, but when they are upgraded to green cities a label (B for Brunswick, M for Macon) is added to the tile. Upgrading to brown can only be done with their specific tiles.
  • Montgomery and Tallahassee appear as cities, with a neutral token, in the implementation. On physical maps they appear slightly larger towns, but the rules do specify that they are cities for train distance purposes, so the final result is the same.
  • Companies are not fully implemented
  • Buying of companies between players is not implemented
  • Optional rules are not implemented
  • Open Issues
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