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Chris Shaffer edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 21 revisions

Table of Contents

General Information
Rules Highlights
Rules Clarifications
Implementation Notes
Known Problems

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Here are some highlights of rules in 18GA:

  • Trains count towns for revenue but not for distance. (§4.2.3)
  • Montgomery and Tallahassee are open cities that do not block routes, track building, or token laying through them. (§4.2.3 i)
  • During Phase 2 and 3 corporations can only buy one train per OR from the bank. (§4.2.5 f)
  • If companies are purchased by corporations during Phase 3 and 4, the price is 50%-150% of face value. (§4.6)
  • Besides bankruptcy and bank broken, the game can also end if any corporation's market value reach $300. In case of bank broken or market value max the game ends in the current OR. (§5)
  • The Lexington Terminal and Waycross & Southern companies do not block any hexes. (Table III)
  • Augusta and Savannah starts as normal cities, but when a yellow city tile is laid on them a label (Aug for Augusta, S for Savannah) is added to the tile. Further tile upgrades in those city must use the specific tiles.
  • Brunswick and Macon starts as normal cities, but when they are upgraded to green cities a label (B for Brunswick, M for Macon) is added to the tile. Upgrading to brown can only be done with their specific tiles.
  • Companies are not fully implemented
  • Buying of companies between players is not implemented
  • Optional rules are not implemented
  • Open Issues
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